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Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 2:49 pm
by petethepirate
New to here but not to astronomy. I have been pursuing this interest since I was knee high to a grasshopper. My first dabbling was with a schoolfriend when we would plot satelites passing over the estate during the late sixties. No street lighting then....heaven! Not like now....everything washed out in the sodium glow.
Anyway I will be dipping in and out every day to see what's what and catching up. It's my intention, when retired to set up an observatory in my back garden. I have to convince the neighbours first to turn off their security lights. Maybe I can convince them to keep them off...afterall, if I'm in the back garden all night what more security do they need?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:02 pm
by geckzilla
Yeah, it's a shame about the light thing. I really hate NYC.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 7:52 am
by craterchains
Hey yah pirate, welcome to the cafe, and as a suggestion OOO000OOO0O0O0000O

offer to install motion sensors to those lights that affect your viewing?



Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:27 am
by petethepirate
Thankyou for the welcome people!
Overcast here in Hereford this morning and a tiny bt of rain. Doom and gloom......I am definitely not an autumn or Winter person. It seem we've had permanent Springggggggggg then Autumn this year....Summer never turned up!
Question for you all.
The space craft DAWN. With its ion engines giving it thrust for approximately five years it will be fairly zipping along at the end of its journey to the Asteroid Belt. How fast will she be moving?
Has anybody seen the new photo of Jupiter and the cloud belts released today taken by NEW HORIZON. Fantastic detail....think I can see my house!