the Moon

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the Moon

Post by shechaiyah » Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:45 pm

It's a gorgeous clear day with puffy clouds hanging over our heads, very stably.

So, I was sitting on the balcony which has several reference points, and I could determine from the line of the building and points on the hill, that these clouds weren't moving.

But, my God! Look at that Moon BOOKING ALONG! Wait a minute.

Would it be possible that the Moon could get shaken out of its usual spot, and begin traversing slowly in the opposite direction from our planet's spin. That would make it appear to "book along quickly."

And what would happen if the moon got "loose"?

You know how when you look at a clock, you see the second hand moving round and round, but the minute hand kind of looks STUCK, except that every once in a while you look back and voila, it moved.

Well, today the Moon traversing straight up over my head, is booking along like the SECOND hand on a clock. Bookita-bookita-bookita, on it goes.

I don't EVER remember noticing anything like this before. Did somebody kick the moon in the @ss, or is the planet somehow swirling around faster?

I realize, this sounds very silly. It also LOOKED silly.

Any comments, anybody?

( >#< >7( >~Shechaiyah

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Post by craterchains » Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:17 am

Yes, isn't it interesting how over the decades and centuries many have noted that the moon seems to be missing, or has changed its orbit now and then? :?

"It's not what you know, or don't know, but what you know that isn't so that will hurt you." Will Rodgers 1938

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