Submissions: 2023 March

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by Joel17 » Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:52 am

ImageJupiter and Venus above Saint-Gatien cathedral by Joel Klinger, sur Flickr

Those last days at dusk, you may have noticed 2 very brillant points above the we horizon 30 minutes after the sunset. These points are Jupiter and Venus that just crossed on the first days of March! All that is only a matter of perspective: Jupiter is more than 860 millions km away (and going to pass behind the Sun, from a Earth point of view) while Venus is at nearly 200 millions km (and coming towards us after a pass behind the Sun).
On that picture made of 8 shots, the apparent paths of the two planets in the sky appear, here above the Saint-Gatien cathedral of Tours (France). You can notice they were at their closest points on the 1st and 2nd March. They keep on moving very fast in the sky and their distance is now already much greater than seen on this picture!

Nikon D610 + Sigma Contemporary 100-400mm
Jupiter/Venus: 7x 400mm, 1/15s, f/6,3, ISO1600
Saint-Gatien: 400mm, 1/50s, f/6,3, ISO1600

Annotated version
ImageJupiter and Venus above Saint-Gatien cathedral - With notes by Joel Klinger, sur Flickr

Victor Lima
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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by Victor Lima » Tue Mar 07, 2023 10:45 pm

CATEGORY: Panoramic Shot
SOCIAL IG: @victorlimaphoto
Panoramic photograph taken on the Stokksnes Peninsula, southeastern Iceland.
The Northern Lights form a perfect arc over Mount Vestrahorn and the beautiful black sand beach that meets the Atlantic Ocean in this region.
The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, can appear in a variety of colors. The colors are determined by the type of gaseous particles that collide with solar particles in the Earth's atmosphere. Here are some of the colors you might see in the Northern Lights:
Green: The most common color seen in the Northern Lights is green. This is caused by collisions between oxygen molecules and solar particles.
Pink: Pink or purple colors can sometimes be seen at the lower edge of the aurora. This is caused by a combination of nitrogen and oxygen molecules, and is less common than green.
Red: More intense red colors can occasionally be seen during intense auroral displays. This is caused by high altitude oxygen molecules and is rare.
Blue: Blue colors are less common in the Northern Lights and are caused by nitrogen molecules colliding with solar particles.
Yellow: Yellow colors are also less common and are caused by a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen molecules.
The colors of the Northern Lights can vary in intensity, brightness and hue depending on several factors, including the angle of solar particles, the altitude of the aurora and the density of the atmosphere.
2023/02/22 00:40:10h
Canon 6Da / Sigma 20mm f/1.4 Art
4x 4 sec / f:1.8 / ISO 4000

ImageVestrahorn by Victor Lima, no Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by Astrodude13 » Wed Mar 08, 2023 1:20 am

Sunset & Sunspots over the Australian outback

This sunset also shows the very active solar cycle and sun spots 3239-3248.

Technical Details:
Canon 600mm F/4L IS USM III
1/8000 sec

ImageSunset & Sunspots over the Australian outback by Blake Estes, on Flickr

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by WolfHeart » Wed Mar 08, 2023 7:30 am

Chicken & Mushroom Milky Way in White Desert

ImageChicken & Mushroom Milky Way in White Desert by Ahmed Waddah, on Flickr

Image is a composite of the iconic rock formation in the White Desert National Park known as Chicken & Mushroom or Mushroom and Chicken in Farafra Oasis in Egypt. The rock was imaged just before sunset and the sky was imaged later that night behind and beyond the Structure. Image was taken in May of 2022 but an unfortunate due to data loss and recovery process last year I was just able to reorganize and process my data.

28 May, 2022

Nikon Z6II - NikonZ14-24mm F2.8 S - Sky Watcher Star Adventurer 2i - 90" - ISO 2500 - f/2.8 @14mm
Nikon Z6II - NikonZ14-24mm F2.8 S - multiple HDR base exposure: ISO100 - f/8 - 1.6" @20mm


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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by rudi » Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:17 am

An abondance of minerals

When You look at or photograph our Moon, it has a dull greytone appearance. However, if a color photo has it's color levels stretched to the limits, red and blue areas show up. The blue colors originates from areas with an abondance of titanium oxide, red areas iron oxide and the other colors are areas with a mixture of the above and magnesium oxide, aluminum oxide, silicon dioxide, sodium oxide, calcium oxide and other minerals.

This photo was taken febuary 28 2023 from my backyard observatory in Svendborg, Denmark.
It was taken with a 10" f/5 homemade newtonian telescope and consists of 2600 L, R, G and B images, that has been stacked to impove the detail level.

Full resolution: ... .png?raw=1

Imaging Telescope: DIY 10" F/4.8 Newtonian
Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM Pro
Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6-Pro II
Filters: ZWO Blue 31 mm · ZWO Green 31 mm · ZWO Luminance 31 mm · ZWO Red 31 mm
Accessories: Sky-Watcher Quattro Coma Corrector
Software: Emil Kraaikamp AutoStakkert! · MSB Software Astroart · Torsten Edelmann FireCapture

Acquisition details:
Location: Backyard observatory, Svendborg, Denmark
Date: 28 Feb 2023
Time: 18:41
Frames: 2600
Exposure per frame: 1.58 ms
Resolution: 3164x2373

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by N_Rossetto » Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:55 pm

Cloud moon bow from ....... the International Space Station!

I am a long time atmospheric optics and astronomy amateur, as I look at the sky every day and almost every night. And when I can do both (astronomy and atmospheric optics searching), this brings even greater satisfaction.

Earlier last year, I remembered I made something with old ISS pictures that were available (I don't know if they still are) on the NASA website, as I used to collect them to make my own time-lapses, mostly for storms and auroras animations. And while reviewing one (is shared here ... Gnf45/view), I saw, with the fast movement of the station above Earth, something that could be a cloud bow, before reaching the water cloud less area (00:00:02 to 00:00:03), and indeed it was.
Enhancing the pictures with unsharp mask, then stacking while following the presumed center of the bow, it resulted in the picture shown below. I decided to submit it to the pool for APOD, as it is as Astronomy as Atmospheric optics picture (as other seen here with only the atmospheric attribute). To me, the beauty of the picture is not the goal, the goal is in the atmospheric optics with this location.
So i hope you will find it interesting too. ... 1037_o.jpg

Pictures I downloaded from NASA website are for the date of 7th September of 2011, and have been taken during a fly over Indian Ocean.
On the second part of the video, we can see the Orion star constellation rising from the Earth (top left), and giving the position of the supposed center of the bow, near Gemini star constellation, it was right at the opposite of the Moon, which was in Sagittarius star constellation at that time (hour, day, month, year). Here is a map from Stellarium, at the time of the picture, to render the approximate position of the bow and the star/Moon

With the Orion star constellation on the right, it is possible to evaluate the angle of the arc, with the supposed center of it, that can be estimated using tangents on the arc in two points. This is giving more or less 40°, with fit with a cloud bow then.
With the width of the arc, it could be possible to estimate the size of the droplets that mainly contributed to it.

There is the simulation with Stellarium Copyright: NASA (for source materials) and Nicolas Rossetto (for the processing part of it)
Time of the source materials: Septembre 7th, 2011
Location: Somewhere above Indian Ocean

Greetings from Jura, France.
N. Rossetto
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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by nazareno kurriger » Wed Mar 08, 2023 7:57 pm

full moon 05/02/2023
puente Rosario_Victoria, Argentina.

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by nadirt » Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:16 pm

Seagull nebula
Copyright: Nadir Teymurov
The picture was taken on February, 26'th 2023 from Xizi, Azerbaijan


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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by Carballada » Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:44 am


JellyFish Nebula (IC443) HST+rgb by Jose Carballada, on Flickr

This image is a result of a 65 hours of integration time using rgb and narrow band filters.

The Jellyfish Nebula (IC 443) is a supernova remnant located in the constellation Gemini.
It is situated about 5,000 light-years away from Earth and spans across an area of about 50 light-years in diameter.
The nebula got its name because of its tentacle-like structures, which resemble those of a jellyfish.
These structures are formed from the shockwaves created by the explosion of a massive star, which occurred about 30,000 years ago.
The explosion produced a blast wave that is still expanding outward, colliding with the surrounding interstellar gas and dust and creating the striking filamentary structure we see today.

The Jellyfish Nebula emits light across a broad range of wavelengths, from radio waves to X-rays.
The filaments of gas and dust are primarily made up of hydrogen, but also contain other elements such as oxygen and sulfur.
The nebula also contains a pulsar, a highly magnetized, rotating neutron star that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation.

Observations of the Jellyfish Nebula have provided important insights into the processes that shape and influence the interstellar medium. It is a popular target for astronomers studying supernova remnants and their interactions with the surrounding interstellar material.

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by the_astronomy_enthusiast » Thu Mar 09, 2023 2:44 pm

Reflection and emission in SH2-311: The skull and crossbones nebula by William Ostling, on Flickr

Starless version:
Starless Sh2-311 by William Ostling, on Flickr

Full write-up here:

Yet another image from telescope live. This was a super fun dataset to work with – even though the total integration time was only 6h 40min, the data was very clean and easy to play with. I decided to experiment with a way to separate broadband reflection and H-alpha emission using continuum subtraction only from LRGB data. Even though this method isn’t very “scientific,” it does an extremely good job of letting me enhance different parts of the nebulae. I haven’t seen many LRGB images of this area, so I wasn’t able to figure out if I should push the image more to reveal dust. If you move the slider in the image down below, you can see a starless image created by a neural network algorithm (starnet 2), which does a great job showing off the finer details.

This very colorful star-forming region seen in this new image of NGC 2467 taken from SSRO in Chile. Also known as the “Skull and Crossbones Nebula” is located in the constellation Puppis. Numerous stars and clusters come together to make this stunning stellar portrait.

One of the most notable clusters within NGC 2467, known as Haffner 18, houses around 50 stars—most are high-mass, but have already begun the transit into the celestial afterlife. They certainly help shape the pillars of gas and dust, but their role is negligible compared to that of HD 64315 located in the center of NGC 2467. This gargantuan star does most of the work. Its outbursts, ranging from flares, to coronal mass ejections and such, eject vast quantities of radiation into the nebular material, which has a carving effect. The dark splotches all around and in the nebula are Bok Globules. Within these regions, dust is packed together so tightly, light from embedded stars can’t break through.


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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by Galactic-Hunter » Thu Mar 09, 2023 4:44 pm

The Giant and the Mighty

61 hours of integration time in SHO on the massive Seagull Nebula and the much smaller Thor's Helmet Nebula. My favorite picture of all time as it really shows the difference in size between nebulae. Most of the data was taken from my Las Vegas backyard, for many different nights. Some of it (most of the OIII for example) was taken in Bortle 4 desert about 1 hour drive from my home. Taken with QHY600M and refractor telescope.

Antoine and Dalia Grelin

ImageThe Giant Vs. The Mighty - Seagull and Thor Nebulae

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by gambinoa » Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:18 pm

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by astrosama » Thu Mar 09, 2023 8:46 pm

Pharaonic Reflections (panorama of Winter milky Way above the temples )
ImagePharaonic Reflections (panorama of Winter milky Way above the temples ) by osama Fathi, on Flickr

Winter Milky way Panorama
from Eta Carinae and Gum Nebulae to the Heart and Soul nebula over Two ancient Egyptian Temples and one tomb
the reflections over the Nubian lake (Nasser's Lake ) in the southern part of Egypt

The Temple of Amada, the oldest Egyptian temple in Nubia, was first constructed by Pharaoh Thutmose III (Reign 1479 – 1425 BC). the temple of Derr, and the tomb of Pennut
As part of the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia, along with Abu Simbel, Philae and other Nubian archaeological sites, Amada was relocated in the 1960s and inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979.

I travelled more than 1300 kilometres (km) from Cairo to this position in the most southern portion of Egypt (South of Aswan), at latitude 22.7 N.To shoot this image at the Bortle 1 location.

November 2022

Nikon Z6 (Mod), Skywacher star adventurer tracker , Sigma 28-70 at 35 mm lens

Settings :
Sky (tracked stacked pano ): 24 photos( RGB 180 sec. ISO 1250, f3.5
24photos ( Ha: NBX dual filter 4*180 sec at ISO 4000, f3.5
foreground :9photos ( 10 sec, ISO 2000 , f3.5

Softwares:PTGui Pro, DSS, Adobe Photoshop 2022, Pixinsight , Astrotools, Topaz DN

Credit :
Osama Fathi /

Aswan , Egypt

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by tommasostella » Fri Mar 10, 2023 4:03 pm

The Skull and Crossbones Nebula (NGC 2467)
Copyright: Tommaso Stella
Site: Taranto (Italy)
Date: 15,16,18 February 2023

Tecnical data
Lights: 64x300s Ha 3nm + 98x300s OIII 3nm
Sky: SQM 20.50
Total exposure: 13.5 h
Telescope: Sky-Watcher Quattro 250P + GPU Coma corrector
Camera: QHY 294 Pro Mono
Filters: Optolong HO 3nm
Mount: Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 GT

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by Rafeee » Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:47 pm

Rosette Nebula through RGB and Ha-OIII filter
Copyright: Rafael Schmall

The Rosetta Nebula is a very spectacular object in the sky, which is difficult to view for the naked eye, but with the help of astrophotography, a very special sight is revealed to us.

Image Details:
Equipment: SW 200/800, ZWO ASI294MC-Pro, SW EQ6Goto
Filters: Antlia L Pro and Antlia Gold Dual
Exif data: 40x120sec RGB / 30 x 600sec Ha-OIII dualnarrowband, Gain120, f4
Processing: Lightroom, Photoshop

Location: Hungary, Zselic Starry Sky Park, Zselic Park of Stars


Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by astrowalker535 » Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:05 pm

The Orion-Eridanus superbubble is an immense, nearby nebulous region spanning some 1,200 lightyears across.
Hundreds of popular nebulae are visible in this 440-panel section of the MDW Sky Survey (, but most interesting to us is the immense network of hydrogen filaments that interlace this vast region of the sky that we first targeted back in 2009 (

The area also demonstrates the perspective where the Orion and Eridanus nebulosity (center and right) are closer to our solar system than the main axis of the Milky Way as it cuts across the left side of the field. ... -B7pC0fABQ

Be sure to click the arrows at the top left of the screen to show the image full screen, or download an 8,000 x 6,000 pixel jpeg.

Sean Walker, Dennis di Cicco, & David Mittelman,

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by rkas12 » Sat Mar 11, 2023 4:35 pm

Flickr: ... ed-public/

NGC 300 and all its glory. Usually, I wouldn't describe myself as an astrophotographer who like taking lots of pictures of Galaxies. I am more of a "Nebulae" type. Nevertheless, my path met with this beautiful galaxy. I almost fall in love.

In short, this beautiful galaxy spans nearly the same amount of sky as the full moon. Astronomers from the ground may see it even through a small telescope - like a little snowflake. As many other galaxies, it shows typical flowing blue spiral arms, a compact nuclears, stars, and nebulae.

Credit : Aygen Erkaslan - @ae_astrophotography
Date : Telescope Live
Telescope : Planewave 24"
Filters : Typical LRGB combination
Integration time : 12H

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by jlndfr » Sun Mar 12, 2023 8:02 am

IFN bath (M81 / M82)

Located in the constellation Ursa Major, the galaxies M81 and M82 are about 12 million light-years away from us. The galaxies are on the same plane, only about 120,000 light-years apart (M81 has a diameter of 87,000 light-years).They are part of the Virgo Supercluster.

M81 and M82 are spiral galaxies. It's difficult to realize with M82 because we observe it almost edge-on (at 80 degrees) and the galaxy is very bright.

M81 and M82 are gravitationally interacting. The resulting tidal forces deform M82 and cause violent stellar activity. The star formation rate is 10 times higher than normal. The powerful bipolar jets of matter (1000 km/sec) are thought to be maintained by supernova explosions (4 have already been observed). M82 is a starburst galaxy.

The IFN (Integrated Flux Nebula) present in the image are not part of the same local group, but rather belong to our Milky Way.

The acquisitions were made over several sessions and several sites.
The Ha & Oiii were captured from my Bortle 7 backyard with a strong presence of the moon.
The color and luminance layers were made under a darker sky, in Bortle zone 3 & 4.

L - 374x120''
RGB - 3x 79 x 120'' + 3 x (30 x 10'')
Ha - 267 x 300''
Oiii - 46 x 300''
Total integration 46h42

Takahashi Epsilon 160ED
Ioptron GEM45
ZWO ASI 2600MM-Pro
Baader Filters

Full-version :

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by GeorgeSinanis » Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:03 am

A long anticipated desire - to image the Rosette in SHO.

The subs were taken over 4 nights and in a period of 2 months (weather has been really bad), using the Redcat51 + ASI1600MM + ZWO SHO 36mm filters, on a ZWO AM5 mount. Imaged from our backyard in Northampton, UK - bottle 5/6.

Integrated & processed in Pixinsight.

30 x 300sec (Ha)
22 x 300sec (OIII)
20 x 300sec (SII)
50 x dark, flats and bias
Rosette Nebula
Rosette Nebula

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by the_astronomy_enthusiast » Sun Mar 12, 2023 5:22 pm

Dust and starbirth in Perseus: NGC 1333 and IC 348 by William Ostling, on Flickr

Full write-up here: ... nd-ic-348/

This is another image from telescope live – a widefield of the Perseus region, including IC 328 and NGC 1333. It was a pretty tough dataset to work with, as there were a ton of gradients that were hard to get rid of. I decided to try SPCC in pixinsight on this dataset, and it seems to work pretty well. I couldn’t notice a really significant different between PCC and SPCC, but SPCC seems to work faster for me.

IC 348 is a star-forming region in the constellation Perseus located about 315 parsecs from the Sun. It consists of nebulosity and an associated 2-million-year-old cluster of roughly 400 stars within an angular diameter of 20″. The most massive stars in the cluster are the binary star system BD+31°643, which has a combined spectral class of B5. Based upon infrared observations using the Spitzer Space Telescope, about half of the stars in the cluster have a circumstellar disk, of which 60% are thick or primordial disks.

The age of this cluster has allowed three low mass brown dwarfs to be discovered. These objects lose heat as they age, so they are more readily discovered while they are still young.

NGC 1333 is a reflection nebula located in the northern constellation Perseus, positioned next to the southern constellation border with Taurus and Aries. It was first discovered by German astronomer Eduard Schönfeld in 1855. The nebula is visible as a hazy patch in a small telescope, while a larger aperture will show a pair of dark nebulae designated Barnard 1 and Barnard 2. It is associated with a dark cloud L1450 (Barnard 205). Estimates of the distance to this nebula range from 980–1,140 ly (300–350 pc).

This nebula is in the western part of the Perseus molecular cloud and is a young region of very active star formation, being one of the best-studied objects of its type. It contains a fairly typical hierarchy of star clusters that are still embedded in the molecular cloud in which they formed, which are split into two main sub-groups to the north and south. Most of the infrared emission is happening in the southern part of the nebula. A significant portion of the stars seen in the infrared are in the pre-main sequence stage of their evolution.


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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by vitozilla » Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:24 am

Solar Spider
Copyright: Kevin Rasso The Sun has been amazing this year! This was the view from my back porch on 3/11/2023.

The features surrounding sunspot 3245 reminded me of a spider, or starfish writhing across the surface!

Also to the right of this sunspot, large plages and filaments can be seen. This is just before the large dark plasma eruption yesterday. You can almost sense the immense energy waiting to escape. has a video that shows the eruption...amazing!

Stellarvue SVX140T with Daystar Filters Quark Chromosphere and Player One Astronomy Apollo-M Max.
Processed with Autostakkert 3.14, PixInsight, and PSCS6.

Clear skies...and days!

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by perezfotografia » Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:41 pm

"Reflected Dreams"

At 4,150 meters above sea level, lays a particular meadow with one of the most beautiful lagoons I have ever seen. Carhuacocha lagoon in Peru is a marvellous lagoon where you can witness some of the highest peaks in the country, such as Yerupajá (6.635 masl), Siula (6.344 masl) or Jirishanca (6.125 masl).

Copyright/Credit: Álvaro Pérez Alonso



HD: ... D.jpg?dl=0


Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by ljamet » Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:50 pm

A mosaic of September 2022's lunar last quarter

ImageHi-def lunar last quarter, 2022-09-18 by Luc Jamet, on Flickr

The picture is made of 122 tiles acquired in the morning of 2022-09-18. The Moon had passed its last quarter phase a few hours earlier. More details are available on the Flickr page, if needed. Please note I also submitted the image by e-mail, as I did not quite know which way was more suitable.

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Re: Submissions: 2023 March

Post by isultan » Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:16 pm

The crescent moon with the Da Vinci Glow

The full resolution image is available here on my website.

I combined photos at two different exposures (taken in the early morning of August 22, 2022 from Des Plaines, Illinois) to create this "HDR" image of the crescent moon. The unlit side of the moon is being illuminated by sunlight reflected from the Earth, an effect called Earthshine or the Da Vinci Glow-- the latter because Leonardo Da Vinci amazingly explained it half a millennium ago.[img3][/img3]

Orion Skyquest XT8 8 inch Dobsonian
Nikon 1 J1 camera

lit exposure is 1/125 sec at ISO 100; unlit exposure is a two panel mosaic at 1 sec ISO 400

Copyright: Imran Sultan

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Post by alcarreño » Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:20 pm

Copyright: Raul Villaverde Fraile
ImageEl Arbol by R Villaverde, en Flickr

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