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A question about love

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:45 am
by starsurfer
What does it feel like to be loved by someone else?

Re: A question about love

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:07 pm
by geckzilla
The book of love is long and boring; No one can lift the damn thing.

Disclaimer: That's a song lyric, not something I came up with myself.

Re: A question about love

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:46 pm
Scary...Ever see Fatal Attraction?

Re: A question about love

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:27 am
by kellogg
There are a lot of variables in the equation.
  • It depends on you.
    It depends on the person who loves you.
    It depends on how you feel about the person who loves you.
Without knowing anything specific, I'd say it feels reassuring,
knowing that someone (if they love you) will look past your faults
and accept you into their heart without reservation.

If you're interested, I've been writing a Hard-Science Fiction
Romantic Comdy Webcomic for a few years. It's primarily a
comedy, but, in certain ways it's also a primer on love for
geeky types like me.

21st Century Fox

Of course the story right now, the storyline isn't about romance,
it's about robots exploring Venus. But, if you go into the archives
there might be something to help you find material to think about
your question.

Scott Kellogg
Kryten: Is this the human quality you call friendship?
Lister: Don't give me any of that Star Trek crap. It's too early in the morning!
-- Red Dwarf

Re: A question about love

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 5:26 pm
by Ron-Astro Pharmacist
If the Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct it may not be that far-fetched to both know both love of and love by someone else simultaneously. Should time overlap in those worlds and our lives interchange, we will know what it is to walk in each other's shoes.

"Do unto others as you will do unto you." If shown to be true, the "MWI Golden Rule" would rule with a bit more bite. The mingling of "what it's like to be loved", "what it's like to love others" and "love of self" is worthy to ponder upon. A Universal Ethics of Reciprocity would make hate a fruitless endeavor in a Circle of Life multiverse and the knowledge of love self-fulfilling.

Re: A question about love

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 10:37 pm
by Boomer12k
Assuming it is not an illusion, and it can be..... It feels pretty good....Nice and reassuring.... Unfortunately that can be a delusion.... AND.... It may not be the Love you think it is.... CARING is a much better word.... As you don't get confused with sex..attraction, or a score of zero in Tennis....

Define your terms first.... :D

That is experience talking....

:---(===) *