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Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 12:06 pm
by rstevenson
You should read the FAQ on that site. They have ludicrously convoluted ways of "proving" that anything you can see on Earth, including what you might see if you travel entirely around the Earth near the equator, or the view from a very high-flying plane, can be explained in terms of the bending of light. As for views from space, well that's a conspiracy -- obviously! :cry:


Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 12:55 am
by Ann
Isn't it strange, though? This Flat Earth woman claimed to know that the Earth is flat because she had traveled from the United States to Australia by boat, and she had seen that it was flat. Seems to me that such a journey ought to take at least two weeks, and the woman would, of course, have to spend all of that time on the ocean. Doesn't the belief in a flat Earth require the idea that the Earth must have an edge? And isn't that edge supposed to be out at sea somewhere?

If you travel from the United States to Australia by boat, you'll get to see a lot of the Pacific Ocean. And because the Pacific is the largest of the world's oceans, chances are the edge would be somewhere in there, assuming there is an edge, of course.
Source: Wikipedia
The fact that the woman didn't see the edge of the world on her way from the United States to Australia, despite crossing the largest ocean and the "water hemisphere" of the world, should have impressed her more than the apparent flatness of the ocean.

In this picture of the "water hemisphere" you can see Australia and Antarctica. The United States is nowhere to be seen, as it is far off to the right, behind the curvature of the Earth. Ooops.

Maybe those Flat Earthers believe that the Earth is infinite? It has no edge because it is infinite? Wow. That sure makes you wonder where you'll end up if you keep going where your nose is pointing.


Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 5:34 am
by Beyond
Ann wrote:In this picture of the "water hemisphere" you can see Australia and Antarctica. The United States is nowhere to be seen, as it is far off to the right, behind the curvature of the Earth. Ooops.
Ann, your little 'flat' earth picture clearly shows that the earth is flat on both sides. All the Flat Earthers know this. Watching a ship sail over the horizon and disappear downwardly, just proves that the ocean level is irregular. So trying to get them to wake up and smell the roses, is like :bang: :yes:

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 12:24 pm
by rstevenson
Ann, you might want to go to their forum and discuss your refutation of their theories there. But first read their FAQ, since it answers your questions.

Incidentally, one of their theories requires that the Earth's "edge" is down in what we think of as the middle of Antarctica. That is, poke a hole in the middle of Antarctica, then stretch out the surface of the Earth until it's flat, a disk with Antarctica all around. But there are other competing flat Earth theories, none of which make the slightest sense, of course. Some of them even believe that Shakespeare didn't write ... ... . Er, no, never mind, best not to stir that pot.


Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 6:43 pm
by Ann
Well, you have to wonder what is below that flat Earth. Perhaps there are turtles all the way down!

Except it's a round Earth that rests on all those turtles! Image

Don't know what Baby Einstein is doing here - I just though he was cute! And maybe he likes turtles! Okay - he appears to be the avatar of a man called danycool93.


Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:57 pm
by Beyond
The Question is.... what is the bottom turtle standing on :?:

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 9:51 pm
by geckzilla
I think that Flat Earth Society is an amusing exercise to maintain a theory everyone knows is wrong as an example of how we can come up with contrived explanations to explain things we don't yet fully understand. Except, in this case, we know the theory is completely wrong. But if you compare it to current theories we aren't completely sure about yet, sometime in the future those theories might look something like flat earth theory. Probably not quite as absurd, though.

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 6:21 pm
by jessy27
I think a derp is 2 sizes down from a twerp or at least that's what my brother always told me.
Andorians are blue from all that blue andorian ale they drink, it taste's ok but leave's you
with a killer hangover. :lol2:

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 7:27 pm
Beyond wrote:The Question is.... what is the bottom turtle standing on :?:

That's an easy one

The bottom turtle is standing on the center of the universe

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 7:28 pm
jessy27 wrote:Ann,
I think a derp is 2 sizes down from a twerp or at least that's what my brother always told me.
Andorians are blue from all that blue andorian ale they drink, it taste's ok but leave's you
with a killer hangover. :lol2:
It also leaves you with a bad case of Klingons the next morning

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:15 pm
by Beyond
BMAONE23 wrote:
jessy27 wrote:Ann,
I think a derp is 2 sizes down from a twerp or at least that's what my brother always told me.
Andorians are blue from all that blue andorian ale they drink, it taste's ok but leave's you
with a killer hangover. :lol2:
It also leaves you with a bad case of Klingons the next morning
That's when you go Romulan about for a cure. :lol2: :lol2:

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 7:14 pm
Beyond wrote:
BMAONE23 wrote:
jessy27 wrote:Ann,
I think a derp is 2 sizes down from a twerp or at least that's what my brother always told me.
Andorians are blue from all that blue andorian ale they drink, it taste's ok but leave's you
with a killer hangover. :lol2:
It also leaves you with a bad case of Klingons the next morning
That's when you go Romulan about for a cure. :lol2: :lol2:
Now you shouldn'a oughta Gorn there

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:50 pm
by Beyond
HA-HA-HA, good one BAMONE23, but it's not exactly like i've Gorn somewhere where no-one's Gorn before.

The Stone Heads of Easter Island have Bodies!!!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 3:30 pm
by Beyond
The stone heads of Easter Island have bodies, and there is writing on some of them.

Stone Heads part-2

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 3:32 pm
by Beyond

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 4:58 pm
by Moonlady
Wow! To quote the title, I didn't know that! Beyond, do you know what is written on the statue? Why would they burry their statue after making such a big efford to make them?

Reminds me of the chinese terracotta army, which, in this case, was completely burried.

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 5:18 pm
by bystander

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:57 pm
by Moonlady
Thanks for the links bystander!

As the project's director Jo Anne Van Tilburg, Ph.D, writes:

"While many statues have individual petroglyphs, these and only one other statue—of over 1,000 we have documented—have multiple petroglyphs carved as a composition on their backs. Underlying these carvings is a complex symbol found on less than 100 statues. It is referred to by previous researchers as the "ring and girdle" design, and sometimes said to represent the "sun and rainbow."

So they were scientists, weather forecasters and 8-)

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:27 pm
by Beyond
Moonlady wrote:Wow! To quote the title, I didn't know that! Beyond, do you know what is written on the statue? Why would they burry their statue after making such a big efford to make them?

Reminds me of the chinese terracotta army, which, in this case, was completely burried.
I have no idea of what is written on the statues, except what is in bystanders posting of them. Speaking of which, i wish there was a way to wake him up earlier from his 'Apathetic Retiree' naps, so he could post what i post -BEFORE- i post it. Then i wouldn't have to put up with all the php stuff, and get better posts besides. :yes: :lol2:

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:09 pm
by bystander
Beyond, I didn't post what you did, but I find it amusing that people are amazed that the moai have bodies, when there are plenty of them with bodies above ground. I figured people might want to read about the images you posted, so I posted links to articles I found. :mrgreen:

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:22 pm
by Moonlady
Beyond wrote:I have no idea of what is written on the statues, except what is in bystanders posting of them. Speaking of which, i wish there was a way to wake him up earlier from his 'Apathetic Retiree' naps, so he could post what i post -BEFORE- i post it. Then i wouldn't have to put up with all the php stuff, and get better posts besides. :yes: :lol2:

You and Bystander should think of a telepathic link to regulate posts :!: :wink:

It is amazing that the heads have bodies! oh sounds so like Frankenstein-ish... :shock: :lol2:

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:26 am
by Beyond
When i first heard of the statues on Easter Island, some time last century, in the stone ages, nothing was said about any of them being buried up to about their necks. Now-a-days, everything is 'old' hat after 3-days or so. So thanks to your extra links, bystander, i'm out of the stone age, in knowing about the stones of Easter Island.

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:56 pm
by Moonlady
I didn't know that they are carnivors in Hawaii :shock: ...I will not go near them!!! ... erpillars/

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:00 pm
by geckzilla
Haha, I love them. Don't worry, Moonlady. You are not a fruit fly.

Re: I Didn't Know That

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:07 pm
by Moonlady
geckzilla wrote:Haha, I love them. Don't worry, Moonlady. You are not a fruit fly.

Today Drosophila Melanogaster...tomorrow mankind...who knows what happens when mutation let them grow to giant beasts :?
I can't stop watching it, it is like seeing something terrible and not able to look away!