The source of water planets

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The source of water planets

Post by mopedtothemoon » Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:13 pm

Thumbnail image of picture found for this day. APOD: November 29, 1999 - Arcs and Jets in Herbig Haro 34
Explanation: Some features of HH-34 are understood -- some are not. At the core of Herbig-Haro 34 lies a seemingly typical young star. This star, though, somehow ejects energetic "bullets" of high-energy particles, appearing as red streaks toward the lower right of the this image. Astronomers speculate that a burst of these particles might rebound when gas from a disk surrounding the star momentarily collapses onto the star. Visible near the end of each light-year long jet is a glowing cap. HH-34 lies about 1500 light-years away in the Orion Nebula star-forming region. The cause of the large arc of gas on the upper left known as the waterfall remains unexplained. Believe it or not. There it is. This planet we live on started right there .. and the rock grew within the water globe as the globe traveled to our sun. That's all the paper I'm going to write.

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Re: The source of water planets

Post by BMAONE23 » Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:21 pm

Considering that the "large arc of gas on the upper left known as the waterfall" is likely hydrogen gas and not liquid water (Water cannot survive in the cold vaccuum of space in a liquid form) How does this "Prove" that the Earth grew in a "Globe of Water" to be able to "Travel to the Sun".
The water would be a solid like Enceladus if not warmed by a sun.
It would need to retain an atmosphere of at least 1/2 earths pressure (if not greater) and gradually increase as the planet grew but would need a source of rocky material constantly bombarding it for the growth to take place. Water doesn't turn to stone.
It would take significantly more water than the Earth currently has to maintain an atmosphere as a solely water planetary body. The current ammount of water on Earth wouldn't support an atmosphere if it were formed into a planetary body, It would have insufficient gravity to do so. You would need to begin with an ammount of water roughly 1/2 to 3/5 the current volume of Earth to begin maintaining atmospheric pressure.

I don't see how This proves a Water Planet based coccoon to grow a planetary body
