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Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:05 am
by HomeAl0ne
Try one of the mirror sites.

Australia:, maintained by Ron Bell

Brazil (in Portuguese from the Ciênciaonline Institute of Education and Culture):, maintained by Eduardo Benevides

Bulgaria (in Bulgarian from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences):, maintained by Vladimir Georgiev

Czech Republic (in Czech):, maintained by Josef Chlachula

France (in French from Ciel des Hommes):, maintained by Laurent Laveder

Israel (in Hebrew from Jordan Valley College, Blossoms of Science):, maintained by Shaul Yannai

Italy (in English from Observatorio Astronomico di Brera):, maintained by Chiara Giorgieri

Japan (in Japanese and English):, maintained by Aiichirou Niwa
New Zealand:, maintained by Simon Lyall

Poland (translated to Polish within a few days by the Polish Astronomical Society): maintained by Tomasz Kundera

Russia (in English from Moscow University): maintained by Oleg Bartunov

Spain (in Catalan): maintained by Joan Gironès Pau (member of l'Agrupació Astronòmica de Sabadell

Taiwan (in Chinese): ... /apod.html,
and (in English): ... /apod.html maintained by Han-Tzong Su

United Kingdom (University College London):, maintained by Ian Howarth

Re: Still the same problem

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:08 pm
by ronbell
Marcello Raupp wrote: Day after day, week after week, and now month after month and I'm still unable to access APOD... Always the same "SERVER NOT FOUND '" OR " DNS ERROR "
HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE ??? After five month still the same problem and noone can help me ???
I'm not a computer smart guy, but doesn't exists one guy in all internet thet could give me a help ? Come on man....
Thanks for your help
It has moved..

Ron Bell ( Apod Australia )

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:26 am
by makc

Software that makes APOD appear on your desktop

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:07 pm
by makc
Here is the list of software that makes new APOD appear on your desktop daily (in order of appearance):


Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:25 am
by ckam
Wget, bookmark, or put latest APOD image on your desktop, website, blog, etc easier than ever before (currently redirects to mirrored one). All bow to almighty Oleg Bartunov!


Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:13 am
by makc
I haven't noticed until today that APOD site has its own list of mirrors :?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:51 pm
by makc
Recently someone asked (again) about putting APOD thumbnail on their webpage. I am happy to inform you that I have just found directly linkable ready-to-use thumbnail on APOD site itself:

So, that problem is finally solved 8)

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:26 pm
by Hueznar
makc wrote:Recently someone asked (again) about putting APOD thumbnail on their webpage. I am happy to inform you that I have just found directly linkable ready-to-use thumbnail on APOD site itself:

So, that problem is finally solved 8)

ohhhh that's was I looking for!!!. Thank you!!! :D

I hope all "today" images can be low size images to decrease the load.

Spanish version

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:54 am
by naiad
A bad moment for release a spanish translation about APOD (because it's 3 days down ... ) but here it is with more than 2500 translated photos already...

espero que te guste !!! :)

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:33 pm
by makc
HomeAl0ne wrote:Spain (in Catalan): maintained by Joan Gironès Pau (member of l'Agrupació Astronòmica de Sabadell
This URL no longer works, they probably moved to

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:31 pm
by makc
:arrow: new thread about apod desktop for linux

APOD viewer app for the iPhone

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:58 am
by mansell
There is a nice iPhone app now available to view APOD. Seems to provide normal day to day views but also searches, favourites and even a random APOD via the shake of the phone.

itunes link ... 38105&mt=8

website link ... iewer.html

regards, Mansell

Perl script to set APOD as your desktop background

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:13 pm
by Bubbles
I wrote a small Perl script to display APOD on my Windows Desktop. I wrote it out of boredom and without having tried any of the other programs available.
The script works on my XP and Vista machines. It should be really easy to port to linux :D

Use at your own risk.

This is probably not so interesting for people who don't already have Perl installed or don't need a "customizable" solution.

Set your screen resolution at the top and make sure $storage points to an existing directory. Imager and Win32::API modules are required. I created a windows task on my computer to automatically start the script when I log on.

I'm aware that I suck at programming but maybe some people will find the script useful none the less.

The APOD (html+image) is renamed to the current date and archived in the $storage directory. The image is also resized to your screen resolution and stored as a BMP which is then set as your windows desktop background (new desktop is immediately visible without reboot on XP and VISTA).

Edit: The "title" of the image (first bold text in apod html) is added to the top right of the BMP wallpaper image.

Code: Select all

use Imager;      #ppm install
use Win32::API;  #ppm install
use LWP::Simple;


$datestamp=sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d\n",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec;

unless (-e "$storage$datestamp.html") {
 print "Downloading...\n";
 $content = get("$directory$htmlfile");
 die "Couldn't get $directory$htmlfile" unless defined $content;
 $content =~ /"(.*?jpe*?g)"/mig;
 $image = $1;
 $content =~ s/"(.*?jpe*?g)"/$datestamp\.jpg/mig;
 $content =~ /<b>(.*?)<\/b>/mig;
 $headline = $1;
 open FILE,">$storage$datestamp.html" or die "Can't create HTML file";
 print FILE $content;
 close FILE;
 $content = get("$directory$image");
 die "Couldn't get $directory$image" unless defined $content;
 open FILE,">$storage$datestamp.jpg" or die "Can't create image file";
 binmode FILE;
 print FILE $content;
 close FILE;

 $img = Imager->new();
 $img->read(file=>"$storage$datestamp.jpg", type=>'jpeg');
 $width = $img->getwidth();
 $height = $img->getheight();
 if ( ($xres / $width) * $height > $yres )
 {$img = $img->scale(ypixels=>$yres, qtype => 'normal')}
 {$img = $img->scale(xpixels=>$xres, qtype => 'normal')}
 $width = $img->getwidth();
 $height = $img->getheight();
 $white = Imager::Color->new("#FFFFFF");
 $font = Imager::Font->new(face => 'Arial');

print "Setting wallpaper...\n";
use constant SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER  => 20;
use constant SPIF_UPDATEANDSENDINI => 3;
use constant NULL                  => 0;
my $syspinf = Win32::API->new('user32','SystemParametersInfo', [I,I,P,+I], I)
or die "Could not import function.\n";
$syspinf->Call(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, $dosstorage.'wallpaper.bmp',
               SPIF_UPDATEANDSENDIN +I);

Re: Software that makes APOD appear on your desktop

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:23 am
by KJackson
I wrote an alternative for Windows that is available at

The site also has a Google gadget that displays popular APOD images according to

makc wrote:Here is the list of software that makes new APOD appear on your desktop daily (in order of appearance):

Re: APOD mirror sites

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:35 am
by MottyGlix

Re: APOD mirror sites

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:56 pm
by wonderboy
MottyGlix wrote:The Hebrew site is now

I dont have 1, But if you use a mirror on Hebrew writing, does it say something? :P. jk. their writing looks really wierd, like every letter is similar??

They probably think ours looks wierd too right enough.



Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:17 am
by makc
makc wrote: :arrow: new thread about apod desktop for linux
and again...