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My home skies - Tenerife

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:34 am
by MargaritaMc
I came across this video whilst looking at a past Apod on Vimeo.

It has marvellous images of clouds seen from above and also of Mount Teide.

PS This is pretty obvious, but 'El Cielo de Canarias' means The Canarian Sky.
PPS. Does anyone know how and if the Vimeo button (above in editing mode) is made to work?

Re: My home skies - Tenerife

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:28 pm
by MargaritaMc
Many thanks, geckzilla, for showing how the Vimeo tag works.

I looked at what you had done and it looked like what I had done, but then all that had shown up in the preview was the url.

Might be that I am accessing via a mobile device, so perhaps needed to delete the /m/ part of the URL? Who knows!

Anyway - glad that our beautiful skies are now see-able.


Re: My home skies - Tenerife

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:17 pm
by geckzilla
Yes, that is exactly it. The bbcode parser isn't smart enough to find the video ID with the /m there.