ESA: Cluster Reveals Inner Workings of Earth's Cosmic Particle Accelerator

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ESA: Cluster Reveals Inner Workings of Earth's Cosmic Particle Accelerator

Post by bystander » Thu Feb 28, 2019 7:37 pm

Cluster Reveals Inner Workings of Earth's Cosmic Particle Accelerator
ESA | Science & Technology | Cluster | 2019 Feb 27
Using unprecedented in-situ data from ESA's Cluster mission, scientists have shed light on the ever-changing nature of Earth's shield against cosmic radiation, its bow shock, revealing how this particle accelerator transfers and redistributes energy throughout space.

The new study used observations from two of the Cluster mission's four spacecraft, which flew in tight formation through Earth's bow shock, sitting just 7 kilometres apart.

The data were gathered on 24 January 2015 at a distance of 90 000 kilometres from Earth, roughly a quarter of the way to the Moon, and reveal properties of the bow shock that were previously unclear due to the lack of such closely spaced in-situ measurements.

When a supersonic flow encounters an obstacle, a shock forms. This is seen often in the Universe around stars, supernova remnants, comets, and planets – including our own. Shocks are known to be very efficient particle accelerators, and potentially responsible for creating some of the most energetic particles in the Universe.

The shock around the Earth, known as the bow shock, is our first line of defence against particles flooding inwards from the cosmos, and our nearest test-bed to study the dynamics of plasma shocks. It exists due to the high, supersonic speeds of solar wind particles, which create a phenomenon somewhat akin to the shock wave formed when a plane breaks the sound speed barrier. ...

Cluster Spacecraft Reveal Insights into Earth's Natural Particle Accelerator
Swedish Institute for Space Physics (IRF) | 2019 Feb 27

Direct Evidence of Non-Stationary Collisionless Shocks in Space Plasmas ~ Andrew P. Dimmock et al
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