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**Need to Contact an Admin or Mod**

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:21 am
by Bigdaddy
Hi admins or mods, I just have a question about promoting an astronomy website on here.... It says that I need prior permission to post it, so if there is an admin out there reading this, can you send me a PM so I can see if it works?

The url is: [spam spam spam]
and I would be promoting it because its my friends site,


Re: **Need to Contact an Admin or Mod**

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:33 am
by geckzilla
The answer is a resounding NO. We've already been spammed twice at our forum, at least once at our Facebook account, and even the APOD editors have been contacted. Quite frankly, BUZZ OFF. You are being obnoxious.

PS - Yes, I know you are the same individual who signed up with the previous account which spammed us. We aren't quite the fools you take us to be.