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Impossible Magnetic Fields

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:34 am
by ThePiper
Why and how can Neutron Stars, Magnetars and Black Holes generate magnetic Fields?

1.) A lot of phenomena around Quasars, Galactic Cores, Neutron Stars and Black Holes are declared to be effects of Magnetic Fields and forces, e.g. jets, pulses, streams of matter etc.

2.) Magnetic Fields are an effect of electrodynamic forces which are the result of the motion of electrically charged particles like electrons, protons etc.

3.) Neutrons are electrically neutral; the does not have electrical charges or properties. Therefore they cann't generate magnetic fields.

1.) How can Neutron stars and Black holes generate magnetic Fields?
2.) Why can magnetic fields pass the Schwarzschild-Radius of a Black hole, while light (Photons) can not!?

Can anybody help me? :roll:

Re: Impossible Magnetic Fields

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:59 pm
by Chris Peterson
ThePiper wrote:Why and how can Neutron Stars, Magnetars and Black Holes generate magnetic Fields?

1.) A lot of phenomena around Quasars, Galactic Cores, Neutron Stars and Black Holes are declared to be effects of Magnetic Fields and forces, e.g. jets, pulses, streams of matter etc.

2.) Magnetic Fields are an effect of electrodynamic forces which are the result of the motion of electrically charged particles like electrons, protons etc.

3.) Neutrons are electrically neutral; the does not have electrical charges or properties. Therefore they cann't generate magnetic fields.

1.) How can Neutron stars and Black holes generate magnetic Fields?

Your initial assumption that magnetic fields are electrodynamic forces is incorrect. While it is certainly true that a magnetic field can be produced by the movement of a charged particle, that is not the only possible mechanism. Not every object that has a magnetic field needs to generate that field.

2.) Why can magnetic fields pass the Schwarzschild-Radius of a Black hole, while light (Photons) can not!?
The most common view of black holes argues that they do not have intrinsic magnetic fields, but have only mass, angular momentum, and electric charge. A spinning black hole with a non-zero charge generates an external magnetic field, so there is no question of that field crossing the event horizon from the inside.

Re: Impossible Magnetic Fields

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:48 pm
by ThePiper
Thank you, Chris

Pt 1): But is it at least true, that Neutrons can not generate magnetic fields and that magnetic fields can not affect Neutrons?
If not, I didn't catch any basics. I think that the magnetisme of Neutron Stars will be produced by iron / plasma around the core of neutrons.


PS) Have "inspected" A great site; compliments! My favorite picture: Cold Feets. :wink:


Re: Impossible Magnetic Fields

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:29 pm
by Chris Peterson
ThePiper wrote:Pt 1): But is it at least true, that Neutrons can not generate magnetic fields and that magnetic fields can not affect Neutrons?
If not, I didn't catch any basics. I think that the magnetisme of Neutron Stars will be produced by iron / plasma around the core of neutrons.
Neutrons cannot support a magnetic field. But only the center of neutron stars are composed of a neutron fluid. Much of the outer regions consist of electrons and ordinary nuclei, so there are plenty of particles available that do have a magnetic spin moment, and which produce the strong magnetic field found in some neutron stars.

Re: Impossible Magnetic Fields

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:07 pm
by dougettinger
From the discussion I understand that a magnetic field is produced around the black hole at the center of our galaxy. What would be the comparable strengths in theory between the magnetic field and the gravity field at about 100 or 1000 light years from the center of this black hole ?
