Picking up the Pace
This combination of a SDO Sun and two coronagraphs from SOHO capture the expanding clouds of five, that's right, five good-sized solar storms over one and a half days (Apr. 16-17, 2012), a considerably quickened pace. The storms went out from the Sun into space in various directions, suggesting that they came from different areas on the Sun. To give a sense of perspective, the width of the field of view seen here is about 25 solar radii (somewhat cropped from the SOHO LASCO C3 coronagraph's maximum field of view). These clouds of charged particles are speeding into space at over a million miles per hour.
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SOHO: Pick of the Week (2012 Apr 20)
SOHO: Pick of the Week (2012 Apr 20)
Know the quiet place within your heart and touch the rainbow of possibility; be
alive to the gentle breeze of communication, and please stop being such a jerk. — Garrison Keillor
alive to the gentle breeze of communication, and please stop being such a jerk. — Garrison Keillor