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Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:55 am
by astrolabe
Hello Chris,

I thought the representation of the wheel within a wheel in what looks like someone having a vision was from an OT book. The guy does look a little prophet-like.

Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:04 am
by Chris Peterson
astrolabe wrote:I thought the representation of the wheel within a wheel in what looks like someone having a vision was from an OT book. The guy does look a little prophet-like.
Yeah, that element could well be inspired by Ezekiel. But I don't think there's any suggestion in Flammarion that the person is supposed to be Ezekiel. Rather, he is a medieval wanderer who has come to the edge of the sky.

Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:15 am
by astrolabe
Hello Chris,

Lucky guy, fit's well with this thread, eh? If it were only that easy.

Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:20 am
by neufer
Chris Peterson wrote:
astrolabe wrote:Isn't that Ezekiel in the image?
Nope, just a "missionary of the middle ages". The wood engraving is from the late 19th century (much later than it looks like), and first appeared in Flammarion's The Atmosphere: Popular Meteorology.
<<The Flammarion Woodcut is an enigmatic woodcut by an unknown artist. It is referred to as the Flammarion Woodcut because its first documented appearance is in page 163 of Camille Flammarion's L'atmosphère: météorologie populaire (Paris, 1888), a work on meteorology for a general audience. The woodcut depicts a man peering through the Earth's atmosphere as if it were a curtain to look at the inner workings of the universe. The original caption below the picture translated to: "A medieval missionary tells that he has found the point where heaven and Earth meet...".>>
Nicolas Camille Flammarion (26 February 1842 – 3 June 1925) was a French astronomer and author. He is commonly referred to as Camille Flammarion. He was a prolific author of more than fifty titles, including popular science works about astronomy, several notable early science fiction novels, and several works about Spiritualism and related topics. He also published the magazine L'Astronomie, starting in 1882. He maintained a private observatory at Juvisy-sur-Orge, France. He was the first to suggest the names Triton and Amalthea for moons of Neptune and Jupiter, respectively, although these names were not officially adopted until many decades later.

Because of his scientific background, he approached spiritualism and reincarnation from the viewpoint of the scientific method, writing, "It is by the scientific method alone that we may make progress in the search for truth. Religious belief must not take the place of impartial analysis. We must be constantly on our guard against illusions." He was chosen to speak at the funerals of Allan Kardec, founder of Spiritism, on 2 April 1869, when he re-affirmed that "spiritism is not a religion but a science." His spiritualism studies also influenced some of his science fiction. In "Lumen", a human character meets the soul of a an alien, able to cross the universe faster than light, that has been reincarnated on many different worlds, each with their own gallery of organsims and their evolutionary history. Other than that, his writing about other worlds adhered fairly closely to then current ideas in evolutionary theory and astronomy.>>
Camille Flammarion wrote:"What intelligent being, what being capable of responding emotionally to a beautiful sight, can look at the jagged, silvery lunar crescent trembling in the azure sky, even through the weakest of telescopes, and not be struck by it in an intensely pleasurable way, not feel cut off from everyday life here on earth and transported toward that first stop on the celestial journeys? What thoughtful soul could look at brilliant Jupiter with its four attendant satellites, or splendid Saturn encircled by its mysterious ring, or a double star glowing scarlet and sapphire in the infinity of night, and not be filled with a sense of wonder? Yes, indeed, if humankind — from humble farmers in the fields and toiling workers in the cities to teachers, people of independent means, those who have reached the pinnacle of fame or fortune, even the most frivolous of society women — if they knew what profound inner pleasure await those who gaze at the heavens, then France, nay, the whole of Europe, would be covered with telescopes instead of bayonets, thereby promoting universal happiness and peace."

Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:47 pm
by aristarchusinexile
astrolabe wrote:There is a guy who proposed a collapsing-universe concept to explain the redshift in the apparent expanding universe. Interesting but hardly convincing IMOPO. One would, I would think, need a very impressive amount of DM anyway even to pull off the bounce/cyclical idea of a recycling universe. :shock: The "WALL" is unthinkable unless colliding galaxies are somewhere in that mind of yours as a good enough reason to pursue the thought as a kind of return wave. Am I on to you yet? :D
Well, I did catch that "in that mind of yours" as a negative kind of .. wait .. that's a dark echo of MOPO of my mind bouncing off the inside of my thick skull .. not yours .. sorry about that.
:) A wall .. well, it could be that wall of water on either side of the universe.

Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:51 pm
by aristarchusinexile
Chris Peterson wrote:
astrolabe wrote:Isn't that Ezekiel in the image?
Nope, just a "missionary of the middle ages". The wood engraving is from the late 19th century (much later than it looks like), and first appeared in Flammarion's The Atmosphere: Popular Meteorology.
I see the plot here .. entice AriSput to become fishbait for Nereid. No way guys .. you'll get nothing from me of missionaries, wheels within wheels, and "the earth is a sphere suspended on nothing".

That MIPS telescope at first struck me as the bottle of Blueberry Schnapps I drank over the past three days, and of course I wondered how you got that photo of me drinking my my room. Yes, I shall drink to ' Universal Happiness and Peace.'

Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:48 pm
by astrolabe
Hello aristarchusinexile,
aristarchusinexile wrote:That MIPS telescope at first struck me as the bottle of Blueberry Schnapps I drank over the past three days,
Aw gee ari, you really know how to hurt a guy. Blueberry huh? As a Mainer I have to say: 8)
aristarchusinexile wrote:Well, I did catch that "in that mind of yours" as a negative kind of ..

No negativity in thought or word; just a reasonably healthy respect.

Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:09 pm
by aristarchusinexile
astrolabe wrote:Hello aristarchusinexile,
aristarchusinexile wrote:That MIPS telescope at first struck me as the bottle of Blueberry Schnapps I drank over the past three days,
Aw gee ari, you really know how to hurt a guy. Blueberry huh? As a Mainer I have to say: 8)
aristarchusinexile wrote:Well, I did catch that "in that mind of yours" as a negative kind of ..

No negativity in thought or word; just a reasonably healthy respect.
I wuz just kiddin' around, Astro. You is okay with me. How many blueberries are there in Maine?

Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:17 pm
I dunno but I found such a thrill on blueberry hill

Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:39 pm
by aristarchusinexile
BMAONE23 wrote:I dunno but I found such a thrill on blueberry hill
Did than union bear any fruit, BMA?

Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:12 pm
aristarchusinexile wrote:
BMAONE23 wrote:I dunno but I found such a thrill on blueberry hill
Did than union bear any fruit, BMA?
can't say for certain though someone did get pr..... (on a thorn)

Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:39 pm
by neufer
BMAONE23 wrote:
aristarchusinexile wrote:
BMAONE23 wrote:I dunno but I found such a thrill on blueberry hill
Did than union bear any fruit, BMA?
can't say for certain though someone did get pr..... (on a thorn)
. King Henry VI, part III > Act V, scene V
KING EDWARD IV: Can so young a thorn begin to prick?
. Romeo and Juliet > Act I, scene IV
ROMEO: Is love a tender thing? it is too rough,
. Too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn.
. All's Well That Ends Well > Act IV, scene II
DIANA: but when you have our roses,
. You barely leave our thorns to prick ourselves
. And mock us with our bareness.
. The Tempest > Act IV, scene I
ARIEL: I told you, sir, they were red-hot with drinking;
. So fun of valour that they smote the air
. For breathing in their faces; beat the ground
. For kissing of their feet; yet always bending
. Towards their project. Then I beat my tabour;
. At which, like unback'd colts, they prick'd their ears,
. Advanced their eyelids, lifted up their noses
. As they smelt music: so I charm'd their ears
. That calf-like they my lowing follow'd through
. Tooth'd briers, sharp furzes, pricking goss and thorns,
. Which entered their frail shins: at last I left them
. I' the filthy-mantled pool beyond your cell,
. There dancing up to the chins, that the foul lake
. O'erstunk their feet.

Re: View deep space objects

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:19 pm
by aristarchusinexile
Tides Of The Cosmic Winds Do Pull Us
(T'wards Blueberry Hill)
Italicized words and phrases newly included in this 'Dedicated to APOD' version.

Tides of the cosmic winds do pull us
and carry our thoughts on currents as far
as the watery boundaries of the universe
beyond the farthest galaxy, blueberry or star.

Closer to 'home' we drift along familiar yet foreign Blueberry headlands
where, beaching, we (find some blueberries set upon our minds new life;
and lie together as continents raising Himalayas of passion:
mountaintops explode with cataclysmic strife

while lava flows into fluid oceans of embryonic warmth (Blueberries afloat upon
with the finest of viscosity; and in the realm of oceanic depth
we see new islands building; a time of sedimentary rest;
a promise of an eternal spectrum of metamorphosing.

Before passion cools, however, aromas flit like tropic birds eating blueberries
daring arousal to follow close behind orgasmic seeding of
brand new, steaming islands...a child playing on the shore:
and up amongst billions of stars in an island galaxy
a spirit brings one thought simultaneously to trillions of

on the 100,000 earth-like planets each bathed in oxygen as we are.
As the sounds and yellow sunlight of our own world
waft in through the open window to touch our naked bodies.....
we turn simultaneously again to each other's blueberries;

each one touching; each one probing for energy levels
or passionate welcome; or at the very least total acceptability
as Blueberry brilliance reflects to our eyes from specks of dust
floating in the air we breathe as if those specks are galaxies,
and comes the simultaneously thought to each
"Use me one more time if you really must".

Far out in space a microbe smiles as he breathes vaprous helium;
bacteria feast upon Blueberries and sulfur in trenches on the ocean's bottom;
I exhale my last hot pulse of ecstasy deep inside of you
as your hot fingertips in my shoulders warn me tersely
not to pull away too soon.

How could I pull away with your legs locked around my Blueberies me;
my arms turned to iron around your back?
This is the fantasy your red hair and British accent,
your face, voice and poem pricked into motion.

Dec. 12, 1997
Written two months after seeing the
red-haired woman at a poetry
reading in Irene's Pub; the woman
of course, being found later to be
married. Alas my heart, poor yonder
Yorick, craves Blueberries.