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7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 3:34 am
by saturno2
When I was 20 years of age, visit a village of long-lived.
Note 7 longevity factors:
1.- Fresh air
2.- Pure water
3.- Natural food cooked on wood
4,-Quiet. No round
5.-Mineral soil had many
6.- Atmosphere pressure. A little more than usual
7.- Human activity: :
I saw a man of 120 years of age, chopping wood.
A lady of 80 years old walking fast :D

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 12:35 pm
by rstevenson
saturno2 wrote:6.- Atmosphere pressure. A little more than usual
Where was this village?


Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 3:34 am
by Beyond
According to this story, waking up could be a big factor in longevity.

Dead man in Egypt wakes up at his funeral ... rss_viewed

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 4:31 am
by saturno2

Thanks by your question

This is Vilcabamba Village in Ecuador S. A.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 12:20 pm
by rstevenson
Google Earth shows me that Vilcabamba is in a valley in the Andes. Is that valley below sea level? If not, there's no reason it would have higher than normal atmospheric pressure. There's lots of info on the web about Vilcabamba. It sounds like a lovely place.


Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 2:30 pm
by Chris Peterson
rstevenson wrote:Google Earth shows me that Vilcabamba is in a valley in the Andes. Is that valley below sea level? If not, there's no reason it would have higher than normal atmospheric pressure. There's lots of info on the web about Vilcabamba. It sounds like a lovely place.
A couple years ago I read about an examination of the things that appeared to contribute to longevity. The two most significant observations were a strong community and ongoing low level physical exercise over the course of each day. These things are most commonly found in rural communities, usually at somewhat higher altitudes.

In the U.S., the counties with highest longevity tend towards higher altitudes. Whether there is some value to altitude, or these are simply rural and healthy is unknown.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 8:36 pm
by Doum
Dont go there. People are still working at age 120 and woman are still rushing at age 80. :? :shock:

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 3:39 pm
by saturno2
Atmosphere pressure.- Indeed, the Vilcabamba Village is in the Andes of Ecuador.
Usually on a mountain is a less than 1 Atmosphere pressure, and the thin air has less oxygen. But in Vilcabamba, I feit as if pressure at sea level and the air had a lot of oxygen.
I feit that my heart went to work smoothhhly as when a machine is put oil.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 4:08 pm
by Chris Peterson
saturno2 wrote:Atmosphere pressure.- Indeed, the Vilcabamba Village is in the Andes of Ecuador.
Usually on a mountain is a less than 1 Atmosphere pressure, and the thin air has less oxygen. But in Vilcabamba, I feit as if pressure at sea level and the air had a lot of oxygen.
Always on a high mountain the pressure is less than at sea level. You can't always trust your feelings!

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:15 pm
by saturno2
Thanks for your note in a good mood.
Indeed, the mood contributes to longevity,, too...

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:15 pm
by saturno2
More about town of Vilcabamba

In Vilcabamba was a small river of clear water and you could see the stones at the bottom.
Someone began to pack water " Vilcabamba water" get to longevity.
Some people smoked pure snuff sheets of wrapping paper. But I not saw people with the flu or cough.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 4:27 am
by saturno2
The longevity factors also preserve the memory of the people.
I met a woman of 110 years. She knew the name of each one of his descendents, all!

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:35 pm
by saturno2
I wrote on the 7 factors of longevity, because I think that by studying these factors can fight obesity and cancer.
For example, natural food cooked in wood is best for the body. Today we eat junk is called " food " and therefore obesity and cancer.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:41 pm
by bystander
Wood smoke and charred food are known to contain carcinogens.

That said, give me a grilled ribeye steak, with roasted sweet potatoes and asparagus, and nice bottle of merlot. Heaven!

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:50 pm
by saturno2
Hi bystander

I think the problem carcinogenic is not in the wood fire itselft, but yes on the quality and content of food cooked in wood.
Cigarrette smoking causes cancer, but I doubt that pure snuff leaves cause the disease.
That said, I also want a menu like yours. Thanks, Very good!

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 11:41 pm
by geckzilla
saturno2 wrote:Hi bystander

I think the problem carcinogenic is not in the wood fire itselft, but yes on the quality and content of food cooked in wood.
Cigarrette smoking causes cancer, but I doubt that pure snuff leaves cause the disease.
That said, I also want a menu like yours. Thanks, Very good!
It's best not to make assumptions like that.
Are there harmful chemicals in smokeless tobacco?

Yes. There is no safe form of tobacco. At least 28 chemicals in smokeless tobacco have been found to cause cancer (1). The most harmful chemicals in smokeless tobacco are tobacco-specific nitrosamines, which are formed during the growing, curing, fermenting, and aging of tobacco. The level of tobacco-specific nitrosamines varies by product. Scientists have found that the nitrosamine level is directly related to the risk of cancer.

In addition to a variety of nitrosamines, other cancer-causing substances in smokeless tobacco include polonium–210 (a radioactive element found in tobacco fertilizer) and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (also known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) (1). ... /smokeless

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 1:46 am
by Moonlady
Beyond wrote:According to this story, waking up could be a big factor in longevity.

Dead man in Egypt wakes up at his funeral ... rss_viewed
Oh it is not uncommon in countries where Islam is practised that people who were declared dead woke up after having the traditional corpse wash. That intensiv wash
is stimulating nerves on the skin which makes human vigil. 'I heard lots of stories from Turkey and other islamic countries kike that.
Comatose patients get a lot of stimulating wash to wake them up.

Living in the highlands or mountains makes the body produce more red bloodcells, being the atmosphere thinner. Athletics are training in high places before
they have a battle, when they have more red blood cells, they have the ability to bound more oxygen and they can breath better and easier. That method is
actually not really fair. It is one of the legal doping methods.

Major longlivity factor: Happiness

But I do like to live a life with more quality than quantity...I saw a lot of old people who were treated medically to let them survive with tubes and machines...

That song is really cool: why does not the clip play here?

Click to play embedded YouTube video.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:47 pm
by saturno2
Hi geckzila

I agree with your explanation, although I was refering to pure snuff grown with organic fertilizer.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:51 pm
by saturno2
Hi Moonlady

I agree it¨s better quality of life that life with many medicines.
Indeed, the happyness it¨s better for longevity and tranquility, too.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:13 am
by saturno2
B B C London

" A 100 years old man, originally from India broke the Güinness record by becoming
the oldest man to complete a marathon"
Marathon distance 42.2 km.
Time 8 h 25 min 16 sec
" Note that to say strong in your diet includes curry and tea. But above all try
to be happy" :D

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:47 pm
by geckzilla
saturno2 wrote:Hi geckzila

I agree with your explanation, although I was refering to pure snuff grown with organic fertilizer.
It can be grown with organic fertilizer (that's poop), pure spring water, and whispered soft poetry in the morning. It will still cause cancer.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:51 am
by saturno2
I asked the daughter of a lady of more than 100 years what was the secret of his
She told me her mother ate corn every day and it was very quiet, did not alter or suffered for nothing.
If happiness and tranquility help archieve longevity, I think are two powerful factors keeping a person healthy.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:41 pm
by ritwik
i've been longing to do this.. but in order to really pursue this way of living you first have to make lot of money and run away from families relationships and society and live in some countryside in solitude

the main damper is food :x

TO BE NATURAL, a food must be one to which humans have adapted anatomically, physiologically and psychologically.Image
TO BE NATURAL, a food must be delicious to the palate of humans in its natural state.Image
TO BE NATURAL, a food must be eaten and relished in its living or raw state. Humans, like animals, weren't endowed with cook stoves.Image
TO BE NATURAL, a food must have been nurtured to its finished state by Nature by strictly natural agencies.Image
TO BE NATURAL, a food must appeal to unperverted human gustatory senses,Image
TO BE NATURAL, a food can be eaten alone and relished by unperverted palates.Image

Live Long and Prosper while feeling scientific and logical.

- Star Trek

Vulcans long ago concluded that emotion was dangerous, set about to repress it and replace it with logic. Century after century, through practice and custom, they repressed emotion until they became almost incapable of it. Logic became breath, sensation, as uplifting and delightful as the emotion it replaced....

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:09 pm
by geckzilla
What's a perverted palate or gustatory sense?

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:20 pm
by rstevenson
If you prefer, say, donuts to broccoli, your palate is perverted. Generally speaking, anyone who regularly eats fast food, consumes packaged, ready-to-cook products, or basically buys any significant proportion of their food from an agribusiness source, has a perverted palate.

But I can't offer more insight just now as I'm snacking on jelly beans on my way to the back deck to barby some burgers and bolt down some brews. Bye!
