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Heavily discounted usenet accounts

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:22 am
by sugh
Hey guys, I am one of the admins at

I have been an astronomy buff for quite some time but haven't ever really found the time to study up and learn enough to REALLY make it fun. My wife bought me a telescope recently (8" model) but I think my night sky is too light to enjoy a telescope this small. Do any of you have any suggestions for things I could do to make this more enjoyable?

I found this page because I was searching for the words usenet and astronomy and it popped up. If any of you want a discount on usenet service, PM me and I will hook you up!

Re light polluted sky

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:29 pm
by interstellaryeller
I live in Akron Ohio a area heavy in light polltion. I am assuming that you meant your telescope's primary mirror is 8" diameter which means your focal lenght is 2032mm, this means your telescope is able to see light 800 times fainter than the human eye. Living in a light polluted area like I do using a Celestron Classic 8 you should be able to see any of a multitude of objects, galaxies, nebulas, and star clusters. I recomend you sign up with astro chat forums tell them interstellaryeller sent you. You can find me and other good people from across the world to help answer your astronomy questions.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:41 pm
by Orca
There are eyepiece filters you can use that cancel out a fair amount of light pollution. I've not tried them but I have heard good things about them.