APOD: A Launch and a Landing (2014 Sep 27)

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APOD: A Launch and a Landing (2014 Sep 27)

Post by APOD Robot » Sat Sep 27, 2014 4:07 am

Image A Launch and a Landing

Explanation: Taken from an Atlantic beach, Cape Canaveral, planet Earth, four identically framed digital images are combined in this night skyscape. Slightly shifted short star trails dot the sky, but the exposure times were adjusted to follow the flight of a Falcon 9 rocket. The September 21 launch delivered a Dragon X capsule filled with supplies to the International Space Station. Above the bright flare seen just after launch, the rocket's first stage firing trails upward from the left. After separation, the second stage burn begins near center with the vehicle climbing toward low Earth orbit. At the horizon, the flare near center records the re-ignition and controlled descent of the Falcon 9's first stage to a soft splashdown off the coast.

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Re: APOD: A Launch and a Landing (2014 Sep 27)

Post by Boomer12k » Sat Sep 27, 2014 1:05 pm

"Shot into space, baby....I love yooouuu..."
"Reach up, into the night, I can Seeeeee..."
"Going to the stars, I can be with you...in the Night...(in the night)"

Yeah...I'm still working on it...

Good launch. Good Luck.

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Re: APOD: A Launch and a Landing (2014 Sep 27)

Post by chuckster » Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:18 am

"It is good to renew one's wonder," said the philosopher. "Space travel has again made children of us all."


Re: APOD: A Launch and a Landing (2014 Sep 27)

Post by james7466 » Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:50 am

Why not real pictures instead of the BS things looped together , time lapse and all that BS.. that isn't a picture it is a fake.

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Re: APOD: A Launch and a Landing (2014 Sep 27)

Post by geckzilla » Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:45 am

james7466 wrote:Why not real pictures instead of the BS things looped together , time lapse and all that BS.. that isn't a picture it is a fake.
Whether you like it or not, the picture is not fake. It's simply a stack of several photos together. It's a good way to illustrate motion over time without resorting to video. Isn't it cool to see the rocket arc into Earth orbit?
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Re: APOD: A Launch and a Landing (2014 Sep 27)

Post by owlice » Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:15 pm

james7466 wrote:Why not real pictures instead of the BS things looped together , time lapse and all that BS.. that isn't a picture it is a fake.
My head translates the above as "My imagination and skills are too limited to produce an image like this."
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Re: APOD: A Launch and a Landing (2014 Sep 27)

Post by DavidLeodis » Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:57 pm

I thought I would mention that the date with the APOD currently at least states "2014 September 26". :cowboy: <-- That's me with my thinking hat on, as when I saw the APOD I thought the date did not seem right but I had to think about it! :wink:

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