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The wrong Margareta was invited to dinner

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 4:37 pm
by Ann
Margareta Winberg, former minister of agriculture.
Photo: Pontus Höök.
The Swedish government was giving a formal dinner, and they had invited several current and former ministers. One of those invited was the former minister of agriculture, Margareta Winberg. :arrow:

So the government sent a letter of invitation to Margareta Winberg, former minister of agriculture. Unfortunately, they happened to send the letter to Margareta Winberg, retired assistant work therapist. Oooops.
Margareta the retired assistant work therapist having dinner with the government.
Photo: Rosenbad.
Here you can see Margareta the retired assistant work therapist in a group photo with all the ministers before they all sat down to have a lovely dinner together.

I hear Margareta found the food delicious and the dinner guests very interesting and entertaining!


Re: The wrong Margareta was invited to dinner

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 5:24 pm
by Beyond
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Just goes to show that goverments are the same oopsers all over the world. Except that in this case, it was a rather rare nice oops.

Re: The wrong Margareta was invited to dinner

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 6:07 pm
by Moonlady
At least the therapist lady got something for paying taxes! When did they find out the mistaken identity? Would be funny while they had dinner...

Re: The wrong Margareta was invited to dinner

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 1:51 am
by Ann
Moonlady wrote:At least the therapist lady got something for paying taxes! When did they find out the mistaken identity? Would be funny while they had dinner...
Well, Margareta Winberg the former minister of agriculture is a sufficiently well-known person in Sweden that the mistake was discovered as soon as Margareta Winberg the retired assistant work therapist appeared at the door of the government headquarters. But the wrong Margareta's invitation was for real, so she was asked to come in!


Re: The wrong Margareta was invited to dinner

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:17 pm
by mike_sharkey2010
You meet one Margareta Winberg, you've met them all...

But at least Sweden had the class to (1) admit they made a mistake and (2) still invite the therapist Margareta to their dinner and best yet - (3) had her sit in the group photo!!

Be honest. Other than the Carter and Ford administrations, how many of the past dozen American Presidents would have done this?

Re: The wrong Margareta was invited to dinner

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:31 pm
by Chris Peterson
mike_sharkey2010 wrote:Be honest. Other than the Carter and Ford administrations, how many of the past dozen American Presidents would have done this?
At least one former President I can think of would probably have sent the accidental invitee to Guantanamo for breaking security.