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Rembrandt Impact Basin ON Mercury (APOD 2009 May 4)

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:39 am
by neufer wrote:
Why do portions of this huge crater on Mercury have so much iron?
Because Mercury is heavier than Iron? :roll: wrote:
Mysterious spokes found in crater on Mercury
30 April 2009 by Rachel Courtland
Journal reference: Science (vol 324, p 618)

<<A bizarre spoke-like pattern of troughs and ridges has been found on the surface of Mercury by NASA's Messenger spacecraft. The feature is unlike any to be found in basins on Mercury or elsewhere in the solar system. The feature sits in the Rembrandt impact basin, the second-largest impact scar on the planet. By examining the craters that formed on top of it, researchers estimate that Rembrandt formed in an impact some 3.9 billion years ago, near the end of a barrage of impacts in the inner solar system known as the Late Heavy Bombardment.
  • Image
The impact that created Rembrandt also fractured the crust beneath it, allowing magma to flow to the surface and partly fill the 700-kilometre-wide basin. But researchers cannot yet explain some of the features etched in that volcanic material: a spoke-like pattern of troughs and ridges emanating from the centre of the basin. The pattern is even stranger than a mysterious spider-shaped pattern of troughs found in Mercury's Caloris basin, during Messenger's first Mercury flyby in January 2008, says team member Thomas Watters of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC.

Troughs and ridges, which are thought to form through very different processes, are not expected to be found lying side by side. So-called "wrinkle ridges" are caused when the crust compresses, while troughs are formed when it is stretched, causing the surface to separate. "What's so bizarre is these features are sitting beside each other. We've never seen anything like that – not in Caloris, not anywhere," Watters told New Scientist. Models cannot yet explain how this feature might have formed, Watters says. Multiple episodes of volcanic material bubbling up from below may be needed to explain the features.

A 1000-kilometre-long cliff, or scarp, though to be formed as Mercury's surface contracted, was found, cutting across the rim and floor of the Rembrandt basin. It is the longest such scarp to be discovered on Mercury.>>
Art ("May the 4th be with you") Neuendorffer

Re: Rembrandt Impact Basin ON Mercury (APOD 2009 May 4)

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 1:03 pm
by kovil
Har Har Har Matey ,
These planet-lubber's haven't got the space-legs to know what they're looking at, and likely never will.
No matter.

The 'radial spokes' in the crater are the 'wheel of heaven' that sits atop the cosmic column,
the column represents the hero's journey, but is not present on the surface of Mercury, only the spokes are seen.

And speaking of 'seeing',
"If you could only see what I've seen through your eyes".
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe,
attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I saw Seabeams glitter in the Tanhauser Gate.
All these, and more, will be lost in Time,
like tears in rain."

Re: Rembrandt Impact Basin ON Mercury (APOD 2009 May 4)

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 2:43 pm
by aristarchusinexile
harry .. could some kind of magnetic shock cause those spokes? They also vaguely resemble the spokes which form in a short length of drying tree trunk.

Re: Rembrandt Impact Basin ON Mercury (APOD 2009 May 4)

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:01 pm
by neufer
aristarchusinexile wrote:They also vaguely resemble the spokes which form in a short length of drying tree trunk.

Re: Rembrandt Impact Basin ON Mercury (APOD 2009 May 4)

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:20 am
by Andy Wade
aristarchusinexile wrote:harry .. could some kind of magnetic shock cause those spokes? They also vaguely resemble the spokes which form in a short length of drying tree trunk.
The radial cracks are known as 'checks'. The cracks following around the growth rings are called 'shakes'.

This one even looks a bit like a floor fractured crater...


Re: Rembrandt Impact Basin ON Mercury (APOD 2009 May 4)

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:29 am
by Andy Wade
These elements indicate that some exposed materials have not been covered by more recent lava floes, and so might originate from an epoch of Mercury's formation.
In the accompanying text to this APOD, when they said lava floes, did they mean lava flows?
I've always associated 'floes' with ice sheets rather than lava.

Re: Rembrandt Impact Basin ON Mercury (APOD 2009 May 4)

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:31 am
by neufer
Andy Wade wrote:
aristarchusinexile wrote:They also vaguely resemble the spokes which form in a short length of drying tree trunk.
The radial cracks are known as 'checks'. The cracks following around the growth rings are called 'shakes'.

This one even looks a bit like a floor fractured crater...

[list]KNOT![/list] ... maller.jpg ... stotle.jpg

Re: Rembrandt Impact Basin ON Mercury (APOD 2009 May 4)

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 2:45 am
by Case
kovil wrote:And speaking of 'seeing'...
Please be accurate when quoting ‘scripture’. :wink:
Roy Batty (to Chew the eye-maker): “If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes.”
Roy Batty (to Deckard): “I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near Tannhauser Gate.”

Re: Rembrandt Impact Basin ON Mercury (APOD 2009 May 4)

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:38 pm
by aristarchusinexile
Case wrote:
kovil wrote:And speaking of 'seeing'...
Please be accurate when quoting ‘scripture’. :wink:
Roy Batty (to Chew the eye-maker): “If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes.”
Roy Batty (to Deckard): “I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near Tannhauser Gate.”
The problem with scriptural accuracy could be that modern translations are sometimes adulterated to allow use of the Book to promote the New World Order.

Re: Rembrandt Impact Basin ON Mercury (APOD 2009 May 4)

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:15 pm
by bystander
aristarchusinexile wrote:The problem with scriptural accuracy could be that modern translations are sometimes adulterated to allow use of the Book to promote the New World Order.
Obviously you didn't read the links. The scripture to which Case was referring was the screen play for Blade Runner.

As for adulterated translations, they are all adulterated. They were written by man from imperfect sources (probably adulterated translations themselves) usually under the influence of an institution with an agenda. What can you expect?

I will take this opportunity to remind everyone of The Rules.
  • 5. This is a scientific forum which focuses on astronomy; ... In particular, religion and politics are out of our scope.

Rembrandt Impact Basin ON North East (APOD 2009 May 4)

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 8:29 pm
by neufer

Re: Rembrandt Impact Basin ON Mercury (APOD 2009 May 4)

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:02 am
by kovil
Thank You Case !
(Scripture ! lol )

I have wondered what 'C-Beams' and the Tannhauser Gate referred to for some time.
Never thought to try and Wiki them !

And 'with' not 'through', pardon my memory
I'd screened Blade Runner the day before
and was quoting from memory during the magic of the moment in writing.

The Final Cut is quite deservedly the best version,
tho the other versions aid in creating a backdrop that make it so.

Gaff, I'd never understood his name before.
And the translation of his lines on the additional Final Cut DVD are too funny !

A CD of the music in the film by Van Gelis is available recently,
and a truly amazing experience to hear all the full length songs.
A very tasty remembrance, and more, to the film.

As we as a society more inexorably toward 'enhancing' our bodies with technology,
encountering the metaphysical implications and consequences of such actions will continue to be perplexing.