2001 Monolith found on Mars

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2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by BMAONE23 » Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:24 am

According to the The Sun "The rectangular structure — measuring five metres across — was photographed by a super high resolution camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The giant monolith juts out of the planet's surface casting a huge shadow below."

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Re: 2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by makc » Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:10 pm

it is only 5 meters though

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Re: 2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by bystander » Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:07 pm

makc wrote:it is only 5 meters though
So it would need to be 1.25:5.00:11.25

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Re: 2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by apodman » Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:30 pm

Of course the picture is fake. The shadow doesn't match the rest of the picture. There's one large shadow in the close-up picture that appears to match the monolith shadow's direction at first glance, but that's just an illusion. The light comes from the upper left (as you can see in the wide view as well as in the close-up) except the light on the monolith that comes from the lower left. Even people outside the U.K. know The Sun is a tabloid rag, right?


Or, after looking at additional pictures, I could be wrong about the shadows.
Last edited by apodman on Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by neufer » Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:14 pm

apodman wrote:Of course the picture is fake. The shadow doesn't match the rest of the picture. There's one large shadow in the close-up picture that appears to match the monolith shadow's direction at first glance, but that's just an illusion. The light comes from the upper left (as you can see in the wide view as well as in the close-up) except the light on the monolith that comes from the lower left. Even people outside the U.K. know The Sun is a tabloid rag, right?
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Re: 2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by geckzilla » Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:30 pm

The picture is real but it's just a rock. I kind of imagine the Lion King cub being held up by the monkey at the tip. It's not standing at all, it's laying on its side.

Here's a link to the original image. Requires you to download some Java app to get close enough.
http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/iasclient ... .QLOOK.JP2

Image's page:
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Re: 2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by The Code » Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:41 pm

Closer shot here.. http://montrealradioguy.wordpress.com/2 ... 2d35bc151/

''Type'' Monolith found on Mars. The web is full of it. with a closer look, seams to be another rock behind it.. you will also find an interview with buzz Aldrin.. who states on film, Quote : ''a similar monolith was detected on Mars’ moon Phobos''.

others include
Skulls, smashed ancient machinery, huge stone carved faces, etc etc etc... its all on there.

Slap me in the face,, with undoubted proof...

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Re: 2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by BMAONE23 » Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:01 am

mark swain wrote:Closer shot here.. http://montrealradioguy.wordpress.com/2 ... 2d35bc151/

''Type'' Monolith found on Mars. The web is full of it. with a closer look, seams to be another rock behind it.. you will also find an interview with buzz Aldrin.. who states on film, Quote : ''a similar monolith was detected on Mars’ moon Phobos''.

others include
Skulls, smashed ancient machinery, huge stone carved faces, etc etc etc... its all on there.

Slap me in the face,, with undoubted proof...

A closer Monolith to your "HERE" image link is here
Here's a link to the original image. Requires you to download some Java app to get close enough.
http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/iasclient ... .QLOOK.JP2

Zoom to coordinates
x= 17750
y= 26500
in the JAVA applet

It sits just to the right of the one posted in your link

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Post by neufer » Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:55 am

http://www.examiner.com/x-6495-US-Intelligence-Examiner~y2009m7d27-Astronaut-Buzz-Aldrin-claims-monolith-on-Mars-moon-UFOs-involved wrote:
<<Buzz: "We should go boldly where man has not gone before – fly by the comets, visit asteroids, visit the moon of Mars. There’s a monolith there. A very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once in seven hours. When people find out about that, they’re going to say "Who put that there?">>
The Phobos Monolith (right of center) as taken by the Mars Global Surveyor in 1998.
http://blogs.usatoday.com/sciencefair/2009/08/scientists-mars-monolith-a-boulder.html wrote:
Scientists: Mars 'monolith' a boulder By Dan Vergano
UFO enthusiasts have discovered a "monolith" on Mars, but the planetary scientists behind the images say balderdash.

<<Taken in 2008, the image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission depicts boulders strewn across a canyon near Mars' colossal Valles Marineris. "The structure closely resembles the black monolith that appears during key moments of man's evolution in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey," suggested a report in the United Kingdom's Daily Mail on Monday.

Alas for science fiction fans. "The image they have is actually oriented incorrectly and when viewed with North up, one can see it's a boulder reflecting sunlight," says Ari Espinoza of the University of Arizona's HiRISE team, which runs the spacecraft's cameras and posted the image. "We certainly appreciate people coming to our site and looking at our beautiful images, but more often than not, there's nothing to comment on."

Space monoliths have been in the news lately, with outspoken Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin recently suggesting a structure sits on Mars' moon, Phobos, in an interview on the cable news public service channel C-SPAN. A long-running brouhaha followed the "Face on Mars", a crumbling hill imaged by the 1976 Viking mission that resembled a face when viewed from above, shown to be a trick of lighting by later orbiters.>>
_________________PHOBOS monolith ________________________________ MARS monolith
http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/mystery-of-rocky-mars-monolith-solved-scientists-say/story-e6frev20-1225758228098 wrote:
<<THE mystery of the rocky Mars "monolith" which set tongues wagging around the world when it appeared to show evidence there was once life on the Red Planet has been solved - and alien hopefuls won't be impressed

Captured by a high-resolution camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter last July, it resembled the black monolith from Stanley Kubrick's movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. But Britain's Daily Mail newspaper reveals scientists at the University of Arizona, which captured the original image, insist it's just a broken boulder.

University spokesman Yisrael Spinoza said: "It would be unwise to refer to it as a 'monolith' or 'structure' because that implies something artificial, like it was put there by someone for example. In reality it's more likely that this boulder has been created by breaking away from the bedrock to create a rectangular-shaped feature."

Scientist Alfred McEwen added: "There are lots of rectangular boulders on Earth and Mars and other planets. Layering from rock deposition combined with tectonic fractures creates right-angle planes of weakness such that rectangular blocks tend to weather out and separate from the bedrock.">>
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Re: 2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by astrolabe » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:04 am

Hello All,

I dunno, looks like a lot of foot traffic around it....................monkeys?
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Re: 2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by BMAONE23 » Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:27 am

That particular image looks like the top of The Doctors Tardis

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Re: 2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by neufer » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:13 pm

BMAONE23 wrote:That particular image looks like the top of The Doctors Tardis
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_(Doctor_Who) wrote:
<<In Image of the Fendahl (1977), the Fourth Doctor suggests that nine million years prior to the 20th century, the malevolent entity known as the Fendahl passed by Mars on its way to Earth, fleeing the efforts of the Time Lords to trap it forever in a time loop. Mars at that point was described as "dead", but from other accounts it is clear that it also housed the civilisation of the Ice Warriors, a proud, warlike but noble race who were capable of spaceflight. When the planet became more and more inhospitable, the Ice Warriors sent an expedition to Earth, but the ship crashed and was frozen in a glacier, unable to report back (The Ice Warriors, 1967).

Around 5000 BC, a powerful race of beings known as the Osirans reached Mars and set up pyramid-like bases there. They also travelled to Earth and influenced Ancient Egypt, seeming to the Egyptians like gods. One of their number, the evil Sutekh, was imprisoned in a tomb on Earth, kept in a state of paralysis by an energy beam transmitted from the main pyramid on Mars itself. Sutekh would remain a prisoner until 1911 (Pyramids of Mars, 1975).

During the late 20th century, Mars was a target of space exploration. The United Kingdom space programme sent a series of manned probes to Mars. Mars Probes 6 and 7 made contact with a group of radioactive aliens orbiting the planet on a peaceful survey mission (The Ambassadors of Death, 1970). On 31 October 2006, the Guinevere One probe was launched by the British Rocket Group for an intended landing on Christmas Day, but was intercepted by the alien Sycorax before it could do so ("The Christmas Invasion", 2005).

The Ice Warriors had not given up their ambitions to colonise Earth, however. In the mid-21st century a strike team was sent to take control of the planet's teleportation network, T-Mat, and use it to transport seed pods to Earth that were designed to terraform its environment to one suitable for Martian life. This plan was foiled by the Second Doctor and his companions (The Seeds of Death, 1969).

Some time after that, the Ice Warriors' frozen ship was discovered by scientists during another ice age on Earth, and the thawed crew's attempt to seize the base was also stopped by the Second Doctor (The Ice Warriors, which the Radio Times listing placed in the year 3000).

Centuries later, Mars and the Ice Warriors were part of a Galactic Federation that included Earth, Alpha Centauri and Arcturus. Mars was also the only planet to contain trisilicate, a valuable ore in The Curse of Peladon (1972). However, fifty years after the events of that story, in The Monster of Peladon (1974), trisilicate was also being mined on the planet Peladon. The Virgin New Adventures novel Legacy by Gary Russell places these events around the 39th and 40th centuries.

By the 41st century, mankind had established a colonising presence on Mars, as the Space Security Agent Bret Vyon claimed to have been born in its Colony 16 (The Daleks' Master Plan, 1965). In the far future, under the influence and control of the Usurians, a colony of humans temporarily moved to Mars, then on to Pluto after the depleting of Earth's natural resources (The Sun Makers, 1977).

During the events of "The Long Game" (2005), which takes place in the 2001st century, Mars is now stated to be home to a University of questionable reputation, although no further reference to the planet is made.>>
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Re: To infinity, and beyond!

Post by neufer » Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:10 am

Buzz Aldrin's boot
http://www.examiner.com/x-6495-US-Intelligence-Examiner~y2009m7d27-Astronaut-Buzz-Aldrin-claims-monolith-on-Mars-moon-UFOs-involved wrote:
<<Buzz: "We should go boldly where man has not gone before – fly by the comets, visit asteroids, visit the moon of Mars. There’s a monolith there. A very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once in seven hours. When people find out about that, they’re going to say "Who put that there?">>
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Re: 2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by Dr. Morbius » Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:46 am

Thanks astrolabe, I laughed for about 5 minutes after I read your post! In fact I'm still chuckling as I write this. Thanks for your levity on such a 'oblong' subject. I'm surprised at what Buzz was quoted as saying, after all the indignities from the 'faked moon landing' crowd! Perhaps he was being facetious?

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Re: 2001 Monolith found on Mars

Post by bystander » Fri May 21, 2010 10:37 pm

BMAONE23 wrote:That particular image looks like the top of The Doctors Tardis
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