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NGC 3628

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:37 pm
by stargazer_7000
hi everybody,

I have signed up to this group I have been navigated to by a close friend of mine.
my name is dietmar Hager, I`m an Austrian amateurastrofotographer, living in Linz. my observatory is some 35 km north at 700m sealevel.
I use 3 TMB Apos there.
9" f/9, 5"f/9 and 4"/f6,2.
all three are attached to Mountegra, a single arm forkmount, that is fully adaptable to its`weigh that "she"`s bearing. I do not need any counterweights.


I`d like to introduce my recent image of NGC 3628 that I have taken with my 9" TMB Apo and a OSC SX camera.

here is the data:

date: 15th of march 2007
place: Stargazer Private Observatory
9" TMB Apo f/7 (TV 0,8)
sxv m25c - one shot color CCD
3,7 hours (4,6,8,10 min frames)
seeing 6-7/10

image acquisition, autoguiding and preprocessing was done in AstroArt4; postprocessing in multilayertechnique in PS CS2.
the background was smoothend with PixInsight LE.

I hope You guys like it...?

this is a small preview (downscaled):

here we are with the full size version(crop): ... 8-full.jpg

and again: an enlarged reprocessed version (crop): ... l-crop.jpg