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What is that object I just saw? supernova?

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:14 pm
by liu xingyu
I know this is abruptness. but could someone tell me what the hell is that?

my time is china's time here is 20h33min when England is 12h34min. that is exacly the time i saw that object.
when i have a casual look at the lighting clould sevaral kilometers away ,I fond a very bright star over head . brighter than venus . just like a piece of burning ribbon . It last about 2 seconds from i fond it to it fade to nothing . it location is lion, I thought it was the saturn fist ,but when it vanish I fond saturn just a few degrees beside.
that is excally a starlike object ,it do not move.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:34 pm
by William Roeder
I would guess that is was a flash from an Iridium satelite

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:53 pm
by liu xingyu
the satellite could't be that bright and the object is not moving,maybe the lighting cloud's lighting is cause by the partical ray from that ,because the cloud is not so massive to make that gorgeous lighting .then from the cloud's lighting to that object fade away is about 5second.
of course ,maybe that is just a shooting star heading for me.
I willkeep looking for the official's report these days .

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:13 pm
by iamlucky13
I think either an iridium flare or a meteor point directly at you. Supernova are visible longer periods of time...usually days I think.