Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-17

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Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-17

Post by owlice » Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:56 am


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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 9-

Post by philto » Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:49 pm

A little planet lost in the universe...

Ariege mountains (FRANCE)
Image by Philippe TOSI

[attachment=0]tosi_lostplanet.jpg[/attachment] ... toiles.jpg
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by owlice » Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:21 am

Ultra Wide-field View including the Flame Nebula
Copyright: Bob Andersson
[attachment=6]flaming star + blue web.jpg[/attachment]
[attachment=5]flaming star anotated thumb.jpg[/attachment]
22° Halo
Copyright: Andrea Deschamps
[attachment=4]Halo 2 - 2009.jpg[/attachment]

NGC 1499 in Perseus ... O_2000.jpg ... H_2000.jpg
Copyright: César Blanco González
[attachment=3]ngc 1499_hashh_900.jpg[/attachment]
[attachment=2]ngc 1499_hasho_900.jpg[/attachment]
NGC 891: Spiral Galaxy in Andromeda.
Copyright: Bill Snyder
[attachment=1]20120110_ngc891_rgb4 +l ps1 v2 2150x fro website scaled.jpg[/attachment]

SH2-292: Seagull Nebula ... 292BIG.jpg
Copyright: Dean Salman

Sword Of Orion
Copyright: Clemens Konieczka
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by Emil Ivanov » Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:41 am

The Crab
Copyright: Image acquisition by Niki Petrov, Yanko Nikolov, Emil Ivanov; Image processing by Emil Ivanov

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by owlice » Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:24 pm

By the Light of the Moon - Turning the Night in Day ... 12-net.jpg
Copyright: Miguel Claro

Sunspot 1393 and Prominences
Copyright: John Chumack

Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC)
Copyright and credit: Data acquisition, Ryan M. Hannahoe; processing, Robert Gendler

47 Tucanae Globular Cluster
Copyright: Roland Christen

Vela SNR Center ... center.jpg
Copyright: Dieter Willasch

NGC 6782: Barred Spiral Galaxy in Pavo
Copyright and Credit: Data, Hubble Legacy Archive; processing, Gilles Chapdelaine
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by owlice » Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:41 pm

Orion and Roques
Copyright: Juan Carlos Casado

Earth Eye on Sky ... anus01.htm
Copyright: Chris Kotsiopoulos

Stephan's Quintet - Colliding Galaxies
Copyright: Kent E. Biggs Green Flash
Copyright: Mauricio López E.

NGC5139: Omega Centauri
Copyright: Thomas Jaeger

Elliptical Aureole around Venus
Copyright: Doug Zubenel
[attachment=0]ellongated venus aureole.jpg[/attachment]
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by owlice » Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:54 pm

IC 1613/Caldwell 51 in Cetus ... 13_c2.html
Copyright: Günter Kerschhuber

Phantom Nebula in Orion,340
Copyright: Michał Żołnowski NGC 1333: Reflection/emission/dark Nebulae in Perseus ... 85ce_o.jpg
Copyright: Jonas Grinde Moonset behind Volcanic Slopes
Copyright: Pawel Cias

First Quarter Moon Setting behind Heroes Cross
Copyright: Maximilian Teodorescu
[attachment=1]apod hidding moon 3_max.jpg[/attachment]

Sh2-244 - Messier 1: Crab Nebula ... 244BIG.jpg
Copyright: Dean Salman
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Stefano Campani

NGC660: a Polar Ring Galaxy

Post by Stefano Campani » Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:57 am

[attachment=0]polarring.jpg[/attachment] ... azione.jpg

I was looking for a little known galaxy with some interesting peculiarities.
I decided in favor of NGC660 Galaxy, a galaxy with a polar ring probably caused by some relatively recent gravitational encounter.
There are also many little galaxies nearby, some of them show some details that I did not think was possible to see in my picture

I also used some shoots at H-alpha wavelength, I thought that I could see some HII regions in the polar ring region, instead I found a very bright zone at this wavelength in the center of the galaxy.
I have not found on the Internet also has pictures taken which could confirm this.

The details on the picture are on my website
Stefano Campani
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by VegaStar » Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:55 pm

Waning Gibbous Moon 01.14.2012 ... hotostream
Copyright : VegaStar Carpentier 71.6% of lunar illumination
EOS Refractor 1/25s ISO100 Unsharp mask Iris

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by prokyon » Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:52 pm

Belt of Orion
Copyright: Werner Probst Cheers


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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by jaimesoria » Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:06 pm

A tour of Zeta Orionis ... rionis.jpg
Copyright: Jaime Diez & Iván García

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by templec » Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:17 am

IC443 - The Jellyfish Nebula in H-alpha ... 326_x23skn
Copyright: 2012 Craig & Tammy Temple

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by owlice » Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:11 pm

Moon, Saturn, and Spica
Copyright: Jon Cornwell

M60 and NGC 4647
Copyright: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona M16: The Eagle Nebula in Serpens Cauda
Copyright: Warren A. Keller

Ice Fog Landing ... olor=black
Copyright: Gene McGill SH2-248: Jellyfish Nebula in Gemini ... =248&tab=3
Copyright: Dean Salman Phases and Relative Apparent Sizes of Venus
Copyright: Dave Smith
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by chapdelaine » Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:20 pm

NGC 1499:California Nebula
Copyright and Credit: Data, Deep Sky Survey (DSS2); processing, Gilles Chapdelaine ... 99DSS2.jpg Cheers
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by owlice » Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:29 pm

NGC 891: Edge-on Galaxy in Andromeda
Copyright: Carsten Reese

vdB33/NGC 1788: Fox Face Nebula
Copyright: Warren A. Keller

Supernova 2012a
Copyright: Valter Luna

Sun Pillar over Red Bank
Copyright: Mike Burns
The Southern Lunar Highlands ... 2/original
Copyright: Jerry Hubbell

IC 342: Hidden Galaxy in Camelopardalis ... =113&p=374
Copyright: Scott Rosen
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by owlice » Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:01 pm

Light Pollution in the Serra de Sintra ... al-net.jpg
Copyright: Miguel Claro
[attachment=4]light pollution.jpg[/attachment]

Fly Me to the Moon
Copyright: John Chumack

M42: Orion Nebula
Copyright: Gerald Willems

NGC 891: Edge-On Galaxy
Copyright: Leonardo Orazi

Lightning Dome
Copyright: Muhammad Rayhan
[attachment=1]lighting dome.jpg[/attachment]

Movement of the Four Galilean Jupiter Moons during One Autumn Evening ... ter_th.jpg
Copyright: Thomas Hebbeker The time axis runs vertically, from top to down. The composite consists of 32 pictures, taken every 10 minutes with a Newton telescope, on Oct 30, 2011, from Belgium. The moons are, from left to right, at the top of the picture: Ganymede, Europa, Callisto, Io. The face of Jupiter, photographed independently with a shorter exposure, and slightly magnified, was overimposed later. The rotation of Jupiter is not visible at this resolution. ~ Thomas Hebbeker
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by owlice » Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:18 pm

Along a Road in Quebec
Copyright: Philippe Collot

Moon, Venus, and Tower Life Building
Copyright: Ken Roberts

Sunspot from Honolulu
Copyright: James P. Davis
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by templec » Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:27 am

Solar Prominences - January 15, 2012 ... 677_BwbJbh
Copyright: 2012 Craig & Tammy Temple The Sun Smiled Today - January 15, 2012 ... 677_BwbJbh
Copyright: 2012 Craig & Tammy Temple If you look real close at the region around 11 o'clock in this 17-panel mosaic, you will see the Sun smiling at you. The two sunspots 1401 (left) and 1402 (right) make the eyes and the large filament beneath them makes the smile.

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by Ann » Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:59 am

As usual, there are many brilliant images here!

I was so thrilled when I saw that Adam Block had posted a new galaxy image. Adam is one of my heroes, because he has produced a large number of RGB images of galaxies. For me his images have been invaluable, because they have helped me so much to get a "feeling" for very many galaxies. His latest image shows, in beautiful detail, the large yellow elliptical galaxy M60 and the small blue flocculent spiral NGC 4647. It looks as if NGC 4647 is about to plunge into the "maw" of M60 - will this upcoming collision lead to the kind of fireworks that we are already seeing in Centaurus A and Perseus A?

Speaking of thrilled, I was incredibly thrilled at seeing Valter Luna's image of a new supernova in NGC 3239, SN 2012A. NGC 3239 is such a fascinating, almost starbursting galaxy, so you can almost tell from the galaxy itself that the supernova is probably going to be of type II, a massive star suffering core collapse. Do compare Valter Luna's picture with this picture of NGC 3239 that I found on the net, an SDSS image processed by David Hoggs. You can see a bright red star superimposed right in front of the galaxy in David Hogg's image. (Actually the star isn't red, but the red channel tends to "bleed" in SDSS images of bright point sources.) To the left of the red star, you can see a large blue cluster. Between the red star and the blue cluster is a curving line or "chain" of stars. There is a bright blue-white "star" (probably a compact cluster) in that curving "chain" that might be the source of the supernova, but there is another candidate, too. To the left of the blue-white "star" there is a faint reddish source. That might just possibly be a huge red supergiant that blew its top as a supernova. A Betelgeuse, if you like.

Compare Valter Luna's NGC 3239 supernova image with the SDSS pre-supernova image. The brightest light in Valter Luna's image is the red star in the SDSS image. The "two faint stars" to the left of the supernova are the two brightest individual clusters inside the "large blue cluster" (or association) in the SDSS image. The supernova, as you can see, is located immediately to the right of the two bright clusters.

I have to stop writing now, but I'll be back.

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by Marco Angelini » Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:56 am

SH2-101 The Tulip Nebula in Cygnus ... 101-Brallo
Copyright: Marco Angelini

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by philto » Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:37 am

hello please find here news images...
best regards.
images by Philippe TOSI (FRANCE- Ariege)

moon 2 days with self made newton 275 mm F/3.3. man and stars... a seafly in the sky... Garadd comet taken the 25th Oct. (newton 275 mm F/3.3). Jupiter taken from Pic du midi observatory with C.14, barlow 2x basler aca 640, R,V,B (thanks to JL DAUVERGNE & Elie ROUSSET...) Tycho crater HDR process by PHOTOMATIX 4 PRO (HDRsoft society), fusion of 3 expositions and tone mapping.
C.14 + ir filter 742 nm + skynyx 2.1M sun the 13 jul 2011 with clavé 80 mm F/15 and coronado SM 60 BF-30

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by owlice » Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:56 am

A New Type of Giant Telescope
Copyright and credit: Vincent Ruffe, photos; OHP/CNRS, experiment
An Haute-Provence Observatory team is studying a new type of giant telescope . It consists in an optical interferometer configured like a diluted version of the Arecibo radio telescope: above the diluted primary mirror made of fixed cospherical segments (cf. picture at right), a helium balloon (or equivalently cables suspended between two mountains), carries two gondolas containing a metrology and a focal optics. A 17 m aperture prototype is being built. An original meterology allows to cospherize the primary mirrors under the helium balloon within one micron accuracy! On the right picture, a green laser used for the optics alignment illuminates the whole experiment: A balloon 120 m above the ground, a metrology gondola, and the three mirrors around a metrology table. At left: zoom of the metrology gondola and the balloon. A shadow of the metrology mirror is projected on the balloon. In the next months, Hervé Le Coroller and Julien Dejonghe will observe stars using a focal gondola currently under construction. They proposed the idea of a 100 m aperture scientific telescope named the large diluted telescope (LDT).
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Tamas Abraham

Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by Tamas Abraham » Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:44 am

Moonlit mountains in the Alps
Copyright: Tamas Abraham Moonlit mountains with winter constellations and light pollution from Neukirchen am Grossvenediger, Austria.
Orion the Hunter is in hiding shyly behind the clouds.
The M41 open cluster can be seen as a dim spot. Can you find it?

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by Paul Haese » Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:50 am

The Rosette

Copyright: Paul Haese
[attachment=0]haese.jpg[/attachment] ... cs%20a.jpg

Moderator feel free to resize. I still cannot upload images on the site.
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Re: Recent Submissions: 2012 January 13-

Post by owlice » Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:34 pm

Paul Haese wrote:Moderator feel free to resize. I still cannot upload images on the site.
Resized. Have you tried attaching an image in the 200K range to see whether that works?
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