Overall status of the network 3/12/2005

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Vic Muzzin
Posts: 95
Joined: Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:30 pm

Overall status of the network 3/12/2005

Post by Vic Muzzin » Sat Mar 12, 2005 1:56 pm

This month we have a whole new group of rebelious Concams. As soon as the M group (MK, MW) was returned to operation, the S group (SD, SA) decided to quit functioning. SA has not returned an image since March 1st, SD was repaired and returned images for 3 days until going offline again March 9th. The HL Concam appears to be wet at the moment, I sincerely hope the moisture does not collect in the center of the lens again, but I suppose there is no reason for it not too. The CI Concam is showing much improvement, I suspect someone at CI was finally able to remove some of the snow from the dome or perhaps it just melted.

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