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APOD - My Way - Challenge

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:56 pm
by Moonlady
This is a response to "I do not want to complain but" or "it's nothing to do with astronomy!"
You are challenged to :
1. Choose any ANY object, thing, living or dead, materials whatever you like
2. Be creative in describtion
3. Pictures, drawings would be nice since it's PICTURE of the day!
4. Don't be tooo serious! Stay close to your style in this forum!

Here I go first:

Nebulae AY'10

Yay, my first Apod describtion! For this joyous day, I picked a totally awesome Nebulae found in 2010 and drawn by moonlady,
who likes to be anonymous and signed only her first two initials of her name Aylin, which originally means moonlight.

This nebuale is the result of a dead star, it's somewhere unseen here, shining blue in
the middle of this picture.

Let's analyse clockwise:

1: a pin, yes an ordinary white pin, which does actually do not belong to the nebulae. Skip this. There are some yellow stars, which is boring,
but what's the first time in whole history of nebulae there is yellow emission (Sodium)! Then it mixes with green gas (oxygen).
And then there is light blue (hydrogen), this goes on and on till 7 o'clock.

8: turquoise and blue nebulae wounds it's way through the middle upwards and end at 12 o'clock
Pink dots show emission resulted by combination of emissions, or so I understand.

9-10: prominent red giants in a blue backround are not a part of the nebulae but they just show through that's all. They must be same age and size.

10-12: brown-purple dust piles and smaller red giants going to be dwarfs.

Location: 5th floor in an apartment.

Now it's your turn! :D