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APOD: Jumbled Galaxy Centaurus A (2007 Jun 30)

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 4:52 pm
by podkayn
Centaurus A: How many black holes? (APOD 30 June 2007)

First, Kudos! The explanatory material and links with this dramatic image were most enlightening. But, given the really good evidence that there are at least 2 galaxies merging (or crossing?) in this active region, and the statement in one link that most galaxies have a black hole, has any evidence been found that the smaller spiral galaxy is contributing its own black hole to the mix? I've also seen the theory that gamma ray bursts are created when black holes merge. Might a gamma ray burst be in store for Centaurus A?

Re: Centaurus A: How many black holes? (APOD 30 June 2007)

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:37 pm
by orin stepanek
Sounds like the black hole is sining well! 8-) :D :wink: