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Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-26

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:56 am
by owlice

Please post your images here.

Please see this thread before posting images; posting images demonstrates your
agreement with the possible uses for your image.

Please keep images under 400K, whether hotlinked or uploaded.

Thank you!

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Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:01 am
by owlice
Winter Solstice Sunset with Sunspots
Copyright: R. Dhinakar
[attachment=5]sun spots 139.jpg[/attachment]

Patara Beach Night Sky
Copyright: Tunç Tezel

NGC 104: Globular Cluster in Tucana
Copyright: Angus Lau

Tarantula Nebula in Ha+RGB
Copyright: Aldo Mottino
[attachment=0]taran rgb+ha 104-1500 final.jpg[/attachment]

NGC 1788's Neighborhood
Copyright: Leonardo Orazi

Horsehead Nebula
Copyright: Gilev Yuri

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:09 am
by marion165
Star Trails over the Snow Capped Four Peaks ... 557704241/
Copyright 2011 by Marion Haligowski

Star Trails over the Snow Capped Four Peaks by Radical Retinoscopy, on Flickr

Stars are seen rising in the Eastern sky over the Four Peaks. The highest peak is Brown’s Peak which has an altitude of 7657 feet. Brown’s Peak is the first peak from the right in the photograph. Brown’s Peak is the highest mountain in Maricopa County located North East of Phoenix. I have wanted to take a star trail above this mountain range since I moved to Arizona. On this particular evening the temperature, clear sky and position of the moon finally made this image a reality. This composite is made of 58 twenty second exposures for a total exposure time of twenty minutes at ISO 400. A Canon 17 to 40L lens at f/4.0 was used for the individual exposures.

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:22 am
by owlice
CTB1 Supernova Remnant ... r_CTB1.jpg
Copyright: Nicola Montecchiari

Swing Shift
Copyright: Cesare Guaita and Gruppo Astronomico Tradatese

M42 & M43: The Great Orion Nebulae & the Trapezium Region
Copyright: John Chumack

Foxface Nebula Enviroment
Copyright: Antonio F. Sanchez and Miguel Angel G. Borrella
[attachment=1]The Fox in Orion -(The Hunter) NGC 1788.jpg[/attachment]

NGC 1333: Mystic Dark Nebula with Herbig-Haro Objects,332
Copyright: Michał Żołnowski
[attachment=0]ngc 1333 koniec. soft kontr mini.jpg[/attachment]

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:44 am
by fneyer
A deep view of a common object: Heart and Soul nebula


larger views at

Enjoy and happy holidays!

Identified Flying Object

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:06 pm
by kwon o chul

Click to view full size image
Click to view full size image
There are many things above heaven.
Airplanes, satellites, etc.

At north sky, you can see more satellite.
Because many satellites are in polar orbit.

See this short video.
It was taken at Yellowknife, Canada. 2011. 9. 23. 01~31~01:45 (GMT-6)
There are stars, aurora.... airplane, satellites, and... someting strange.
At that time NASA UARS satellite was falling.

anyway, it seems to be a rocket fuel dump.
any other idea?


Compilations of Special Captured Events of 2011

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:14 am
by Efrain Morales
Here is a Compilation of events taken throughout the year from my observatory. Hopefully this coming year will be as exciting as this year. (Merry Christmas to ALL Staff and Members!)
Click to view full size image

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:04 am
by StefanoDeRosa
Crescent Moon and Mercury at dawn
Copyright: Stefano De Rosa
Click to view full size image
Please find above an image I took before dawn on December 23, 2011 and showing Mercury lying just above a thin waning crescent Moon in the twilight colors above the Basiica of Superga, located in a hill in the surroundings of Turin (Italy).

Best regards


Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 14-22

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:06 pm
by VegaStar
"SUN Ball of Christmas" December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas to all the Team!!! :) ... hotostream
Copyright : VegaStar Carpentier
Click to view full size image

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:22 pm
by owlice
With my best wishes for peace and prosperity for 2012
Copyright: Juan Carlos Casado

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:05 pm
by asymon
Monkey Head Nebula (Sharpless 252)
Copyright: Alistair Symon
Click to view full size image

A wizard in space

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:17 pm
by avdhoeven
Here is a long exposure narrowband image of the wizard nebula. In total 16h Ha, 4h OIII and 3,5h S2 data were used in combination with ED80/110 refractors and an SXV-H9 CCD camera.

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:14 pm
by owlice
Iceberg Stranded on Lava Sand and a Gibbous Moon
Credit: Stephane Vetter
Click to view full size image
Heart and Soul Nebulas
Copyright: Fabian Neyer
Click to view full size image
Copyright: Stuart McDaniel

Copyright: Paige Bolton

HFG1 and Abell 6 Star Field
Copyright: Stephane Zoll

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:56 pm
by menneskedyr
Thin lunar crescent on Christmas Day
Copyright: Marko Posavec
Click to view full size image
The Moon was 22 hours old and 1% illuminated at the time of imaging, not visible to the naked eye.

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:37 pm
by Alson Wong
Dark Nebulae in Taurus
Copyright: Alson Wong
Click to view full size image

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:05 am
by Randy Shivak
This &quot;Solar Dragon&quot; is devouring his neighbor!
This "Solar Dragon" is devouring his neighbor!

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:20 am
by owlice
Two Friends in the Sky, Two Friends on Earth
Copyright: Miguel Claro

The Colors of Orion
Copyright: Chandra Mouli

New Year Sky to Come
Copyright: Tunç Tezel

NGC 1316: Elliptical Galaxy in Fornax
Copyright: Angus Lau
Click to view full size image
Between Heavens
Copyright: Ricardo Sabino

M45 (Pleiades) and Perseus Double Cluster Star Colors
Copyright: Daniele Gasparri
Leeward Clouds with Holes
Copyright: Emanuel Escher

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:21 am
by owlice
lol, Randy; made me laugh, your Sun Dragon! Thanks for posting it!

Re: Recent Submissions: 2011 December 23-26

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:50 am
by Ann
I'm late replying to this, but I'm a bit upset over the fact that my software has suddenly uninstalled itself from my hard drive. So I can't use it to check up the great images here.

Anyway, my favorite image here is Angus Lau's great image of NGC 1316 and companion (I think the companion is NGC 1317, but I can't be sure). I love how the deep image reveal the shells surrounding NGC 1316, which is a typical feature of large elliptical galaxies. Of course, we can also see the "crumbs in the corners of the mouth" of 1316, the remains of its latest major meal: the dust lanes inside it are what remains of a hapless spiral galaxy that ventured too close, and was eaten.

My second favorite image here is Stephane Vetter's fantastic image of an iceberg stranded on lava sand below Orion and the Hyades. The iceberg looks like a splendid but bizarre sculpture of aluminum foil.

I like Stuart McDaniel's meteor image, which reveals how the bright green flash happens so briefly, while the fainter white glow lasts much longer.

I really like Vegastar Carpentier's portrait of the Sun as a Uranus-colored turquoise Christmas ornament! Merry Christmas, Vegastar! And Juan Carlos Casado's Christmas greetings with the Milky Way is beautiful, too.

And speaking of the Milky Way, there are two lovely images here by Tunç Tezel.

The pictures I was going to check up with my software were Daniele Gasparri's images of the colors of the Pleiades and the Duble Cluster in Perseus. Danielle, I very much enjoy the colors of your Double Cluster image, because you really bring out the color contrast between the red and the blue supergiants in the vicinity of the Double Cluster, and there appear to be some intermediate K-type yellow stars here as well.

As for yur Pleiades image, I love how you bring out the colors of the fainter stars. However, I must point out that if you want to bring out the colors of the brighter Pleiades, then you image is somewhat overexposed. Judging from your image, the brightest of the Pleiades, Alcyone, is almost perfectly white. But Alcyone is, from our point of view, bluer than the blue supergiants of the Double Cluster of Perseus. I am quite sure that Alcyone has a negative B-V index, which means that the star has B-type star colors - i.e., it is blue. But the blue supergiants of the Double Cluster of Perseus are sufficiently dust-reddened due to their great distance from us that the B-V index of the light that reaches us from them is positive, i.e., it is less blue than the color of Alcyone.

But I really appreciate your image anyway.

Thanks to everyone who posted images here!
