HiYoSilver wrote:sallyseaver wrote:
I have discovered a surprising effect that I call an electron shield. If you get enough electrons spinning in a circle (in a thick enough disk), then the mass inside the circle is mostly cut off from the mass on the outside of the circle.
Okay .. so if the mass inside the circle is mostly cut off from the mass outside the circle .. does the mass inside the circle increase, decrease, or stay the same? If it decreases it's easy to picture it floating upwards in the surrounding mass.
The mass itself does not change; it is what it is; it does not decrease or increase as a result of the electron shield. Information in my book on Mass Vortex Theory provides more background leading up to the phase where the electron shield is in place, so then I can better talk about what the mass on each side is doing.
But here is something to think about to help you conceive about the phenomenon that I am talking about. A galaxy is also a mass vortex system. And it develops an electron shield also. What happens with mass on either side of the electron shield in the galaxy case is different from a star system, but I think this case may help your mental visualization.
Consider a bar galaxy with long arms (NGC 1300, NGC 1073, NGC 2442). Wouldn't you expect the mass in these arms to move into a spherical shape around the center given that a SUPERMASSIVE black hole is present in the center? And given that the galaxy prior to the development of long arms has its mass moving with angular momentum pretty uniformly in a disk shape, you'd expect the mass in the system to continue in keeping with its velocity vectors. (We know that mass with a gravity force vector towards the center can end up in an orbital path because it also has a velocity vector tangent to a circle at the position of the moving object.) But if you start with all the mass moving in circular motion, how does it then develop into these long arms, if it is experiencing the full force of the supermassive black hole at the center?
The mass in the central region becomes uncoupled from the remaining mass of the system (outside of the electron shield), so the central mass does move towards a more spherical shape - this is
the bulge. So your picture of mass inside the electron shield moving upwards over time is actually correct in this case. But the centrifugal force (away from the center, stronger at the equator) combined with gravity (towards the center) cause more of a spherical ellipsoid, and aspects of mechanics related to the spin axis cause somewhat of a depression near the spin axis so that the mass inside the electron shield creates a kind of peanut shape.[1]
Meanwhile the arms of stars and interstellar medium outside the electron shield are not flowing towards the center as you would expect with such a strong source of gravity in the system. Other dynamics are affecting how the mass outside the electron shield morphs into long arms (addressed in the book). The book also addresses the mechanism for how the electron shield forms.
One of the ways to visually detect the electron shield is transparency, because all the naked electrons making up the electron shield are too small to reflect light.
Galaxy NGC 2442 – wide-field view; Image taken by the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at La Silla, Chile.
Image Credit: ESO
NGC 1073 Galaxy; 55 million light years away; Image: ESA/Hubble, NASA
[1] Published research reporting the shape of the bulge at the center of the Milky Way: The 3D structure of the Galactic bulge by Manuela Zoccali1 and Elena Valenti; Published by Cambridge University Press, © 2016 Astronomical Society of Australia; arXiv:1601.02839v1