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Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:42 am
by Doum
Beyond wrote:Having a pet will also help you live longer, especially if you are alone. How about a nice little puddy tat, like Rupert, for instance.
AHHHH!!! Now that is a pet. I thought that my dead cat (3 and a half foots long with tail) was big. when on is foot i have is head beside my hip. GEE it was still a small pet. I can only say: NICE pet. WOW :shock:

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:23 pm
by Beyond
Doum wrote:
Beyond wrote:Having a pet will also help you live longer, especially if you are alone. How about a nice little puddy tat, like Rupert, for instance.
AHHHH!!! Now that is a pet. I thought that my dead cat (3 and a half foots long with tail) was big. when on is foot i have is head beside my hip. GEE it was still a small pet. I can only say: NICE pet. WOW :shock:
You beat the biggest cat i ever had by half a foot. Mine was 3-feet from nose to end of tail. With double paws on all four feet!

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:41 pm
by Moonlady
Beyond wrote:Having a pet will also help you live longer, especially if you are alone. How about a nice little puddy tat, like Rupert, for instance.
That cat does not look pleased :lol2:

Pets I would not want to have if I wish stay happy and alive:

boa will easily swallow me
mosquitos...small is not always cute
happy hippos...can be moody and stomp over me
crocodiles...same as a boa
sugargliders...they will eat my sweets
dentrobates azureus...kiss and die instead of having a prince

I want a :kitty: and a :puppy:

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:25 pm
by saturno2
Beyond presents a " small kitten" that has not 7 lives, It has 14!!
Moonlady presents a list of not pets.
She need to put certain strains of dangerous dogs.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:37 am
by saturno2
Speaking of the foods to wich I call naturals.
Once went in my backyard a papaya tree, and accidentally watered the plant near a bottlee of vitamins for human use.
The result was that the tree gave lots fruits of high quality and exquisit flavor.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:56 am
by saturno2
The other day I buy a tea koreano of Ginseng.
Explaning that serves to reduce inflamation, have more endurance, improve kindey funtion, liver, etc.
Indicated that, thanks to Ginseng, Li Chung Yung lived 165 years.
Is it true this longevity data?

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:50 am
by geckzilla
You have one possible example. You can't even make correlation with one, much less causation.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:54 am
by Chris Peterson
geckzilla wrote:You have one possible example. You can't even make correlation with one, much less causation.
I'm assuming that when you say "possible" you actually mean "extremely unlikely".

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:20 am
by geckzilla

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:41 am
by saturno2
I think that the long-lived person develop a quality that I would call the
" resistance factor"
This factor allows a person walking or running without tiring much.
Well. When I was in high school, always came last in every race.
Train running up a mountain small distances.
Then I ran 2,000 m dash with 36 athetes y arrived in the post number 9
( I not was an athete).
2012 London Olimpic Games. Usain Bolt wins 100m dash competition with the time of 9.63 sec.
One expert in athetics said that Bolt when was child ran up a small hill of 150m
of high.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:45 am
by saturno2
The family Melis of Cerdeña ( Italy ) is the world´s oldest, italian
newspaper say.
The family Melis of 9 sublings, holds the Guinness Record of longevity.
An italian researcher says the secret of longevity " does not reside in a single factor"
He points to several factors:
1.- Heredity
2.- Soil quality and products such as pears and plums.
3.- Magnetic field
4.- Ancestral culture

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:52 am
by Chris Peterson
saturno2 wrote:The family Melis of Cerdeña ( Italy ) is the world´s oldest, italian
newspaper say.
The family Melis of 9 sublings, holds the Guinness Record of longevity.
An italian researcher says the secret of longevity " does not reside in a single factor"
He points to several factors:
1.- Heredity
2.- Soil quality and products such as pears and plums.
3.- Magnetic field
4.- Ancestral culture
Heredity may well be important. Soil quality and products, not. Magnetic field, laughable nonsense. Culture, to the extent that it impacts lifestyle, also may be important.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:19 pm
by emc
Chris Peterson wrote:
saturno2 wrote:The family Melis of Cerdeña ( Italy ) is the world´s oldest, italian
newspaper say.
The family Melis of 9 sublings, holds the Guinness Record of longevity.
An italian researcher says the secret of longevity " does not reside in a single factor"
He points to several factors:
1.- Heredity
2.- Soil quality and products such as pears and plums.
3.- Magnetic field
4.- Ancestral culture
Heredity may well be important. Soil quality and products, not. Magnetic field, laughable nonsense. Culture, to the extent that it impacts lifestyle, also may be important.
I would replace "Magnetic field" with attitude.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:14 pm
by Chris Peterson
emc wrote:I would replace "Magnetic field" with attitude.
Attitude or altitude?

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:49 pm
One of the big longevity factors is Stress. And the regular though moderate intake of one of Italy's major products, wine, goes a long way toward moderating this factor.

Another really major factor is the ability to accept death without becoming depressed. A long life will encounter the passing of many friendS and family

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:22 pm
by Moonlady
Chris Peterson wrote:
saturno2 wrote:The family Melis of Cerdeña ( Italy ) is the world´s oldest, italian
newspaper say.
The family Melis of 9 sublings, holds the Guinness Record of longevity.
An italian researcher says the secret of longevity " does not reside in a single factor"
He points to several factors:
1.- Heredity
2.- Soil quality and products such as pears and plums.
3.- Magnetic field
4.- Ancestral culture
Heredity may well be important. Soil quality and products, not. Magnetic field, laughable nonsense. Culture, to the extent that it impacts lifestyle, also may be important.

hey don't laugh about magnetic field! Our ancestors used compass, which is using the magnetic field, they would get lost and birds, swimming turtles use the magnetic field for orientation!
And if you don't know your pacemaker is magnetic field sensitive...o oh.... :?

Is heredity meant in genetics or being heir of money?

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:52 pm
by saturno2
Heredity is in genetics

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:04 am
by saturno2
Chris Peterson
I think the quality of the soil and its products is very important.
The quality of food is vital for human development and the longevity.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:55 am
by Chris Peterson
saturno2 wrote:Chris Peterson
I think the quality of the soil and its products is very important.
The quality of food is vital for human development and the longevity.
There is no established relationship between any particular types of food and longevity. Good nutrition is important, but that is achievable with a wide range of diets, and with foods from all over the world, produced in a variety of ways. In many species, there is a strong correlation between a low calorie diet and longevity- something that is strongly suspected to hold true in humans, as well, but hasn't been rigorously tested.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:40 pm
by saturno2
Chris Peterson wrote:
saturno2 wrote:Chris Peterson
I think the quality of the soil and its products is very important.
The quality of food is vital for human development and the longevity.
There is no established relationship between any particular types of food and longevity. Good nutrition is important, but that is achievable with a wide range of diets, and with foods from all over the world, produced in a variety of ways. In many species, there is a strong correlation between a low calorie diet and longevity- something that is strongly suspected to hold true in humans, as well, but hasn't been rigorously tested.
Well. But there are two places where it is observed that the quality of food
" may be " a factor important in longevity:
Cerdeña ( Italy)
Vilcabamba Village ( Ecuador )
Many sites should be studied more

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:59 pm
by Chris Peterson
saturno2 wrote:Well. But there are two places where it is observed that the quality of food
" may be " a factor important in longevity:
Cerdeña ( Italy)
Vilcabamba Village ( Ecuador )
Many sites should be studied more
I've never heard of Cerdeña. I think perhaps you are referring to Sardinia, where there are a few rural villages with a higher than usual number of old people. But nobody has a clue why.

It has been debunked completely that Vilcabamba residents live especially long lives. Indeed, their life expectancy is less than Americans. They simply have a cultural tradition of inflating their stated age as they grow older. They do have a healthy lifestyle, however, which assists them in remaining healthy when they get old... a largely undisputed phenomenon seen all over the world.

It is important to resist drawing conclusions about observations when there is no evidence to base those conclusions on.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:46 am
by saturno2
Chris Peterson
Perhaps Sardinia = Cerdeña
Melis from Pendasdelfogu, Ogliastra / Cerdeña / Italy
Well. I respect but do not share some of your criteria.
The knowledge is broad and not based on blased reasoning.
You can not cover the Sun with one finger

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:55 am
by Chris Peterson
saturno2 wrote:You can not cover the Sun with one finger
I can. It's how I judge atmospheric transparency. <g>

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:56 am
by Moonlady
Chris Peterson wrote:
saturno2 wrote:You can not cover the Sun with one finger
I can. It's how I judge atmospheric transparency. <g>
Saturno, do you want to be immortal?

Are there used different fingers to cover different sky objects? rhetoric question...

One longevity factor is lazyness...if you take really less risks in daily life, just because you are lazy, stay at home and watch read about all people dying in
taking risks... but hey, no risk - no fun !!!

Heredity is well, in both meaning - me

My father's side and mother's side have different genetic ancestors, european and asian. My father is always taken as a Japanese and my mother and her father are
white and blond. I am taken as Swedish or French looking, had fair hair as child.
My genetic pool and genexpression can't tell me what illnesses or weaknesses I carry around. It's more coincidence which genes will be activate, some more dominant some father's mother had a very hard life living in wars, poverty and bad nutrition, gave birth to 12 children,
but many died, she had diabetes and could see without glasses better than me, she walked and
talked till she died in age of 97.
My mother's father was always healthy, rich for having a high lifestandard with good medical care and till he died suddenly by stroke in age of 57.

Since I will not be heir of any penny, there is no support either to have a better care in life.

Since very rich people die young too, there is no way you can trick death.

While I was going to highschool, I worked in a seniors home care, most of the people told me that they regret many choices in life, if they would be young again,
they would do things differently.

That was a good thing for me listening to their biographies, I came to the conclusion, that I don't want to sit in a wheelchair when I am old like maybe 78 and regret
my life.

Since then I made choices I would do all again, if I would be placed back in time, I don't regret anything significant about how my life takes me so far, if I die young, ahem,
like in my age now, I just go. Nothing holding me back. I achieved and tried what I thought would matter to me and my friends.

Re: 7 longevity factors

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:07 am
by saturno2
Best regards. Thanks for your important notes.
You wrote:
" Saturno, do you want to be inmortal?
No, no, I don¨t want to be inmortal.
When I wrote about longevity, thinking that we could learn from the habits of the
long-lived persons, to improve our lifestyle.
This was the purpose.
I think laziness is not longevity factor. The work and activity, yes it¨s.
The laziness is factor of disease.