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is it okay for girls to play video games

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:18 am
by muneca1289
i am a girl and i play video games (especially first person shooter) and there is barley any girls playing and when some play they get harassed what do you think should girls play Xbox wii ps3 etc....?

Re: is it okay for girls to play video games

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:55 am
by geckzilla
Do what you want. I'd avoid the boys, not the games.

Re: is it okay for girls to play video games

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:18 pm
Perhaps establish a non feminine pseudonym for online gaming. Safer than puting your name out there in cyberspace. I use my initials BMA (+) and this carries no gender association
Could stand for Brenda Marie Adams
or possibly for Bradly Michael Adams

And to answer your original question, It IS OK for anyone to play video games so long as they can separate reality from virtual

Re: is it okay for girls to play video games

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:51 am
by eleanormars
there is no big difference between guys and girls except we wear better shoes. :D you shouldn't be afraid to game somewhere in particular just because the majority of users are guys.

Re: is it okay for girls to play video games

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:23 pm
by Iron Sun 254
Don't worry about it. Most guys are idiots at that age and they want to look cool to their friends by making fun of the girl while secretly wishing you'd talk to them. Do what BMAONE23 suggested and use an gender neutral name and in five years these same guys will all be desperate to know you.

Re: is it okay for girls to play video games

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:44 pm
by geckzilla
eleanormars wrote:there is no big difference between guys and girls except we wear better shoes.
I beg to differ. Any shoe which sacrifices ease of locomotion and causes foot deformity and ulcerations for the sake of aesthetics is a piece of junk. To me, that means all heels and most women's shoes. Ok, so I'm a bit of a tom boy and when I was a kid I ran across gravel and searing concrete barefoot with no problem but I can't wear women's shoes to save my life.

Re: is it okay for girls to play video games

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:56 pm
by orin stepanek
geckzilla wrote:
eleanormars wrote:there is no big difference between guys and girls except we wear better shoes.
I beg to differ. Any shoe which sacrifices ease of locomotion and causes foot deformity and ulcerations for the sake of aesthetics is a piece of junk. To me, that means all heels and most women's shoes. Ok, so I'm a bit of a tom boy and when I was a kid I ran across gravel and searing concrete barefoot with no problem but I can't wear women's shoes to save my life.
Good for you 'zilla! 8-) When we were kids; my brothers and sisters and I were barefooted all summer! Darn; though, we had to put shoes on for school! :mrgreen: Now that I'm retired; I;m in my stocking feet most of the time. :wink: