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How about an APOD Cafe?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:32 am
by craterchains
How about a vote to see if there should be an APOD Cafe?

As Nereid has pointed out, Night Sky Live is NOT APOD. I agree, and so I make this official request for an APOD Cafe under the forum "APOD Discussions" I suggest placing it between the "Discuss an Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD)" and the "Submit Pictures to APOD" categories. The "Asterisk Cafe" is for NSL discussions about various NSL related projects and their "strange streaks". Besides their beverage menu is rather limited. :wink:

Here are the "Asterisk Cafe" statements.
Discuss anything NSL-related here. Or just order a Pan Galactic Gargle Latte.

Patrons wishing to discuss general astronomy-related topics, other than a specific APOD, please come in; we have a table for you (and the Pan-Galactic Latte will be served shortly).
We still have finishing touches to make, to the newly re-opened cafe, so please bear with us while we get those done.

*Sticky* Dan Cordell's Basic Rules for APOD discussions are as follows,
So that things don't get out of hand, I'm going to be enforcing a few simple rules. You may also notice that I now require registration to post--too many spam threads have been posted by guests.
1. All posts must be in English. No exceptions. I cannot read any other language well enough to moderate non-English posts. Addendum: Caps lock is not your friend. That means: NO TYPING YOUR ENTIRE POST LIKE THIS.
2. All threads must be questions or comments on astronomy, preferably related to APOD (general questions are ok, but remember this is an APOD forum).
3. No threads about conspiracy theories, astrology, magic, abductions, UFO sightings, etc. I will delete any threads on these two subjects regardless of any replies. In particularly egregious cases, the thread starter will be banned. This is a scientific forum, if you want to talk about such subjects, there are many other message boards on the internet to post about such things.
4. Keep posts constructive.
5. If an official discussion thread is made, please keep all posts on the subject inside the appropriate threads. All other threads will be locked, so make sure you hit the "reply" button instead of "new topic."
6. Do not post advertisements of any kind without securing the express consent of the administrators beforehand. Do not use this bulletin board as a vehicle to promote your own web site, product, or forum, nor to sell merchandise. Advertising and this kind of promotion are egregious offenses which will result in the deletion of the offending posts and banning of the author(s) responsible.

This is my suggested "APOD Cafe" statement, (much of it taken from above by RJN, Nereid, or Dan Cordell)

"APOD Cafe"
Discuss anything about Astronomy (Off Planet)-related topics here. Or just order a Strange Streak Frappe, Good Old Joe (regular Sol system coffee), or the infamous Pan Galactic Gargle Latte (It really soothes the throat after a hot discussion).
*Sticky* at top of forum,
Basic Rules for "APOD Cafe" discussions.

Patrons wishing to discuss general astronomy-related topics, other than a specific APOD, please come in; we have a table topic just for you to participate in, or just order a beverage and enjoy the reading.

So that things don't get out of hand, I'm going to be enforcing a few simple rules.
1. All posts must be in English. No exceptions. I cannot read any other language well enough to moderate non-English posts. Addendum: Caps lock is not your friend. That means: NO TYPING YOUR ENTIRE POST LIKE THIS. It is considered as "shouting" in forums.
2. All threads must be questions or comments on astronomy, preferably related to APOD, or other space and astronomy related picture sites, (general questions are ok, but remember this is an APOD forum).
3. No threads about conspiracy theories, astrology, magic, abductions, UFO sightings, etc. I will delete any threads on these types subjects regardless of any replies. In particularly bad cases, the thread starter will be banned. This is a scientific forum, if you want to talk about such subjects, there are many other message boards on the internet to post about such things.
4. Keep posts constructive.
5. If an official discussion thread is made, please keep all posts on the subject inside the appropriate threads. All other threads and posts in them will be merged with the primary one. Make sure you hit the "reply" button instead of "new topic."
6. Do not post advertisements of any kind without securing the express consent of the administrators beforehand. Do not use this bulletin board as a vehicle to promote your own web site, product, or forum, nor to sell merchandise. Advertising and this kind of promotion are bad offenses which will result in the deletion of the offending posts and banning of the author(s) responsible.

hmmmm sips his drink and contemplates this, , , 8)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:07 am
by makc
may I ask you to highlight the difference?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:00 am
by FieryIce
This sounds reasonable.

Makc, if you need to be spoon fed, maybe you're in the wrong profession.

There is definitely a need for something in this forum, more so now with the increase in posters as a direct result of RJN's streak.

Asterisk Cafe / APOD Cafe

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:09 pm
by linx
Hi, altho there are some small variations in the direction of the content covered, i do not see a need for a 2nd Cafe ..perhaps the coffee on sale is a descendent of a higher class of bean ..that could cause a stir :D

Re: Asterisk Cafe / APOD Cafe

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:20 pm
by craterchains
Asterisk Cafe
Discuss anything NSL-related here. Or just order a Pan Galactic Gargle Latte.

linx wrote:Hi, altho there are some small variations in the direction of the content covered, i do not see a need for a 2nd Cafe ..perhaps the coffee on sale is a descendent of a higher class of bean ..that could cause a stir :D
The Cafe currently in use has nothing to do, what so ever, with the content of Night Sky Live. Though it does have much to do with APOD discussions, it's just in the wrong part of the forum.


Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:52 am
by harry
Hello All

Smile,,,,,,,,,a business man would give, what the people want.

Who owns this cafe?

More milk and sugar.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:42 am
by THX1138
You bet craterchains, excellent idea, stellar in-fact.
What do you say, THE
All powerful, all knowing and the all seeing
The Nereid.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:09 pm
by sidekickbobcat
It is quite clearly under the wrong category.


Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 12:24 am
by Doum
"There are 24301 registered users"
Only 7 answers.

The owner dont need a democratic vote to do whatever they or he or she want to do in here. They do as they wish. Wich is freedom.

This idea might be good or not, it's up to the owner to decide and the poll mean nothing here and should not even be there (It is like trying to force a free man to do something he dont want in his house because a majority of foreigner say so.). Starting a new post about the possibility of creating an apod cafe is not bad. But dont forget that this idea aint open to vote. Democracy is good in politics and governement but should not be use against the freedom of individual. (I know it was not what was intended in here when this poll was created, but i want to make sure that everyone know the weight this poll realy have.) So the poll represent only those who vote in it. That's all.

By the way, i might be interest in this apod cafe. :)

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:31 am
by craterchains
Doum wrote:First,
"There are 24301 registered users"
And the actual users and abusers are?
Only 7 answers.

The owner dont need a democratic vote to do whatever they or he or she want to do in here. They do as they wish. Wich is freedom.

This idea might be good or not, it's up to the owner to decide and the poll mean nothing here and should not even be there (It is like trying to force a free man to do something he dont want in his house because a majority of foreigner say so.). Starting a new post about the possibility of creating an apod cafe is not bad. But dont forget that this idea aint open to vote. Democracy is good in politics and governement but should not be use against the freedom of individual. (I know it was not what was intended in here when this poll was created, but i want to make sure that everyone know the weight this poll realy have.) So the poll represent only those who vote in it. That's all.

By the way, i might be interest in this apod cafe. :)
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Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:19 pm
by THX1138
Interesting craterchains, I had no idea that tax dollars made this site possible. In any event, I hardly see any reason why this couldn’t be put through a trial run, were it to get out of hand with every crazy on this rock posting about……Well we all know what I’m referring to, then fine end the thing. But put the idea on probation for 3 months and see what happens, this could be fun. Or I could be wrong, but how are we ever going to know if it’s not tried.
#1 A totally out of control mixture of abductions, UFOs and nonsense.
#2 A place where off beat but interesting topics might be considered
#3 A café you enter when you need a good laugh to break up the monotony
#4 ?
#5 ?

Good day all

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:29 pm
by FieryIce
A "trial run" shouldn't even be a consideration since the fact remains the Cafe "is quite clearly under the wrong category"

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:37 pm
by makc
FieryIce wrote:Makc, if you need to be spoon fed, maybe you're in the wrong profession.
I don't see a connection. Do you even know my profession?

Oh, and - click here to create 2nd Café

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:01 pm
by FieryIce
Doum wrote:First,
"There are 24301 registered users"
Only 7 answers.

By the way, i might be interest in this apod cafe. :)
To be accurate, 24301 registered users should not be used for any ratio, instead active users over a present period of time would be much more precise.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:27 pm
by Doum
Hey fieryice,

"To be accurate, 24301 registered users should not be used for any ratio, instead active users over a present period of time would be much more precise."

If an "active user" is a member that had write something or anything in here recently then it aint a represantation of everyone who read it. Many read but do not write. It's not bad to do so (I mean not writing in here.). Their opinion count and knowing their opinion might be hard to get. I am not against the idea of an apod cafe, it is the poll i find hard to interpret and i think that none of us could claim it to be of any scientific value. Each single members in here will see the meaning of that poll differently. So i say it might be O.K. for some and it's aint for other.

Result of that POll might be seen as a O.K. to try for an "apod cafe" to be create and give it a try (Number of readers will tell if it is good.). O.K. then. But it must not be seen as if the majority of members want it. Dont forget that the poll is all about those few who answer. Not those who read it.
And i still think that those who create this place have the final word anyway.

And as Makc said, there is a place to create one if anyone want to and it is free for the one who create it. No tax payers pay it.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:04 am
by craterchains
Maybe some just don't get the whole idea of an """APOD Cafe""", hell, just transfer the Asterisk Cafe posts which are a result of APOD and NOT NSL to the APOD part of the forum. Everything stays as it is, but the posting is about APOD, NOT NSL stuff. That is why it should be transferred, , , or, , , is there some reason that it stays in the NSL section of these boards?

Either way it is about APOD mostly and the Astronomy aspect in whole. It just seems logical to have it in the forum that most reflects it's usage, like APOD.

Not a new forum, just move it to the APOD area where it belongs.

sheeeeeeesh :roll:

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:02 pm
by makc
I noticed many posts get moved from apod (f=9) to here (f=8) for no apparent reason. I wrote Nereid about that, but she did not comment.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:47 am
by craterchains
After this last picture of APOD can we now talk about UFO's?

2007 August 29



Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:12 am
by harry
Hello Craterchains

Just open a link and call it "APOD CAFE"

and blonds are invited.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 3:31 pm
by craterchains
There is obviously a VERY selective reading capability amongst several posters here about the Asterisk Cafe becoming APOD instead of NSL. :roll:

Many try to drag in the discussion about such things as UFO's, ET's and so on. THAT IS NOT TO BE THE CASE. The same rules would apply to the APOD Cafe as is now applied to the Asterisk Cafe, as I have duly stated, several times, and several keep making it sound like that is what I want to discuss. Quite frankly I do not want to discuss such things as space war. I am a war veteran, and they are not good memories, I would not want to keep rehashing such concepts, contrary to the several posters that keep bugging me about it. Do your own research about such topics and make up your own minds. :idea: Just don't try to discuss them here in these forums.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:25 pm
by makc
ok, so you have a problem with location of cafe within forum index page?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:17 pm
by craterchains
duh :roll:

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:11 am
by Doum

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:47 pm
by linx

i dont see why the existing Cafe rules cannot be expanded to include both NSL + APOD under one roof/canopy

it appears a lot of hot air with no real objective to me


Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:00 pm
by craterchains
And another that can't read, , , :roll: