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ICRAR: World’s Largest Single-Dish Radio Telescope

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:24 pm
by bystander
Australian Technology Installed on World’s Largest Single-dish Radio Telescope
International Center for Radio Astronomy Research | 2016 Sep 26
[img3="The Five-hundred-metre Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) in the southwestern province of Guizhou. Credit: Prof. Andreas Wicenec/ICRAR"] ... 01-sml.jpg[/img3][hr][/hr]
Yesterday, the world’s largest filled single-dish radio telescope launched on Sunday, and it relies on a piece of West Australian innovation.

The telescope—known as FAST—uses a data system developed at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy (ICRAR) in Perth and the European Southern Observatory to manage the huge amounts of data it generates.

The software is called the Next Generation Archive System (NGAS), and will help astronomers using the telescope to search for rotating neutron stars and look for signs of extra-terrestrial life.

FAST, or the Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, is so large it had to be built into a valley in Guizhou province in south-west China.

The NGAS data system will help to collect, transport and store about three petabytes of information a year from the telescope. ...

Re: ICRAR: World’s Largest Single-Dish Radio Telescope

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:13 pm
it also required the forced relocation of more than 9000 valley residents who were compensated approx $1,800 USD each

Re: ICRAR: World’s Largest Single-Dish Radio Telescope

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:50 pm
by Uptod8t
BMAONE23 wrote:it also required the forced relocation of more than 9000 valley residents who were compensated approx $1,800 USD each
How many people and communities were 'relocated' and how many farms destroyed to make way for the marine transportation system known as the St. Lawrence Seaway? How about U.S./Canadian big western dams and how they killed towns and villages along with thousands of millions of fish annually, a food supply for our two nations. How many millions of U.S. citizens were experimentally exposed to radiation in atomic bomb tests in the western states? Dis China?

Re: ICRAR: World’s Largest Single-Dish Radio Telescope

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:23 pm
by neufer
Uptod8t wrote:
BMAONE23 wrote:
it also required the forced relocation of more than 9000 valley residents who were compensated approx $1,800 USD each
How many people and communities were 'relocated' and how many farms destroyed to make way for the marine transportation system known as the St. Lawrence Seaway? How about U.S./Canadian big western dams and how they killed towns and villages along with thousands of millions of fish annually, a food supply for our two nations. How many millions of U.S. citizens were experimentally exposed to radiation in atomic bomb tests in the western states?
  • Five.

Re: ICRAR: World’s Largest Single-Dish Radio Telescope

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 1:14 am
by Doum
I live near St Lawrence river. And i was about to say almost none . But, i must say that the draging of the passage for big boat in the 1950's early 60's did affect some fish.
Now, thing stabilise and fish are back almost to what it was a few decade ago. So no major problem. except may be medical pills wich are trown away trough natural way and water treatment factory dont deal with it yet.

P.S.: New research found new way to deal with it or are still doing research to deal with it. So, fish in here are good to eat. :)

Science do help fix thing. still, many more problem need to be fix. it will be. Wether you like it or not it will be fix.

Enjoy the St Lawrence river. :))