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Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:59 am
by owlice

Have you seen a great image or video somewhere that you think would make a great APOD? Nominate it for APOD! Please post as much information here as you have about the image/video with a link to any source(s) for it you know of here, and the editors will take a look.

When posting the image itself, please do not post anything larger than a thumbnail here; please honor the copyright holder's copyright.

Please keep images under 400K, whether hotlinked or uploaded.

Thank you!

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Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:08 am
by starsurfer
Copyright: Robert Gendler
This is another of Rob Gendler's fantastic mosaics that has been featured on APOD previously that would be great for a rerun to bring this amazing image to a new audience who might be unfamiliar with it.

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:10 am
by starsurfer

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:17 am
by starsurfer
Double Cluster (NGC 869 and NGC 884)
Copyright: Fabian Neyer
Click to view full size image 1 or image 2
I don't think the imghover mouseover thingy works with attached images. :(

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:08 pm
by starsurfer
IC 405 and IC 410 ... ef3bb523c7
Copyright: Gerald Rhemann

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:26 pm
by starsurfer
NGC 7741
Copyright: Stefan Heutz, Wolfgang Ries and Michael Breite
Click to view full size image

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:12 am
by starsurfer
Comet Lemmon and Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635)
Copyright: Alessandro Milani

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:25 pm
by starsurfer
Copyright: ESA/Herschel/PACS/DEBRIS consortium
Click to view full size image

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:05 am
by Ann
M82 ... lbum_id=12
Copyright: Jason Jennings
I found this image of M82 by Jason Jennings very fascinating. I don't think I have ever seen the distorted inner shape of M82 brought out so strikingly as here.


Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:14 am
by starsurfer
PGC 42871
Copyright: Hubble Space Telescope/NASA/ESA
Processing: Judy Schmidt
Click to view full size image
This galaxy is also known as ESO 381-12.

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:42 am
by starsurfer
LDN 935 ... us%29.html
Copyright: Antonio Sánchez
The yellow reflection nebula is similar to McNeil's Nebula. It's formation is a result of the outburst of its associated illuminating star, HBC 722, which is also known as V2493 Cygni. This star belongs to the rare class of young stellar object known as FUors and since its outburst in 2010, the nebula has grown in size and brightness. Interestingly another FUor with a reflection nebula is hidden in the image near the top left corner. This is V1057 Cygni and it has a curved nebula, it is also one of the first few FUors to be identified after FU Orionis. More info about HBC 722 here:

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:50 am
by Ann
Adam Block has posted a fantastic, but I think huge, picture of galaxy 7497 tangled in our own galaxy's integrated flux nebula. (Note, by the way, the reddish-brown color of the Milky Way dust bunnies, suggesting that they reflect the light and color of our galaxy's bulge.)

I think Adam's image looks like a Tolkienesque dust giant, out on his daily fishing trip, maybe looking for the Ring of Rings. Instead, he caught an unaware galaxy in his megaparsec-sized net, and he can't get rid of it, so it's trailing after him. Ouch.

Or maybe the picture is just an illustration of gravity casting its net over the light-years. But hey, Milky Way gravity, you are losing when it comes to NGC 7497. There's another player around, called (for now) Dark (Darth?) Energy, and he is snatching your catch away from you.


Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:56 pm
by starsurfer

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:00 pm
by starsurfer
WR 152 nebula ... -CCD/wr152
Copyright: Lionel Mulato
This Wolf Rayet nebula is part of the Sh2-132 complex.

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:51 pm
by starsurfer
NGC 2366 ... itemId=621
Copyright: Stephen Leshin
The main starforming complex is large and bright enough to have received its own separate NGC designation of NGC 2363. It can be seen in more detail in this image taken by the Calar Alto Observatory: ... lease.html

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:18 pm
by starsurfer
NGC 474
Copyright: Martin Pugh
Shell ellipticals are like seashells that have washed up on the galactic beach of the universe! They're so pretty!! :D

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:07 pm
by starsurfer
NGC 1398
Copyright: NOAO/Dark Energy Survey

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:40 am
by starsurfer
Helix Nebula (NGC 7293) widefield ... -LfzjnLq/A
Copyright: Marco Lorenzi
Click to view full size image
This is possibly the only image of the Helix Nebula that shows faint galactic cirrus nebulosity in the surrounding region.

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:28 am
by starsurfer
Triangulum Galaxy (M33) ... galaxies_4
Copyright: Roth Ritter

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:50 am
by mtbdudex
What are the odds?
Posted on November 12, 2013 - copyright Scott Rinckenberger
I’ve been shooting photos for 20 years. I’ve made my living in the profession for the last 15. I can count on one hand the number of times that everything lined up perfectly and a truly rare image was created. Now, I don’t want to toot my own horn about this shot, but the fact that, during a 30 second exposure, after a 10 second timer (during which I hopped down from the roof of my truck where the camera was on a tripod, and joined the scene by the fire), a meteor(or so they tell us) would enter the sky EXACTLY in the corner of the frame and explode in the very part of the frame that needed balance, just as I had finally worked out the correct exposure and lighting to match the foreground with the night sky, is beyond rare. It’s a non-chance. There is no way to plan for something like this. No way to even hope for it.

But lest you get the impression that I’m subscribing to a lifestyle of reliance on freakish luck, there is a deeper game at play here. Namely this: If you shoot enough arrows, eventually you’ll pull a Robin Hood and split the arrow that was already a bulls-eye. When I took this shot, it was the final day of my project shooting fall landscapes in the American West. Five weeks previous, I had left Seattle in my truck with no mission beyond creating and sharing beautiful photography as I chased good weather almost all the way to the Mexican border. Every morning, I was up shooting the sunrise. Every night, I was posted up somewhere scenic to shoot the close of another day in the great outdoors. From the Olympic rain forest to the Tetons, Yosemite to Zion, I was on an epic hunt. And, to be perfectly honest with you, toward the end of the trip, despite the thousands of images taken, and the extremely enthusiastic feedback from the world at large, I was disappointed that I hadn’t captured a single transcendent image; an image that would make me want to burn my camera, a la Jimmy Hendrix.

Nonetheless, I needed a closing shot for the project. A shot that said, ‘thanks for joining me on this journey, and here’s to living the good life under nature’s roof’. So there I was, on the last night in the field, going through the motions. Legitimately not inspired, but professionally committed. Apologies to the idealists out there, but after a month of shooting the evening sky, you just plain get a little bit numb. But you’ve got to respect the process and do the work. Find a cool campsite, get a photogenic camp and fire setup, tweak the fire and tent to match the brightness of the stars, shoot a test image, make adjustments, shoot an image, another round of tweaks, shoot a photo, that looks pretty good, how about another for good measure, and WHAMMY!

My pal Hayden was the other guy at the campfire. His favorite part of the story? My response after I had climbed back up on the roof of the truck to review the image that I was hoping beyond hope I had captured. In my head: Exposure? Check. Focus? Check. EXPLODING METEOR? CHECK! And verbally (very quietly): “I’m done.” And those of you who know how the mind of an artist works, being done is a rare and beautiful thing.

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:19 am
by rstevenson
Fabulous image and great story, Scott. As I tell my pool playing friends, when they claim a shot I just made was lucky, "Yeah, maybe it was. But I've noticed that the more I practice, the luckier I get.* "


*This saying can be traced back to the late 1800s, at least.

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:23 am
by Ann
I, too, very much like the superb picture and the fantastic story.


Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:36 am
by Nitpicker
Scott Rinckenberger wrote:I’m done.
Indeed, beautifully done.

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:35 pm
by starsurfer
Running Chicken Nebula (IC 2948)
Copyright: Steve Crouch

Re: Found Images: 2013 November

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:54 pm
by starsurfer
LMC ... 5325/large
Copyright: Greg Bradley
The LMC is staggeringly beautiful!! :D :D :D