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Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 3:42 pm
by owlice

News story
A 6-year-old who dreams of being an astronaut for NASA has taken matters into his own hands by starting an online petition to try and save NASA.

Connor Johnson has wanted to be an astronaut since he was three. When he learned that congress was threatening his future prospects to be a scientist or astronaut with NASA by cutting NASA's funding, he decided to do something about it.

"My whole idea was writing off to the President and then I decided to give my whole piggy bank to NASA. I have about $10.41," Johnson said.

However, after talking to his family members about the issue, Johnson decided he needed to find a more effective way to reach NASA.

His family helped him start a petition. Although he did have some guidance, Johnson constructed the petition ideas on his own.

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 3:49 pm
by Chris Peterson
See also Bill Nye's open letter to Barack Obama asking for 1.5 billion dollars for planetary science.

This one's particularly refreshing because it's specifically directed towards funding the Planetary Science Division, by far the most scientifically productive part of NASA, and a part that is being increasingly gutted in the crazy drive to throw money at things like sending people back to the Moon, to asteroids, to Mars.

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:45 pm
by stephen63
Chris Peterson wrote:See also Bill Nye's open letter to Barack Obama asking for 1.5 billion dollars for planetary science.

This one's particularly refreshing because it's specifically directed towards funding the Planetary Science Division, by far the most scientifically productive part of NASA, and a part that is being increasingly gutted in the crazy drive to throw money at things like sending people back to the Moon, to asteroids, to Mars.
Well put. But, what do you say to the pie-in-the-sky, "we need to colonize beyond the solar system to save our species" camp?

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:12 pm
by neufer
stephen63 wrote:
Chris Peterson wrote:
See also Bill Nye's open letter to Barack Obama asking for 1.5 billion dollars for planetary science.

This one's particularly refreshing because it's specifically directed towards funding the Planetary Science Division, by far the most scientifically productive part of NASA, and a part that is being increasingly gutted in the crazy drive to throw money at things like sending people back to the Moon, to asteroids, to Mars.
Well put. But, what do you say to the pie-in-the-sky, "we need to colonize beyond the solar system to save our species" camp?
We need to colonize Beyond beyond the solar system to save our species :!:

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:35 pm
by Chris Peterson
stephen63 wrote: Well put. But, what do you say to the pie-in-the-sky, "we need to colonize beyond the solar system to save our species" camp?
I'd say that if we can't make a go of it on Earth, the planet we evolved on, it's pretty crazy to think any place else in our system is going to make a difference. And by the time we have the technical ability to leave the Solar System, we'll have developed very different social and economic systems than we have now, and the idea of manned exploration will likely be seen in a very different light.

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:09 am
by Nitpicker
stephen63 wrote:But, what do you say to the pie-in-the-sky, "we need to colonize beyond the solar system to save our species" camp?
Give them a small budget. They deserve a place on the first spaceship they can build. :wink:

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:30 am
by rstevenson
Naturally, because you disagree with their point of view, there's no need to accord them any respect at all.


Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:48 am
by geckzilla
I think they can take a joke. Note the winky wink emoticon.

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:19 am
by Nitpicker
rstevenson wrote:Naturally, because you disagree with their point of view, there's no need to accord them any respect at all.

Nothing so black and white. There is a spectrum across which differences in point of view exist, and a corresponding spectrum of respect for those differences. I would be happy to discuss the fundamental difficulties of extrasolar colonization, which would need to be resolved well before any serious money was spent.

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:19 am
by neufer
Nitpicker wrote:
I would be happy to discuss the fundamental difficulties of extrasolar colonization,
which would need to be resolved well before any serious money was spent.
Probably the main reason for extrasolar colonization would be to have a distant forsaken place to ship off one's convict population.

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:30 am
by Nitpicker
That's unlike you, to exude such Old World charm, neufer.

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:29 am
by Beyond
Nitpicker wrote:That's unlike you, to exude such Old World charm, neufer.
So, Shakespeare is New World :?:

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:48 am
by Nitpicker
Beyond wrote:So, Shakespeare is New World :?:
Yep, I saw the movie.

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:12 am
by Beyond
Ah, i didn't. But then, i miss a lot of things. Especially astronomical. :lol2:

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:32 pm
by neufer
Beyond wrote:
Nitpicker wrote:
That's unlike you, to exude such Old World charm, neufer.
So, Shakespeare is New World :?:
  • King Richard II Act 4, Scene 1
LORD FITZWATER: As I intend to thrive in this new world,
  • Aumerle is guilty of my true appeal:
    Besides, I heard the banish'd Norfolk say
    That thou, Aumerle, didst send two of thy men
    To execute the noble duke at Calais.
  • The Tempest Act 5, Scene 1
MIRANDA: O, wonder!
  • How many goodly creatures are there here!
    How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,
    That has such people in't!

Re: Six-year-old starts petition to increase NASA funding

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:41 pm
by THX1138
@ Chris Peterson / 8-) very 8-) . Good darn point Mr.