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Giving APOD Credit

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:51 pm
by charlieo3
FYI: A couple of nice pictures from APOD were used (with credit to APOD mentioned!) in this week's SETI Talk about Iapetus, Phoebe and Hyperion. I found this to be one of the most interesting of recent talks. Besides, I like saying "Iapetus." (It's a cool name, ...but I wouldn't lay it on one of my children to have to grow up with it.)

Here is the link:

In case you are not familiar with them, the weekly SETI Talks are a great source of information on a wide variety of astronomy-related subjects. The speakers are experts in their respective fields, usually talking about what they are currently working on - so this is really up-to-date stuff. Each lecture is about an hour long, including about 10 to 15 min. of Q & A. You also can tell from the types of questions asked that the audience is not your general public either.