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Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:53 pm
The only thing I can figure as a cause for disbelief is the fact that the Moon is so crisp (though it was the focal point through the lens) and the Plane is so pixelated

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:40 pm
by emc
I think Sam’s comment nails the problem outlined in this thread. Accusing fakery in such a recognized arena as APOD hurts those that pursue such endeavors such that it could reduce incentive to work. Why bother if the work is not trusted. Is it easier to believe fakery or that someone would work hard to accomplish something… what does that say about us?

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:52 pm
by Ann
rstevenson wrote:I predict there will now ensue a fake argument about the meaning of fake.
You're right, Rob. I posted something called "The NGC 7380 Hoax" in the "Discuss anything" forum. Read it if you like, or don't read it if you don't feel like it! (Hint: There is no NGC 7380 Hoax. It's a fake hoax!) :wink:


Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:43 am
by davidtrap
Well to all the sceptics - I know the bloke who took this photo personally. I've said it in another thread on this forum - he is too genuine to submit this as a fake.

Sometimes, everything comes together and you can produce an amazing photograph. Just accept it is real and be inspired by the photo to have a go yourself, rather than be jealous of someone else's achievements.


Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 2:30 pm
by Chris Peterson
davidtrap wrote:Well to all the sceptics - I know the bloke who took this photo personally...
I'd like to point out that only three people suggested the image was fake (and another was "properly" skeptical, and asked a reasonable question about the lighting). One of the three who said it was fake might actually have the credentials to offer some substantive evidence, but made no follow-up post. None of the three have any posting history with this forum.

Pick almost any discussion that goes to four pages and you'll probably find a handful of wacky posts.

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:35 pm
by RJN

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:18 pm
by owlice
Congratulations, Chris!! Well-deserved coverage for a fabulous shot!

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:46 pm
by emc
This was such a cool APOD… I love airplanes and I love space objects… especially the Moon. If it weren’t for the Moon at what would we howl? There are way too many stars to howl at… which one to pick from… too many choices. There has to be a focal point else howling is meaningless.

Sorry to be so silly, but I thought it was time for a wacky post. If things get too heavy, then who can carry the load?
Click to play embedded YouTube video.

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:00 pm
by Beyond
Hey ED, if'n youse is gonna howl at da moon, youse is gonna haf'ta change Equine Locutionist to Lupine Locutionist :!: You don't want to get caught up in one of those fake or not fake situations, do you :?:

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:07 pm
by emc
beyond wrote:Hey ED, if'n youse is gonna howl at da moon, youse is gonna haf'ta change Equine Locutionist to Lupine Locutionist :!: You don't want to get caught up in one of those fake or not fake situations, do you :?:
Sorry, not my call. My nickname was beguiled to me, likely because I divulged my crush on Carol here in Asterisk*. (I also liked the TV show)

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:05 pm
by bystander
emc wrote:Sorry, not my call.
You are still the infamous Mr. Ed, don't go shapeshifting on us.

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:07 pm
by owlice
bystander wrote: You are still the infamous Mr. Ed, don't go shapeshifting on us.
HAHAHAHAHA!! You are a fine one to be talking about shapeshifting!!!! :D

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:57 am
by Beyond
emc wrote:
beyond wrote:Hey ED, if'n youse is gonna howl at da moon, youse is gonna haf'ta change Equine Locutionist to Lupine Locutionist :!: You don't want to get caught up in one of those fake or not fake situations, do you :?:
Sorry, not my call. My nickname was beguiled to me, likely because I divulged my crush on Carol here in Asterisk*. (I also liked the TV show)
Ahh....I see. Ok Ed, HERE you can get away with having a split personality, so if'n youse wants to Howl at that blasted moon....go right ahead :!:

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:48 pm
by emc
bystander wrote:
emc wrote:Sorry, not my call.
You are still the infamous Mr. Ed, don't go shapeshifting on us.
I like my nickname… it’s funny. I don’t know who came up with it but I told you it was ok.

I’m content when I’m in my “stable”. But that Moon…!

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:09 pm
by DavidLeodis
hotspur wrote:here is link to original file (3377) ... hp?t=65931

The original JPEG file is 3377 its there for all the naysayers.

I also have a RAW file untouched on the SD card.

I can not find the 'attachment' area under 'save,submit,preview" buttons

Hope the naysayers look at the ice in space thread and original images.

Yes the plane flys over everyday at approx 5.30 pm,yes the sunset around 5.45 pm that day,Yes the camera clock was correct.

Do all APODs get such a pizzling? I would have thought people at NASA inspecting them would be good enough pass :(

The word "pizzling" is a new one to me. I like it. :) I also like the excellent photo.

There's something particularly nice when viewing the Moon when it is between its ¾ to ¼ phases (sorry for the use of those simple layman's terms but I'm not sure of the correct phase terms without looking them up).

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:56 pm
by Batmite
Ii the early nineties during Monday night football, in a game being played in San Francisco, a camera was pointed at a rising full moon. When the station showed it live, for those 3-4 seconds a plane crossed in the path. Very cool indeed. Somewhere there in probably a still of it.

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:32 am
by 13 Rabbit
I was just about to post the same item about Monday Night Football. I saw it. I only have the image in my head.

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:52 am
by 13 Rabbit
I sent an email to ABC requesting the image from the football game. I suggested they ask Dandy Don and Frank Gifford about the incident. I'm sure they will jump right on this.

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:31 am
by chrisfruit
Sorry folks: ... or----2221

Code: Select all

# 334 | First Quarter Moon

In the spring the angle of the ecliptic is inclined quite steeply towards the western horizon. For lunar observers and photographers, this results in a well-placed Moon in the evening sky, high above the horizon and away from our murky atmosphere which affects seeing and photos.

On March 14, Stuart Heggie of Flesherton, Ontario used his Astro-Physics 155EDF f/7 refractor and an SBIG ST10XME CCD camera equipped with an Astrodon 6nm H-Alpha filter to create this images of the Moon.

Ten images, each .12 seconds were taken and combined afterwards using Maxim DL and Photoshop.

Unless the image was also taken from Ontario 10 times and combined, I don't know why the craters, shadings and fadings can be the entirely the same. Anyone got a clever explanation why they are the same?

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:48 am
by owlice
chrisfruit, got those straws firmly grasped, hmm?

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:57 am
A first quarter moon is a first quarter moon.
Look closely at this image
Click to view full size image
and you will notice that the terminator line in the MARE IBRIUM meets at the crater Archimedes, and farther to the left and below the terminator lies 2 sunlit peaks whose bases lie in the shadow of night in the MARE IBRIUM
But in the APOD image
Click to view full size image
the terminator lies slightly farther up in the image and meets more near the middle of the crater Archimedes whish isn't as brightly lit along the bottom crater rim.
And, in fact, the two sunlit peaks are not visible because the terminator hasn't progressed far enough to illuminate them.

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:43 pm
by Beyond
Were both those moon pictures taken at the same time of night?

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:49 pm
Only if they were taken at different times of the year with a 5:45pm sunset in Australia that places the image as being taken near southern hemisphere winter (before or after) But I'm not certain when the other was taken though is was taken in Ontario Canada.

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:16 pm
by Beyond
BMAONE23 wrote:Only if they were taken at different times of the year with a 5:45pm sunset in Australia that places the image as being taken near southern hemisphere winter (before or after) But I'm not certain when the other was taken though is was taken in Ontario Canada.
I asked about the time because if they were taken at different times of the night they would both be different.
If you take a picture of a quarter moon at moonrise, at midpoint and at moonset, you would have 3 different pictures of the moon's surface being lit.
A quarter moon is a quarter moon. However, it depends on what time of THAT night that the pictures are taken, as to how different each of them looks. So if you are trying to compare the picture of another quarter moon that was not taken at the same time of the same night that the airplane crossing was taken, it will be different - with or without the plane, because the moon itself will not be in the same quarter moon position and thus be a little more or a little less illuminated.

Re: APOD: An Airplane in Front of the Moon (2010 Sep 29)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:25 pm
by Chris Peterson
beyond wrote:I asked about the time because if they were taken at different times of the night they would both be different.
If you take a picture of a quarter moon at moonrise, at midpoint and at moonset, you would have 3 different pictures of the moon's surface being lit.
A quarter moon is a quarter moon. However, it depends on what time of THAT night that the pictures are taken, as to how different each of them looks. So if you are trying to compare the picture of another quarter moon that was not taken at the same time of the same night that the airplane crossing was taken, it will be different - with or without the plane, because the moon itself will not be in the same quarter moon position and thus be a little more or a little less illuminated.
It doesn't matter what time an image is made, in terms of where it is in the sky. The moment of first quarter is just that- a moment. So if you take three images over a night, they will be different simply because the lunar phase is changing- not because the position of the Moon in the sky is changing. Other things that will affect how the image appears include where you are on the Earth, the current libration both in latitude and longitude, and where the Moon is in its orbit (which isn't perfectly circular). All these things make it nearly impossible to capture two identical images of the Moon at different times.

You might easily take an image one month during the day, low in the sky, and the next month at night, high in the sky, and find the images very similar. It is the position of the Moon relative to yourself and the Sun that matters, not where it is in the sky or what time it is.