Stars arranged in circles

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Stars arranged in circles

Post by northstar » Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:51 pm

Some months back someone here at APOD used a highlighter to illustrate seemingly circular arrangements of hundreds of stars in an APOD photo. There were many circles highlighted among those hundreds of stars, perhaps and approximately six to 10 stars each circle. We propose that the stars are not actually in their photographed, circular positions, but anti-gravity lensing makes them appear so, with the stars sitting behind anti-gravity bubbles, those bubbles being in a state of constant expansion. The joining together of individual bubbles with other bubbles leads eventually to huge bubbles like the Bootes Void. These expanding bubbles, then, are what drives the expansion of the universe, and also compresses the gasses into filaments from which stars and galaxies form, rather than gravitation collapse of the tired Big Bang theory. We thank you for your consideration of this topic, which I know will be warmly received here among free-thinking intellects, and wish you well on your voyages, whether they be to the stars, or to a sandy point of land on a river to which you propel yourself with the ancient form of propulsion known as the paddle.

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