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Cat's Eye Hubble Remix (APOD 22 Mar 2008)

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:15 pm
by harry
Hello All

This is a fantastic image

The image shows multiple explosions and also if you notice the jets on the opposite sides.

Yellow dot, 11 o'clock position

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:25 pm
by Andy Wade
What's the yellow dot at approximately 11 o'clock from the star?
Is it another star showing through from behind, or an orbiting gas giant being set alight?
I favour the former of course but it would be nice to think we could see something like a planet highlighted in this most unusual circumstance.

Re: Cat's Eye Hubble Remix Apod: 2008 March 22

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:48 am
by neufer
harry wrote:This is a fantastic image

The image shows multiple explosions and also if you notice the jets on the opposite sides.
Interesting to look at with red/cyan 3D glasses.
(Almost as good in red/blue 3D glasses.)

Check out the earlier explosion:

APOD: 2008 March 22

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:34 am
by iampete
Note the radial lines apparently emanating from the central star.

Are these artifacts introduced by the processing, or are they real?

If real, what are they and why would they not appear as elements of the concentric shells?

A Catseye In The Night

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:57 am
by kovil
The yellow star at 11 O'clock is a foreground star between us and the Catseye.

My guess is the radial lines around the central object are an artifact from the ccd sensor overclockedexposure. They are not real.

As our Sun's planet Pluto is about 3 billion miles away, that equals about 5 hours at light speed. As the Catseye is about 1/2 a light year across, that equals about a 1/4 light year from central object to jet tip. That translates into 3 months or about 2200 light hours of travel time. Which makes the orbit of Pluto in the photo 1/450 or 1/500 of the distance from the central object to the jet tip ! And it's still a long way to the Moon for us !

A bubble in its toil and trouble
its eye so burning bright
expanding like a twisting funnel
who'd dare to frame thy fearful symmetry

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:08 am
by harry
Hello All

Hi!!!!!!!!!! Kovil

You must have read my mind.

Notice the amount of explosions.

Just Thinking aloud:
There maybe phases of photodisintigration of the elements from He to Fe in the solar envelope producing Neutrons and than compaction. The problem here is that the solar envelope cannot be seen and therefore cannot see the collapse of the envelope, that tends to give the energy for a supernova or nova.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:16 am
by kovil
Hi Harry,

In spending more time looking into the Catseye, I see two explosion envelopes, not 3 as I thought earlier. The perpendicular plane to the long axis of the stellar pole, is oblique from top right to bottom left, as to close and far, from us. Words are so difficult, an image would say it fast. Or the X / Z axis plane, from which the explosion is moving in opposite directions along the Y axis. That X / Z plane would cut the two opposite jet/funnels apart cleanly into two symmetricaly opposite cornucoppia's.

Looking into the closer cornucoppia as it angles down left from the central object, you can see a smaller similarly shaped cornucoppia inside it. It almost looks like an X-ray of an intestine, the way it curves around and twists sort of. (the explosion is digesting the local space-time !)

As these links suggest, the Catseye is like two cones placed base to base, the X / Z plane is parallel to the plane of the bases. The jets are at the apex of the cones. The cone going upper right is going away from us, the cone going down left is coming towards us; but at an oblique angle.

OK, now we have the orientation.
It looks very much like this photo, in its basic 'what's happening'.

A magnetic Z-pinch is happening along the X / Z plane, and the escaping material is moving along the Y axis. (Z axis as going up-down on the 3 dimensional Cartesian Graph)

Same thing happening here,

Catseye shows similar glowing structures as the Crab Nebula, but much fewer.

My gratitude is overflowing for Hubble and the other space based observatories which have brought us these incredibly beautiful and data rich photos. These space based observatories, and the spacecraft flying by the planets, are the best money science has ever spent ! Because they are showing us what is really happening out there.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:41 am
by harry
Hello Kovil

Smile, I should make the responses in quicker time.

You are not going to belief it but I had the same images to post and explain. This is scary thinking.

I'm very happy that you have this lateral thinking.

I wander if someone has done a calculation with time between each explosion.

Can these explosions explain the bubbles formed in other images.

Massive Magnetic Fields Surrounding Massive Stellar Objects

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:39 am
by kovil
Yes Harry,

I think a similar mechanism is what's causing all these linked photos to make 'bubbles' of explosive plasma, and have the 'hourglass' shape. And also the electric currents in those plasmas are what is making the bubbles curve like a cornucoppia, from the resulting magnetic fields which are then developed as a result of the current flow in the plasma.

The Red Square Nebula

is also experiencing a Z-Pinch event, and that is what is making it into this shape. We observe this same mechanism, event, how you like to describe it, happening in many places. Understanding how gravity and electricity together are causing it to happen is a great task still ahead of us. And believe me, electricity is definately involved in this. Because only electric currents can cause the powerful magnetic fields involved in these structures, which are linked to in this topic's posts.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:46 am
by harry
Hello Kovil

MWC 922: The Red Square Nebula

The cone structure creates the so called illusion of a square, the other interesting point is the bright spot in the centre. The jet stream ejecting hot matter towards us.

Your right the Z-pinch is creating the effect. What else could produce a jet on opposite sides and in symmetry.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:19 pm
by kovil
Ola Harry,

Yes, two cones with the apex or points, touching in symetrical opposition.

A bipolar nebula. But there isn't anything bi-polar about it in a psychological sense. 8)

I searched for MWC 922 and Red Square, in X-ray light, but no success. Would be nice to get ROSAT and Chandra to do a wide, and a detailed/close examination. I wonder what the other spectrums, other than infrared, will show for structures. All the previous post link's photos are similar structure events, I suspect, and as such very worthy of much more study, as well as a computer modeling study. These structures hold important clues as to the true nature of gravity and electrical effects that develop from massive stellar objects accumulating too much mass to remain in a stable small volume. They are forced by the forces of nature to change into a different structure, as something happens when that much mass accumulates in one stellar object. It cannot remain as a 'star'. :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:44 am
by harry
Hello Kovil

In my opinion it remains as a star. Just going through the phases, Of bang and reformation of a solar envelpe on a compacted core.

In actual fact the process of a supernova is to rejuvinate the core. Some call it the total explosion of the star. The compacted core remnant is so small and compact and so far away that we are unable to see it. The type of core would determine the degree of Neutron star to the so called black hole.( a neutron core with an event horizon).

Just thinking allowed.

Re: Massive Magnetic Fields Surrounding Massive Stellar Obje

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:48 pm
by neufer
kovil wrote:Yes Harry,

I think a similar mechanism is what's causing all these linked photos to make 'bubbles' of explosive plasma, and have the 'hourglass' shape. And also the electric currents in those plasmas are what is making the bubbles curve like a cornucoppia, from the resulting magnetic fields which are then developed as a result of the current flow in the plasma.

The Red Square Nebula

is also experiencing a Z-Pinch event, and that is what is making it into this shape. We observe this same mechanism, event, how you like to describe it, happening in many places. Understanding how gravity and electricity together are causing it to happen is a great task still ahead of us. And believe me, electricity is definitely involved in this. Because only electric currents can cause the powerful magnetic fields involved in these structures, which are linked to in this topic's posts.
Z-Pinch is a cylindrically symmetric "pinch" *IN TIME* (NOT space).

This may be an X-ray or accretion-powered pulsar:

and may even be related to a GIGANTIC "Red Square Nebula" M82:

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:00 pm
by harry
Hello Neufer

If you need info on Plasma and Z-pinch,,,,,,,,,,just google for it.

Properties of plasma. ... plasma.htm

Theories of the Universe
Plasma Cosmology ... ology.html

Cat's Eye Hubble Remix

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 12:18 pm
by chuckrossier
For those of use who don't have 3D glasses nor do we have enough training to look at an image and discern the 3 dimensional aspects of the image, is there a way to use the redshift of various parts of a complex bubble and put it into something like an architectural program that permits rotation of the image to view the 3D aspects of the image?

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:15 pm
by harry
Hello chuck

Mate the way science has advanced 3D would be a walk in the park.

I do not know about red shift, but why not?

Q re PN periodic spherical ejections

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:36 pm
by Ross Tessien
Does anyone know off hand the velocities for the FLIERs and the spherical ejections for e.g. Cat's Eye PN? ie, what is the period between the spherical ejections, and how much faster velocity are the, they correspond to which of the spherical ejections in timing when traced back to initial outburst?



Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:10 pm
by harry
G'day from the land of ozzzzzzz

There are two types of matter been ejected from the nebulae. One via jets and one from the explosion.

Cat's Eye Nebula
A long standing problem in the study of planetary nebulae is that their distances are generally not well known. Many methods for estimating distances to planetary nebulae rely on making general assumptions, which may be very inaccurate for the object concerned.

In recent years, however, observations made using the Hubble Space Telescope have allowed a new method of determining distances. All planetary nebulae are expanding, and observations several years apart and with high enough angular resolution will reveal the growth of the nebula in the plane of the sky. This is typically very small—only a few milliarcseconds a year or less. Spectroscopic observations can reveal the velocity of expansion of the nebula along the line of sight using the Doppler Effect. Then, comparing the angular expansion with the known expansion velocity, the distance to the nebula can be calculated.

Hubble Space Telescope observations of NGC 6543 several years apart have been used to calculate its distance. Its angular expansion rate is approximately 10 milliarcseconds per year, while its expansion velocity along the line of sight has been found to be 16.4 km/s. Combining these two results implies that NGC 6543 is about 1000 parsecs (3×1019 m), or about 3300 light-years away from Earth. (Reed et al. 1999) ... es/1997/38
Indeed, because of the nebula's shape and the measured velocity of the gas, in excess of 200 miles per second, astronomers believe that the description as a super-super-sonic jet exhaust is quite apt.