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Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:49 pm
by orin stepanek ... story.html
Some shaking going on at pentagon! owlice did you feel the vibes?

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:19 pm
It's interesting to see all the little ants pour out on top of the White House in the video

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:34 pm
by bystander
Virginia earthquake waves ripple across the US!
Discover Blogs | Bad Astronomer | 2011 Aug 23
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
Ten Things You Should Know About the East Coast Quake
Discover Blogs | 80beats | 2011 Aug 23

Meanwhile on the East Coast
Abstruse Goose | 2011 Aug 23

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:09 am
by owlice
Orin, yes, I felt it! We'd had an unannounced evaluation drill this morning. Our performance on the second evacuation was much better, and I thought it very clever of our police force to provide such an incentive for improvement by scheduling the earthquake. :shock:

I work in an attractive target, so when I felt the first wave of shaking, I hoped it was wind or a truck (but wow, some wind that would have been!), but turned my eyes immediately to the windows to check for smoke/commotion/fire/hole in our building across the street/etc. When the second stronger wave hit and intensified, I bolted from my chair/office. Someone else leaving her office a few doors down had apparently been on the phone with someone in a building a few blocks away, as she reported that the other building was shaking, too, so I knew for certain then it was an earthquake. I had a class in session so went immediately to the classroom, where the students and instructor were on their feet, but not really moving. "OUT!" Since we'd had a drill just this morning, it's not as though they didn't know where to go! But they didn't know whether they should leave, as the alarm hadn't sounded yet. "OUT! GO!" They moved right smartly after that!

As we approached the ground level of the building, I heard a woman in front of us on the stairs repeating over and over, "JE-sus!" "JE-sus!" "JE-sus!" "JE-sus!" Over and over and over and over and over... and over. And over again and again. (She wasn't moving particularly quickly; given her apparent distress/fear, I'd have thought she'd move a LOT faster!)

I was frankly relieved to know so quickly that it was an earthquake. That said, once we were all outside, I felt (no pun here) shaky. News travels very quickly, and within a few minutes, we knew the quake had been felt in NY and in NC.

I'm blaming today's quake on Oklahoma; I think they have wrapped up their recent frequent quakes and sent them on to us.

IOW, it's all bystander's fault!

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:30 am
by geckzilla
I sat alone in my house exclaiming "Wow, an earthquake!" but there was no one around but me to be surprised. So I posted it to Facebook. Take that, Facebook.

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:50 am
by bystander
The hot spot seems to be Cokedale, CO. 12 earthquakes since yesterday. ... es_all.php ... rado-1899/

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:35 am
by owlice
Still your fault, bystander, still your fault!

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:13 am
by neufer
owlice wrote:
Still your fault, bystander, still your fault!
____ Julius Caesar Act 1, Scene 2

CASSIUS: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
___ But in ourselves, that we are underlings.

He's an innocent bystander, owlice.

Gondwana is guilty of a hit & run :!:

Fault, n. [OE. faut, faute, F. faute (cf. It., Sp., & Pg. falta), fr. a verb meaning to want, fail,
fr. L. fallere to deceive. See Fail, & cf. Default.] (Tennis) Failure to serve the ball into the proper court. wrote: <<The Alleghenian orogeny or Appalachian orogeny is one of the geological mountain-forming events (orogeny) that formed the Appalachian Mountains and Allegheny Mountains. Approximately 350 million to 300 million years ago, in the Carboniferous period, when Gondwana (specifically what became Africa) and what became North America collided, forming Pangaea. This collision exerted massive stress on what is today the Eastern Seaboard of North America, resulting in a large-scale uplift of the entire region. Closer to the boundary between the colliding plates, tectonic stresses contributed to the metamorphosizing of the rock. These stresses concurrently caused faults (mostly thrust faults and some strike-slip faults) as well as folding. The immense region involved in the continental collision, the vast temporal length of the orogeny and the thickness of the pile of sediments and igneous rocks known to have been involved are evidence that at the peak of the mountain-building process, the Appalachians could have risen as high or perhaps even higher than the present-day Himalaya.

Evidence for the Appalachian orogeny stretches for many hundreds of miles on the surface from Alabama to New Jersey and can be traced further subsurface to the southwest. In the north it enters a region of confused topography associated with earlier orogenies, but clearly the Applachian deformation extends northeast to Newfoundland.

The mountains were once rugged and high, but in our time are now eroded into only a small remnant. Sediments that were carried eastward form part of the continental shelf. Sediments that were carried westward form the Allegheny and Cumberland Plateau, which in some areas are popularly called mountains, but are actually simply uplifted and eroded plateaus. Carbonates and fine sediments from these mountains were carried farther to form limey rocks in a shallow sea that was later uplifted and forms the bulk of Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana.

A portion of the Alleghenian mountain system departed with Africa when Pangaea broke up and the Atlantic Ocean began to form. Today, this forms the Anti-Atlas mountains of Morocco. The Anti-Atlas have been geologically uplifted in relatively recent times, and are today much more rugged than their Alleghenian relatives.>>

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:48 am
by orin stepanek
Couldn't be Oklahoma; 'twas once a seacoast to a vast inland sea. :mrgreen:
Click to view full size image

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:11 pm
by Beyond
Could be that the :fish: once swam around Oklahoma, but it's dried up a lot since then :!: :mrgreen:

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:18 pm
by Iron Sun 254
When I got home from work yesterday after the earthquake, there was a big crack in my foundation, the driveway was damaged and the roof of the garage looked like it could fall in at any moment. Thank goodness everything was normal.

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:42 pm
by bystander
Jaded West Coast chuckles over East Coast quake
PhysOrg | Joseph Adelman, AP | 2011 Aug 24

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:40 pm
by orin stepanek
how about another kind of Shaking. :mrgreen:
Click to play embedded YouTube video.

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:42 pm
by Ann
HAMLET: Whose grave's this, sirrah?

First Clown: Mine, sir.

Anonymous Enquirer: Whose FAULT'S this, sirrah?

Anonymous bystander: Not mine, sir. Nor San Andreas's neither.


Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:51 pm
by Iron Sun 254
bystander wrote:Jaded West Coast chuckles over East Coast quake
PhysOrg | Joseph Adelman, AP | 2011 Aug 24
Yeah, people in NYC and DC getting nervous about buildings shaking this close to the 10th anniversary of 9/11.... the people on the West Coast need to cut us some slack.

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:18 pm
For years though, many on the east coast have been saying that they would rather have their intermittent seasonal storms and let CA shake into the ocean. Sorry East you have Hurricane Season, Tornado Season, and Earthquakes. I wonder why broke loose over there though? Sorry about it coming so close to 9-11. There is video footage of a pole mounted camera facing the White House Roof shaking during the quake and after it subsides, The secret service start popping out on the roof like ants from their mound to see what's up.

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:07 pm
by owlice
Iron Sun 254 wrote:Yeah, people in NYC and DC getting nervous about buildings shaking this close to the 10th anniversary of 9/11.... the people on the West Coast need to cut us some slack.
This. And not just close to the anniversary, but instead, ever since.

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:58 pm
by mexhunter
DC Earthquake Devastation
I received a Twitt yesterday: "This says it all about the #earthquake: RT @xxxxxxx: Pictures of the devastation in DC."
I have changed the name of the person in charge, because it is a very crude photo.

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:23 am
by rstevenson
Be careful visiting the link provided above. My browser gave me a security warning on that page, and google has flagged it with this warning...
What is the current listing status for
Site is listed as suspicious - visiting this website may harm your computer.
What happened when Google visited this site?
Of the 181 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 2 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2011-08-24, and the last time suspicious content was found on this site was on 2011-08-23.
Malicious software includes 2 trojan(s), 2 exploit(s). Successful infection resulted in an average of 15 new process(es) on the target machine.
Malicious software is hosted on 1 domain(s), including
I have no reason to believe that mexhunter knew about this when he posted the link.


Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:39 am
by mexhunter
Hi Rob:
It did not know it. Even, I open as 3 or 4 times this site and my anti-virus not noticed anything to me.
The photo seemed to me a joke of good taste that appears there, indicating the DC Earthquake Devastation.
I have a copy of the pic that download of the link, I will put it in Flickr by several days in case of somebody wishes to see the object of the joke.
Many greetings
César ... 0158_o.jpg

Re: Earthquake Rattles Washington

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:27 am
by owlice
That was a popular image around here after last year's very small but locally widely-felt earthquake. There's another from a model train setup that shows one toy cow on its side. (I was typing an Asterisk post when last year's earthquake occurred, so there's "we just had an earthquake" or some such included in my post.)