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Telescope use

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:48 pm
by rarndt02
I recently got an 8inch Dobsonian telescope. I am having some trouble finding or focusing anything when I attach different lenses, even after following step by step set up and use instructions. I have never had a telescope this large or of this type of set up. It is a Meade Light Bridge 8" Truss Tube Dobsonian if anyone has any suggestions. I have never had a problem using smaller more amateur scopes, but this moster I can't seem to figure out. Any good tips?? Or should I just take it to a local Astro. Assn. meeting and ask for hands on help?
Ragan Arndt

Re: Telescope use

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:15 am
by Chris Peterson
rarndt02 wrote:I recently got an 8inch Dobsonian telescope. I am having some trouble finding or focusing anything when I attach different lenses, even after following step by step set up and use instructions. I have never had a telescope this large or of this type of set up. It is a Meade Light Bridge 8" Truss Tube Dobsonian if anyone has any suggestions. I have never had a problem using smaller more amateur scopes, but this moster I can't seem to figure out. Any good tips?? Or should I just take it to a local Astro. Assn. meeting and ask for hands on help?
If you have a local astro club, I'd strongly recommend taking advantage of the expertise of its members.

That said, I've used the 12" version of the scope you have, and have had no trouble at all with focusing. Finding things is another matter altogether. Doing that without the aid of a pointing computer (which you might consider adding) is a skill acquired only with a good amount of patience and practice. It also requires a good finder and good star charts.

Re: Telescope use

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:30 pm
by starman
1) Is the scope properly collimated? (collimation is the act of aligning the mirrors accurately)
2) Is the finder scope properly aligned with the main scope? i.e., are they both pointing straight at the same point in the sky?
Dobsonians are traditionally 'fast' short-focal length scopes, so accurate collimation is critical.