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Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:57 pm
by Case
wonderboy wrote:Whats all this about doctor who?
Doctor Who (2005 reboot) Season 5, Episode 10

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:11 pm
by mrmon
I see the painted Moon eating the real Moon :)

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:40 pm
by ariz5304
lake wrote:I see Einstein Cross, the gravitational lensed quasar!
i just got on my pc to say the same thing lol

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:59 pm
by guest12
This is simply fabulous!! I will use this with my students!

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:45 pm
by Just a guess
At the very top almost center of the image.A white profile of the Enterprise. Has to be deliberate. I like it.

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:37 pm
by jcshadoin7
I am not a savvy astronomer, but I do so appreciate the usage of fine art, including the Vermeer, to intrigue all of us APOD devotees! I love this site and recommend it all the time. Thank you for your genius!

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:49 pm
by Cameron Downunder
Just a guess wrote:At the very top almost center of the image.A white profile of the Enterprise. Has to be deliberate. I like it.
I see what you are referring to. Be interested to see if that is deliberate, or original brush strokes.

Let me add to all, I am wondering what image saturn is sitting within? Familiar image but can not place it.

Also what is SNR 1987a sitting in?

Could not confirm horse head nebula near Thors Hammer lower left.

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:21 am
by kjm918
I saw the APOD 10th anniversary Vermer image! :D

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:43 am
by jlfonz1
Anyone mention the eclipse going on?

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:51 am
by aviatorone
Unless someone else said it, I thought 'Thor's Helmet' was in the lower left?

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:58 am
by aviatorone
Cameron Downunder wrote:
Just a guess wrote:At the very top almost center of the image.A white profile of the Enterprise. Has to be deliberate. I like it.
I see what you are referring to. Be interested to see if that is deliberate, or original brush strokes.

Let me add to all, I am wondering what image saturn is sitting within? Familiar image but can not place it.

Also what is SNR 1987a sitting in?

Could not confirm horse head nebula near Thors Hammer lower left.
At church steeples one o'clock, that looks like an actually horse head, its even brown. : )

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:27 am
by akemtek
The funny 'alien' in the lower left corner is Thor's Helmet.
I like the star forming region, the faint pink and blue over the large whorl smack dab in the middle.

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:16 am
by Pepe
It is surprising that nobody has yet mentioned The Antenna Galaxy. :D

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:52 am
by Galaxy
Pepe wrote:It is surprising that nobody has yet mentioned The Antenna Galaxy. :D
Really ? We discussed about it in the second page, here are some quotations:
Galactic_Kitten wrote:Einstein Cross above the church in the background.
To the bottom right of the antennae is one of the pillars of creation from the Eagle Nebula (someone said Orion, which is not the case!)
Galaxy wrote:
Galactic_Kitten wrote: I think to the right of the Antennae is exactly one of the "pillars of creation" from the Eagle Nebula, you can see the "red dot" in the bottom of the "pillar", as in this picture

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:48 am
by Galaxy
Click to view full size image
I marked and numbered the objects that I found in in the above photo.
Some objects that I think I know exactly, some that I am not sure and some that I don't know.
Thank you for your verifications :D

16 objects that I think I know exactly:

2. The Sombrero Galaxy
Reference picture:

4. The Remnant of supernova 1987A
Reference picture:

5. The Ant Nebula
Reference picture:

6. The “red” Moon (during a total lunar eclipse)
Reference picture:

7. The Witch Head Nebula
Reference picture:

8. The Eskimo Nebula
Reference picture:

9. Comet C/2009 R1 (McNaugth)
Reference picture:

10. The Antennae Galaxies
Reference picture:

12. Comet Hale-Bopp
Reference picture:

15. The Crab Nebula (M1)
Reference picture:

16. The Pinwheel Galaxy (M101)
Reference picture:

17. One of the Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula (M16)
Reference picture:

18. The Cartwheel Galaxy
Reference picture:

19. The Einstein Cross
Reference picture:

20. The Thor'Helmet
Reference picture:

21. “Vermeer's Astronomer and Geographer”
Reference picture:

3 objects that I am not sure if I found correctly

1. The Rosette Nebula

3. The Cat's Eye Nebula

14. The Owl Nebula

2 objects that I have not know yet:

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:44 pm
by Guest
I marked and numbered the objects that I found in in the above photo.
Some objects that I think I know exactly, some that I am not sure and some that I don't know.
Thank you for your verifications :D

Thanks for that. Man the Antennae nebula is so beautiful! I love it! :) Thanks for the descriptions.

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:08 pm
by rwarner
Great job, folks! I had a lot of fun making this picture on several cloudy nights.

• No Saturn

•No Enterprise (unless the master put it there)

#9 is Hyakutake, but your guess was a good one

#11 is a different false-color Hubble picture of SN1987A than the more obvious one in the upper part of the picture

#13 is the core of NGC4261

BTW, to the upper right of the moon is Jupiter, placed as it was during a nice conjunction in Dec 2004.

There is another example of gravitationally lensing galaxies in the gap in the upper loop of the antennae. It didn't display as well as I had hoped.

Ronnie Warner

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:11 pm
by Victor B
Bright Star in upper right corner next to moon: Venus???
Dark triangle between Large tree and small green object??? Reentry capsule??? (Not in Original Painting).

This is an out standing picture. I copied the jpg and will have it printed up on a large canvas format @ COSTO and framed. I love it.

Victor B

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:37 pm
by snowyknits
Britt451 wrote:That's the southern cross atop the steeple.
No, don't believe that is it. The arrangement of the five elements is not accurate for the Southern Cross. Rather, as has been said by others above, the four spots surrounding the center dot is a single quasar being gravitationally lensed by the massive galaxy in front of it, thus forming an "Einstein Cross" as Albert Einstein predicted could exist.

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:05 am
by rwarner
Victor B wrote:Bright Star in upper right corner next to moon: Venus???
Dark triangle between Large tree and small green object??? Reentry capsule??? (Not in Original Painting).

This is an out standing picture. I copied the jpg and will have it printed up on a large canvas format @ COSTO and framed. I love it.

Victor B
Thanks, Victor B!

The bright object in upper right corner is Jupiter. It is placed in proper scale, and position relative to the moon, as it was during a close conjunction.

I don't know what the dark triangle is. It's probably something that tagged along with one of the layers I placed.

Ronnie Warner

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:11 am
by rwarner
snowyknits wrote:
Britt451 wrote:That's the southern cross atop the steeple.
No, don't believe that is it. The arrangement of the five elements is not accurate for the Southern Cross. Rather, as has been said by others above, the four spots surrounding the center dot is a single quasar being gravitationally lensed by the massive galaxy in front of it, thus forming an "Einstein Cross" as Albert Einstein predicted could exist.
Correct! Einstein Cross. It is very difficult to image. No way I could do it with my seeing and equipment. One of the most impressive images of this object I have ever seen was done by Roland Christen, of Astro-Physics telescope fame, with his 10" Mak-Cass.


Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:44 am
by Galaxy
Thank you Ronnie ! You are an excellent astro artist.

I visit APOD everyday, but I didn't know this forum. I only registered after reading the introduction of your picture on 15/06/2010 in the APOD site

I have just watched your profile, and I found this topic: ... 29&t=19628

I am very lucky beacause I hadn't known that topic before starting to "hunt" for the objects in your picture. So I could do this "scavenger hunt" with all of my eagerness and excitement.

I'm trying to find which "galaxies cluster" you put in the upper loop of the Antennae. But it is difficult beacause it 's too blur in this picture.
rwarner wrote: There is another example of gravitationally lensing galaxies in the gap in the upper loop of the antennae. It didn't display as well as I had hoped.
Ronnie Warner

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:38 pm
by aporigine
The big swirl in the middle ...
does it not look compellingly like the Antennae, NGCs 4038 and -39?
cheers apo

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:43 pm
by aporigine
(edit) Oops; I didn't see it mentioned on my first pass.

Re: APOD: Starry Night Scavenger Hunt (2010 Jun 15)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:18 pm
by rwarner
Galaxy wrote:Thank you Ronnie ! You are an excellent astro artist.

I visit APOD everyday, but I didn't know this forum. I only registered after reading the introduction of your picture on 15/06/2010 in the APOD site

I have just watched your profile, and I found this topic: ... 29&t=19628

I am very lucky beacause I hadn't known that topic before starting to "hunt" for the objects in your picture. So I could do this "scavenger hunt" with all of my eagerness and excitement.

I'm trying to find which "galaxies cluster" you put in the upper loop of the Antennae. But it is difficult beacause it 's too blur in this picture.
rwarner wrote: There is another example of gravitationally lensing galaxies in the gap in the upper loop of the antennae. It didn't display as well as I had hoped.
Ronnie Warner
You got it: Abell 1689. I didn't do a very good job with that one. Go to the Hubble galaxy index to see it done properly.
Ronnie Warner