Vet for embarrassing inaccuracies

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Vet for embarrassing inaccuracies

Post by kat330 » Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:25 pm

I was inspired by the October 1st APOD to write the below paean to Gliese 581g. It fits the melody of Cat Stevens' "Sad Lisa." [Since maybe some are too young to be familiar with it, here's a link to a youtube performance: ]
Click to play embedded YouTube video.
I'd appreciate any feedback, but especially I'd like to hear if any "fact" I've woven into the lyrics is embarrassingly inaccurate. Also, I really want to share this with astronomy wonks and the like, so if you can suggest blogs or other sites where it might be an appropriate fit, I'd be grateful. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!

Take and give care,

Glad(?) Gliese [to the melody of Cat Stevens' "Sad Lisa" from “Tea for the Tillerman”]

She orbits Gliese five eighty-one, a red dwarf sun
getting cooler, and Zarmina's her new ruler.
Floating in Libra in the night sky,
g, please don't be shy.
You're a plus lass Milky Waying triple our Terra's mass.
Gliese Gliese, g, Gliese Gliese.

Although she's dense, her gravity's right. We think she might
(in fact oughta) hold a load of liquid water.
A wormhole to g, string theory or beam --
we only can dream
now. This new plan, it can mean a future for all of man.
Gliese Gliese, g, Gliese Gliese.

She's twenty light years far away, but still one day
we may live there, praying this time we will give care.
g-whiz, you're a gem formed from the big bang
(and our doppelganger).
Please take us, when our Earth must finally forsake us.
Gliese Gliese, g, Gliese Gliese.

(c) Kathleen A. Martin
New Albany, Indiana
October 10, 2010

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