IC 443: Supernova Remnant, Neutron Star, what is ejected?
IC 443: Supernova Remnant, Neutron Star, what is ejected?
Other stars are often talked about as seeds for the heavy elements that make up our life here on earth. But the Supernovas and pictures only talk about hot gases and the remaining dense neutron star. I guess my question is, do starts eject large pieces of material? Or does the hot gas have to cool and collect? If it is cool and collect, how does it get from there to here? The explosion is 360 degrees in all directions of round. By the time it gets here, any two atoms of gas that started close together would be very far apart. It would seem that anything that cooled and collected near the local system would not have the energy to come here. On the other hand, if stars explode and eject large objects, it would seem that we would have lots of stuff flying thru our system. Several billion years is a long time.
Deano from Seattle