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Handy woman! What (a) feet!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:18 pm
by Ann
Do better than Lisa if you can! :D
Click to play embedded YouTube video.

Re: Handy woman! What (a) feet!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:57 pm
by owlice
Hmm... not so sure some of that is all that difficult. I can write forwards and backwards with either hand (though am faster/neater with one hand than with the other, just from one hand having a lot more practice). I imagine -- though haven't tried this myself -- that the harder task is writing two different things at once. I also haven't tried simultaneous mirror writing; never had a need to. I have seen others, most notably Antal Dorati, do it, though; apparently, his ability to do this was well-known enough for people to ask him to mirror write when asking for his autograph. (I did not ask him for this; his autograph was enough for me.)

ETA: I can also write upside down, apparently; just tried. Printing is neater/faster than cursive, but both are reasonably legible. Surely others can do this, too, and don't know that they can unless/until they try!

Re: Handy woman! What (a) feet!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:45 pm
by neufer
owlice wrote:
I have seen others, most notably Antal Dorati, do it, though; apparently, his ability to do this was well-known enough for people to ask him to mirror write when asking for his autograph. (I did not ask him for this; his autograph was enough for me.)
So name dropping is one of your amazing but useless talents then.

Re: Handy woman! What (a) feet!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:36 pm
by owlice
My first exposure to mirror writing was when a friend told me about Dorati's ability, this as we were making our way backstage to ask for an autograph, in my friend's case, a mirrored phrase in addition to signature. So the mention of mirror writing triggers a memory of Dorati; didn't mean it for name-dropping. If I thought people (rather than pic-a-nicking bears) knew the name, I wouldn't have felt the need to link to the Wikipedia article!

Would it have been better had I mentioned knowing someone -- not well, but for most of my life, as we grew up near one another and have friends in common -- who writes with his feet? I think of him whenever (but not only when) writing with one's feet comes up (which just doesn't happen very often in my life! YMMV).

The brain goes where the brain goes.

Re: Handy woman! What (a) feet!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:56 am
by eleanormars
i think that's a pretty amazing but quite useless skill to be honest. however, many of the world records are quite useless, but that doesn't make them less impressive, so i suppose this qualifies as: awesome. :D