Antarctic Ice Shelf Vista (2009 Feb 15)

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Dr. Skeptic
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Re: Antarctic Ice Shelf Vista (2009 Feb 15)

Post by Dr. Skeptic » Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:21 pm

Maybe this information can be of use in legitimizing argument points, or, filtering out the irreverent.
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Re: Antarctic Ice Shelf Vista

Post by aristarchusinexile » Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:31 pm

jlfonz wrote:I watched a documentary about Antartica that turned into a global warming scare-a-thon at the end.

Scene** Pans and vistas of Antartica--go to a man in a powered (by a gasoline motor) inflatable. They introduce him as Dr. so and so (I cannot remember his name) as the most prominent scientist in the world as to the effects of global warming on Antartica-----wait till you hear this---- " I know there is evidence of the effects of global warming here in Antartica and I will keep looking until I find it" This would be funny if I wasn't paying his paycheck and fantastic government benefits and early retirement funds.

I have been visiting apod for years but have woefully forgotten that this site and it's employees (federal union members most likely) are my employees. Apod is a taxpayer owned website. It's employees (should read as OUR employees) paycheck is directly or indirectly affected by the amount of cash that can be extracted from our pockets (that is--those of us that pay taxes). Apod's employees has in the past kept kept their political POV (global warming is as political as it is religious) hidden until now. Is anyone at all suprised that an apod like this would appear so shortly after the recent election?

I was going through the recent soialism of America stimulus bill ( ) and came upon the following:

For an additional amount for `Procurement, Acquisition and Construction', $600,000,000, for accelerating satellite development and acquisition, acquiring climate sensors and climate modeling capacity, and establishing climate data records: Provided further, That not less than $140,000,000 shall be available for climate data modeling.

For an additional amount for `Science', $400,000,000, of which not less than $250,000,000 shall be solely for accelerating the development of the tier 1 set of Earth science climate research missions recommended by the National Academies Decadal Survey.

Yep--another 850 million dedicated to studying global warming on top of what was allready designated. I found this in just 2 pages of the stimulus bill. If you are a senior citizen or near it---you might want to read the sections on the socializing of health care. Soylent green is not far away. (For younger readers----watch the movie Soylent Green)

PS--you can expect much more of this type of propaganda in the future as our employees will not listen to us anymore---they have a new messiah.
What have you got against socialism?
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Re: Antarctic Ice Shelf Vista

Post by bystander » Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:43 pm

aristarchusinexile wrote:What have you got against socialism?
Idealistically, socialism may be fine. Pragmatically, it's a failure. Utopia does not exist.

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Re: Antarctic Ice Shelf Vista (2009 Feb 15)

Post by Qev » Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:06 pm

jlfonz wrote:---you might want to read the sections on the socializing of health care. Soylent green is not far away. (For younger readers----watch the movie Soylent Green)
I had no idea I was eating people, all this time, wow...
Don't just stand there, get that other dog!

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Re: Antarctic Ice Shelf Vista

Post by BMAONE23 » Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:13 pm

aristarchusinexile wrote:
jlfonz wrote: (snip)

Yep--another 850 million dedicated to studying global warming on top of what was allready designated. I found this in just 2 pages of the stimulus bill. If you are a senior citizen or near it---you might want to read the sections on the socializing of health care. Soylent green is not far away. (For younger readers----watch the movie Soylent Green)

What have you got against socialism?
What is wrong with trying to study global climate changes with the effort to understand their causes and effects? Wouldn't it be worth the effort to prove/disprove GW vs AGW?

If you wish to see the fails of Socialism you need look no further than Cuba, or Venezuela, Or China. Their countries have wealth which is strictly controlled by the Government of privilage while the Poor masses struggle to survive.
Q) about your healthcare....Is there anything that isn't provided by your government WRT healthcare benefits that is available in the US? i.e. Diagnostic tools or Medicines? Dental coverage? Vision coverage? Mental health coverage? Our country is discussing a "Single Payer" system similar to yours I am just curious what I will be loosing.

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Re: Antarctic Ice Shelf Vista

Post by aristarchusinexile » Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:08 pm

BMAONE23 wrote: @ari..
If you wish to see the fails of Socialism you need look no further than Cuba, or Venezuela, Or China. Their countries have wealth which is strictly controlled by the Government of privilage while the Poor masses struggle to survive.
Q) about your healthcare....Is there anything that isn't provided by your government WRT healthcare benefits that is available in the US? i.e. Diagnostic tools or Medicines? Dental coverage? Vision coverage? Mental health coverage? Our country is discussing a "Single Payer" system similar to yours I am just curious what I will be loosing.
Venezuela was (is?) donating heating oil to Americans too poor to afford it. Cuba, despite the terrible hardships of the U.S. embargo, has free education of the highest quality for all its citizens, an almost non-existant crime rate, and the population is probably healthier overall than the U.S., Canada, or Europe. China is lending money hand over fist to the U.S. government and will probably be the first to Mars. The economies of communities which became the United States were successful because of principles of helping individuals who could not help themselves, those less fortunate becoming enabled in independence and able to contribute to the economy of the community. I know of a small U.S. city where one year ago private industry provided free higher education for anyone born in that city (Kalamazoo, Michigan) but that is the rare exception. At one time I studied 'modern' U.S. history, politics and culture and thought it may have been utopian (e.e. cummings as an example). I realize the works of Carnegie and Gates. However, I see the present, post-modern era of unrestricted greed and its distinct and huge and rapidly growing slave class which has developed in the past few decades in Canada and the U.S. as a tragedy and betrayal of principles which were to guide both nations, and which is leading and/or has led to our downfall on every level whereas the socialist nations are rapidly taking the lead in most or all fields of human endeavour. However, someone notable once said, "My kingdom is not of this world..." But to answer your question, under socialized medicine you will lose your doctors and nurses to the 'developing' nations like China and India which have plenty of gold and silver and no restrictions on a doctor's income, in the same way Canada lost many of ours to the U.S.
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Global Climate Change: NASA's Eyes on Earth

Post by bystander » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:21 pm

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