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M22 Globular Cluster

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:05 am
by mikebrous
Here's an image of of M22 that I took on Aug 6th, 2007 from my backyard in southern Louisiana. It came out a lot better than I expected. Someone suggested I submit it to APOD, so here I am. :)

Check it out:

M22 Globular Cluster

Clicking the 800x534 pixels image above will let you see a higher-res image at 1708x1140 pixels and 1.33MB in size. The full resolution image (3416x2279, 3.6MB) is here.

Technical specs:

Telescope: Meade SN-8 (200mm, F/4, 812mm F.L.)
Mount: Atlas EQ-G w/EQMOD
Camera: Hutech Modified Canon 350XT
Exposure: 25x120 sec @ ISO 1600
Other Equipment: MPCC coma corrector, IDAS-LPS filter, DSI Pro guide camera, 102mm F/5 guide scope w/2x barlow.
Processing: Darks, flats, offset calibration in IRIS. Post processing in PS along w/Noel Carboni's Astronomy Tools and Gradient XTerminator.

Thanks for looking. Hope ya'll like it! :)