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Is the Object Slowing??

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 8:01 pm
by Galileo
I was wondering if someone can explain why this object appears to be slowing down? In the timelapsed images, it starts as a long thin streak, and gradually transforms into a point of light. Furthermore the distance the object travels in images near the end of the sequence shortens as it is longer in the beginning of the image sequence.

Is this a result of an optical illusion resulting from the curvature of the earth and the warp of the lense? Or is the object actually slowing?

Thanks for honestly explaining.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:18 pm
by kmarinas86
From a straight line, the fuel dump disperses into a puffy cloud. The distance increase towards the eastern horizon. Think of a plane high above you from the west. Now imagine it racing towards the Eastern horizon. The altitude is high so it vanishes before you even see it go under the horizon.

The lens is very warped such that the circumference of the image is actually the horizon itself. You can even see clouds and a building/structure around this circumference. ... 41929a.jpg ... 42324a.jpg ... 42723a.jpg ... 43118a.jpg ... 43515a.jpg ... 43911a.jpg ... 44307a.jpg ... 45100a.jpg ... 45458a.jpg ... 45854a.jpg ... 50647a.jpg ... 51440a.jpg ... 52233a.jpg ... 52630a.jpg

Here's a video with the associated times (adjusted for time between pictures taken): ... 172004.wmv

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:35 am
by rtobin
I believe that if this site, and its visitors, want to propose an explanation of the odd object recorded over Hawaii, then it would be appropriate to provide telescopic video samples showing the behavior they describe as the probable explanation, so that the videos can be compared. Without such comparative visual analysis, a verbal hypothesis has little or no value, no matter the source. There should be qualitative evidenciary materials to back up their statements, not opinion or conjecture. I find it interesting that there is no stream from the proposed "satellite fuel release" theory, since at that elevation there should have been indeed some ionization effects. Since many of the satellites use electrical charge panels and/or radiological sources, I'm most interested to know what kind of fuels the visitors are talking about being released from satellites, especially since the minimization of satellite packages to reduce launch costs has always been a factor in satellite installation.

I'm most interesting in seeing a reasoned response.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:02 pm
by freddy
i have read most of the comments on this topic, and i found out that no one could come to a conclusion or has any records of such thing in the sky that night...we send observers like 'voyager' & 'cassini' in our solar system and when they go past all the planets, it goes straight in to the space and it still communicates to certain distance.

just like that this object that is moving noticebly slow in the sky could be an observing satellite from another planets or solar system, which is just passing by to study our planet or they are as curious as us to find another form of life in the universe.

How about this theory:

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:48 am
by RackAttack
Object "X" approaches the Earth from the right side of the image, at a very shallow angle to the upper atmosphere.

It's approach BOTH seems to be accelerating (because it is getting nearer) and brightening (because of perhaps both any reflective light from the sun, and [perhaps mostly] because of heating due to upper atmosphere friction).

It skims and skips off the upper atmosphere (adding to its brightness & adding to its ACTUAL deceleration - [more friction]).

It then performs a "skip" off the atmosphere because of the shallow angle.

It then moves further along it's (now angled away coarse) and as the distance grows; It dims, and appears (because of the receding distance) to continue to slow.

Eventually it loses any atmospheric interferance that may have added (or caused) it's brightness, and it eventually dims; diminishes and continues along it's now slightly angled away trajectory.

End of theory?

What cha think?


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:52 pm
After reading all the posts on this subject

I have concluded that it is an Alien trying to Cross the Border

by hanging from a Weather Balloon while taking a Dump

over the Gulf of Mexico. :P

Anomaly above Hawaii

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:24 pm
by Marcus
I somehow lost a 20lb frozen turkey somewhere between the food market and my apartment. This happened on Sunday, Feb. 6, 2005. I believe the object in the sky is the poultry in question.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:30 am
by Kid
It is a tiny planet entering Earth with reflective shield to reflect things and when its near our atmosphere, it closes it's shield to avoid overheating it. :oops: :lol: :P