Namibian Sinko de mayo

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Namibian Sinko de mayo

Post by neufer » Thu May 12, 2011 2:12 pm wrote: <<In early May 2011, more rain fell in one day in parts of Namibia and South Africa than typically falls in an entire year. For several months, unusually heavy and persistent rains have soaked southern and western Africa and filled a few river basins that have been quiescent for years. The latest storm moistened arid desert regions. The bullseye precipitation pattern depicted in the top image occurs because these storms are short-lived and dump large amounts of rain very quickly in one area.

Since February, rainfall has been above average in many parts of sub-Saharan African—in Angola, northern Namibia, southern Tanzania, Cameroon, Congo, and Madagascar—according to the Climate Prediction Center of the U.S. National Weather Service. The Kuiseb, Boteti, and other rivers have approached record highs. In parts of Namibia, particularly the north, floods and “dongas” (ditches) caused by the heavy rains since January had created havoc with roads. Government officials and international relief agencies estimated that several hundred thousand residents had been displaced or disrupted by flooding. At least 62 people have died. Some officials worried about a possible increase in cholera and other water- and mosquito-borne diseases due to areas of standing water.

During the most recent storm in southern regions, Francois Snyders of the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism told The Cape Times that the Fish River area “got 50 millimeters of rain, which is more than the annual rainfall for the canyon.” Two dams, the Hardop and the Naute, were over capacity and had to open sluice gates. >>
Art Neuendorffer

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