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Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:57 pm
by Sandgirl

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Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:37 pm
by Sandgirl
Copyrights: Alan Friedman
Various Airglow and Gravity Waves above the La Silla
Copyrights: Petr Horálek
Saturn 30/05
Copyrights: Christopher Go
Southern Cross
Copyrights: Colin Robson
Southern Cross_.jpg
Lagoon nebula
Copyrights: László Francsics
Copyrights: Roberto Colombari
Full size:
Bubble Nebula
Copyrights: Jaspal Chadha
SL17 in Scorpius - The Wolf
Copyrights: Jason Jennings
Full size: ... ld_resol=3

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:02 pm
by Sandgirl
Solar disk
Copyrights: Beth Tatum
Cosmiques Hut
Copyrights: Eric Courcier
Cosmiques Hut_small.jpg
Milky way and Zodiacal light over Yamdrok Lake
Copyrights: Jeff Dai
Milky way and Zodiacal light over Yamdrok Lake_2500_.jpg
Draco triplet
Copyrights: Stefano Conti
Lunar Eclipse from Australia
Copyrights: Michelle St. Onge
Chania lighthouse (Crete, Greece), Venus and Jupiter
Copyrights: Hugo Messias
Astronomers Discover a Young Solar System Around a Nearby Star
Credit: Thayne Currie/NAOJ
An article:

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:06 pm
by Petr H.
Various Airglow and Gravity Waves above the La Silla
Copyrights: Petr Horálek
More information can be found here:

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:10 am
by Viktar Malyshchyts
The season of noctilucent clouds is open! Bright noctilucent clouds were observed over Minsk (Belarus) during all the night 01.06-02.06.


Nothern mid-latitudes are the best place to observe this phenomenon, so sometimes I call my country "the land under noctilucent clouds" (we call them silver clouds). So below there is a short video about silver (noctilucent) clouds about Belarus:

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:56 am
by Josh Smith
New Version with RGB Stars

The Squid Nebula in OIIIRGB

Copyright: Josh Smith

ImageSquid Nebula in OIIIRGB v4 by Onejoshsmith, on Flickr

Comet Lovejoy and Polaris

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:14 pm
by PepeChambo
Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) just at its maximum approaching to Polaris star separated by 1 deg, imaged on May 29, 2015. Its brightness has dropped until 8th magnitude, meanwhile coma has lost intensity in its green tone. The image no reveals the everytime more faint ionic tail, surely because was taken from a suburban sky; nevertheless seems show something of dust tail toward northeast.

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:20 pm
by sebyta
A trio that leaves tread
M8, M20 and Big Foot
Picture taken from San Antonio de Areco 24/05/15.Buenos Aires, Argentina.
They are three hours of exposure in shots of 5 minutes ISO 800
Astro-Tech tube Apo astrograph F6/3 Quad Guided With 162 MM.
NEQ6 Pro mount
Mono camera QHYII Guide.
Canon 450 xsi sin Reformed IR filter and cooled
Copyright Sebastián Colombo.
Click to view full size image

Full moon rising on fire?

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:05 pm
by conemmil
A fire fighting plane is driving in front of the full moon as it rises over the city of Thessaloniki.
Click to view full size image
Clear skies
Constantine Emmanouilidi

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:58 pm
by Sergio
Collinder 316 and IC 4628 Region in Scorpius

For those who live in lower latitudes this is a must to see area during the current season. Excellent for binoculars

Image taken with Canon EF 2.8 Lens stopped at f4 and Canon 60Da from San Anotnio de Areco, Buenos Aires Argentina

See also the image with objects identification at ... 20DSRL.htm

Cheers to all

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:20 am
by carlosdn
Moon-Saturn conjunction - 01.06.2015 - Buenos Aires - Argentina

Moon-Saturn conjunction took second place, the clouds gave a gift with their colors and shapes.

Click to view full size image
Carlos Di Nallo®

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:32 am
by noodle
Saturn and the blue horsehead(IC4592)

Click to view full size image

copyrights : Alan Van
High Res:

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:59 am
by Astromontufar
Strawberry Moon

HDR - La Plata, Argentina

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:21 pm
by loquin
Ran across this earlier today - found it interesting. ... spot-group

Stacked images where coronal lines help visualize the shape of magnetic fields on the sun.

reduced size image

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:30 pm
by swag72
DWB111 - The Propeller nebula in bi colour

Copyright: Sara Wager


DWB111 - The propeller nebula in bi colour #Explored by Sara Wager, on Flickr

A higher res image can be found here

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:44 pm
by nezve
NGC6726, 6727, 6729, 6723 in Corona Australis from Blesfontein, South Africa
Click to view full size image
Higher resolution:
Equipment: Canon FD 300/2.8 lens, ATIK 460, Baader filters, Vixen GP mount
Taken at May 15, exposures 10x5min R,G,B, 22x5min L
Copyright : Evzen Brunner

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:43 pm
by greghogan

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:55 pm
by Sandgirl
Pluto's Moons Seen in Highest Detail Yet
Image credits: NASA/JPL/M.Showalter, SETI Institute
An article: ... detail-yet

Venus and the colorfull sunset
Copyrights: Nicolas Guerin
Saturn 02/06
Copyrights: Christopher Go
Huge Prominence
Copyrights: Paul Ricketts
NGC 104
Copyrights: Albert Barr
Hubble Finds Two Chaotically Tumbling Pluto Moons
Image credits: NASA, ESA, G.Bacon (STScI)
An article: ... es/2015/24
hs-2015-24-a-web.jpg (68.87 KiB) Viewed 20923 times

Messier objects
Copyrights: Andrea Pistocchini
Andrea Pistocchini Poster Messier_.jpg
Credits and Copyrights: Data: C. Iaffaldano; Assembling and processing: R. Colombari
Larger size:

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:16 pm
by Sandgirl
Venus every 8 years
Copyrights: Tunç Tezel
Copyrights: Ron Brecher
Sh2-124 8hr40m Ha_.jpg
Halo around the Sun
Copyrights: Life Jensen
halo around the sun_small.jpg
M101, The Pinwheel Galaxy in Ursa Major
Credits and copyrights: Data: Hubble Legacy Archive (20 Frame Mosaic), Subaru Telescope (NAOJ), Amateur Data; Processing: Robert Gendler
More sizes: ... Blend.html
Prominences break of magnetic field
Copyrights: JP-Brahic
Greenflash Moonrise behind Observatory (143 km away)
Copyrights: Daniel López
Copyrights: Francesco Tallarico
Larger size: ... larico.jpg
a23d84bb8017a41f69d5f17975bed7af.1824x0_q100_watermark_watermark_opacity-20_watermark_position-6_watermark_text-Copyright FrancescoTallarico_small.jpg
IC1805 from Las Cruces
Copyrights: Kirby Benson
IC1805 Final APOD_.jpg

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:25 pm
by Sandgirl
Jupiter, April 9th
Copyrights: Damian Peach
Impressive cloud
Copyrights: Geonni Banner
Big Impressive Cloud 2 copyright notice.jpg
Spring Field Sky copyright notice_small.jpg
Tonight's show: Orion hunting Comet Lovejoy C/2014
Copyrights: Aggelos Makris
Tonight's show Orion Hunting Comet Lovejoy (web)_.jpg

Dust and Gas in Ophiuchus

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:33 pm
by leochino

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 10:39 pm
by luiza-w
Double rainbow - Mont Saint Michel, France
Copyright: Luiza Whitaker
Click to view full size image
They looked so close! Both pots of gold should be right there for the taking. Unfortunately, there's the quicksand to consider as well...
On the foreground, one can see the shadow of the Mont's iconic shape.

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:06 am
by Guest

Supernowa remnant G 65.3+5.7 in Cygnus

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:49 am
by Kapkowski
Click to view full size image
Total aquisition time for this 5 element mosaic was 90 hours. Processing time around 50 hours. Gear used: Officina Stellare Veloce RH200, SBIG STL 11000, Takahashi EM-200 an ASA DDM 60. Project started may 2014. Took one year :)
Some part of this picture - bright right part named Sh2-91 was presented earlier.

Re: Submissions: 2015 June

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:17 pm
by Marsha Kirschbaum
ImageFireball Magic II by Marsha Kirschbaum, on Flickr

My camera was exposing with an intervolmeter for star trails, when this amazing fireball streaked towards the earth. It light up the ground for an instant like daylight. 12 other late night persons also saw and reported this fireball to the American Meteor Society.