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Jet, cresent Moon (APOD 05 June 2007)

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:17 pm
by jplamers
It looks like the beautiful June 5 APOD of an aircraft with an orange contrail and the new moon may have been reversed. As shown, the running light on the right (starboard) wing of the aircraft should be green, but it appears to be red.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:05 pm
by Pete
I can't tell whether that's a running light or a reflection of sunlight, but nice catch if it iturns out to be reversed!

One way to sort out the port & starboard directions and colours is to group the words according to relative length:
red is left is port,
green is right is starboard.

Almost looks like a poem. Hmm... Mnemonic haiku?
Red is left is port,
and green is right is starboard.
Damn colourblindness.
I probably shouldn't quit my day job. Okay, back to work...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:52 am
by craterchains
As an old sailor that reminds me of RED RIGHT RETURNING for entrance bouys to harbours, , , except at LaConner, Washington state, USA. :oops: Have you ever stuck an 85 foot tub boat in the mud?


Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:21 am
by iamlucky13
Looking at the full size image, I think it's actually an orangish reflection of sunlight off the cockpit windows.

It's pretty bright to be a running light, but it had me puzzled for a minute after you pointed it out.