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Baby robins have fledged!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 3:06 pm
by owlice
And I know this because I just took one away from my little tuxedo cat. :shock:

Said cat is now locked in the house (he's peering out the patio door most forlornly). The fledgling is okay; I returned him to the top of the hill whence he came, and adult robins are around. What a ruckus they kicked up when the little cat nabbed the fledgling! The cat actually let go of the fledgling, who looked startled beyond belief.

Memorial Day means fledgling robins; July 4 means fledgling mockingbirds. This IS what the holidays are for, yes? :ssmile:

Re: Baby robins have fledged!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 3:37 pm
by neufer
owlice wrote:And I know this because I just took one away from my little tuxedo cat. :shock:

Said cat is now locked in the house (he's peering out the patio door most forlornly). The fledgling is okay; I returned him to the top of the hill whence he came, and adult robins are around. What a ruckus they kicked up when the little cat nabbed the fledgling! The cat actually let go of the fledgling, who looked startled beyond belief.

Memorial Day means fledgling robins; July 4 means fledgling mockingbirds. This IS what the holidays are for, yes? :ssmile:
  • -------------------------------------------------
    Atticus: I remember when my daddy gave me that gun. He told me that I should never point it at anything in the house; and that he'd rather I'd shoot at tin cans in the backyard. But he said that sooner or later he supposed the temptation to go after birds would be too much, and that I could shoot all the blue jays I wanted - if I could hit 'em; but to remember it was a sin to kill a mockingbird.

    Jem: Why?

    Atticus: Well, I reckon because mockingbirds don't do anything but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat people's gardens, don't nest in the corncrib, they don't do one thing but just sing their hearts out for us.
Click to play embedded YouTube video.

Re: Baby robins have fledged!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 4:10 pm
by owlice
The mockingbirds are making preemptive strikes; any time the little cat goes outside, he is besieged by mockingbirds, which swoop down and bop him on the head or rear. They are much more aggressive this year than in past years; must have a nest in my yard somewhere. (They tried to build one on my patio floodlights but couldn't; don't know where they put it.)